Chelmos, Erimanthos, Mainalo: A Greek Butterflies Trip

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Day 8 (continued)

Post by DaveF »

Day-list total: 8 species (1 lifer).

Trip-list additions:
65. Small White

Nothing particular bird-wise to report for today, though I did see some Spanish Sparrows.
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Day 9, 6th July

Post by DaveF »

During my day off, as it were, I decided to spend my penultimate full day back exploring Mainalo, before a last scouring of Chelmos.

Before breakfast I headed down to the Kerpini Junction track this time, but sadly saw nothing (though I did hear a Cetti’s Warbler). Thankfully, this didn’t turn out to be an omen for one of, if not the best, day of the whole trip.

I stopped briefly at Taverna Kastro and another little meadow area nearby just by the turn off to the Chelmos Ski Centre…
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Day 9 (continued)

Post by DaveF »

Taverna Kastro 1021m & Stop at 1225m 09:00–09:50
Here I saw:
BMW, Common Blue, Clouded Yellow, Orbed Red Underwing Skipper, Painted Lady •, and Escher’s Blue, as well as a Peloponnesian Wall Lizard and a crazy & cool cricket which I’ve IDed as a female Eupholidoptera chabrieri • [but is in fact megastyla - see below]. Also, got one or two shots of the Crag Martins • nesting in the eaves here.

En route to Vytina I was the usual range of road-side species:
Great Banded Grayling, Scarce Swallowtail, Large White, plus a Silver-washed Fritillary.

Then I started to make the stops up the road to the top of Mainalo itself….
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Re: Chelmos, Erimanthos, Mainalo: A Greek Butterflies Trip

Post by Mikhail »

Hello Dave.

I am enjoying your trip report, which brings back memories of my visit to the same area back in June 1986. I am a little puzzled that you do not seem to be seeing the Greek Clouded Yellow at the Xerokambos site. As an enthusiast for orthoptera I 'd like to comment on your Eupholidoptera. Willemse's Catalogue of the Orthoptera of Greece lists 15 species of Eupholidoptera for Greece, with chabrieri being confined to the north-west of the country. Your specimen is most likely E. megastyla, and certainly it looks exactly like a specimen of that species I photographed at Delphi in 1981.

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Re: Chelmos, Erimanthos, Mainalo: A Greek Butterflies Trip

Post by DaveF »

Mikhail wrote:Hello Dave.

I am enjoying your trip report, which brings back memories of my visit to the same area back in June 1986. I am a little puzzled that you do not seem to be seeing the Greek Clouded Yellow at the Xerokambos site. As an enthusiast for orthoptera I 'd like to comment on your Eupholidoptera. Willemse's Catalogue of the Orthoptera of Greece lists 15 species of Eupholidoptera for Greece, with chabrieri being confined to the north-west of the country. Your specimen is most likely E. megastyla, and certainly it looks exactly like a specimen of that species I photographed at Delphi in 1981.

Many thanks indeed for this. I bow to your clearly superior knowledge of Orthoptera!
And re. Greek Clouded Yellows, it's entirely possible! I'll rummage through my photos to see what I can find - I tended to assume Clouded Yellow unless I was clear there was something different.
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Re: Chelmos, Erimanthos, Mainalo: A Greek Butterflies Trip

Post by DaveF »

Re. Clouded Yellows, it seems I have very few photos. These BFs in particular seem to have been particularly unwilling to pose for photos, esp. in the sun.
Anyway, here are a couple of shots of the same individual; I've assumed that this is standard Clouded Yellow, but it was taken on the Xerokambos at 1600m.
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Re: Chelmos, Erimanthos, Mainalo: A Greek Butterflies Trip

Post by Mikhail »

That is indeed the ordinary Clouded Yellow. I attach a shot of the Greek Clouded Yellow from 1986 in which you can see that the discal spot on the forewing underside has a yellow centre. The males are also quite distinctive in flight , appearing darker than crocea beause of the purplish sheen.

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Re: Chelmos, Erimanthos, Mainalo: A Greek Butterflies Trip

Post by DaveF »

Thanks again,
No, didn't see one on Chelmos - perhaps just too late in the season.
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Day 9 (continued)

Post by DaveF »


The first of these stops up Mainalo was very productive. I was first attracted by a group of large Fritillaries nectaring on some thistles, but then also noticed more flowers and butterflies lower down the bank into the trees.

Mainalo 1153m, 11.05–11.40
In this little spot by the road I saw the following:
Scarce Swallowtail (2 or 3), 1 graceful Southern White Admiral drifting past (sadly no photos!), Great Banded Grayling, BMW, Meadow Brown, Chapman’s Blue, Large Skipper, Silver-washed Fritillary, Cardinal (2 or 3) •, Niobe Fritillary (4), Large White, Grecian Copper, Brimstone, Small Skipper, Meleager’s Blue, Small Copper, Clouded Yellow, Swallowtail •, and a single High Brown Fritillary (f. cleodoxa) •

Clearly it was going to be a day for good numbers of large Fritillaries!




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Day 9 (continued)

Post by DaveF »


After this, I relocated the meadow area at just over 1420m, and stopped here for just over an hour.

Mainalo, 1421m
During this stop I saw the following:
Chapman’s Blue, Silver-washed Fritillary, Meleager’s Blue, Ilex Hairstreak, Small Copper, Mountain Small White, Green-veined White, Large White, Dark Green Fritillary •, Large Skipper, Brown Argus, Clouded Yellow, Camberwell Beauty – one of these majestic insects flew past at a rate of knots, but sadly my attempt to chase it down the road for any photos failed spectacularly! (shame since I’d only seen one once before, on a Naturetrek holiday in Sweden), Meadow Brown, Scarce Swallowtail, Niobe Fritillary, Queen of Spain Fritillary, Grecian Copper, Comma, Lang’s Short-tailed Blue • (super to see this!), Dusky Meadow Brown, Large Wall Brown

I then headed off to Lakkes Rouchi for some lunch and further exploration…
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Day 9 (continued)

Post by DaveF »


Lakkes Rouchi 1440m, 13:05–14.50
Here I saw the following:
Silver-washed Fritillary, Large White, Chapman’s Blue, Grecian Copper, Olive Skipper, Meleager’s Blue, Turquoise Blue, Small Copper, Eastern Bath White, Brown Argus, Painted Lady, Cardinal, Scarce Swallowtail, Lesser Fiery Copper, Small White, Brimstone, Essex Skipper •, Grecian Anomalous Blue, Silver-studded Blue, Oberthür’s Grizzled Skipper • (thanks to Guy Padfield for the ID on this one!)

After this, I headed up to the Ski Centre and the lower parking area as on my previous visit...
Last edited by DaveF on Fri Jul 20, 2012 7:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Day 9 (continued)

Post by DaveF »


Mainalo Ski-Centre lower parking area, 1511m, 15:00-15:30
Here I saw the following:
Brimstone, Meleager’s Blue, Zephyr Blue (heavily worn female) •, Chapman’s Blue, Small Copper, Grecian Copper, Brown Argus, Lesser Fiery Copper, Painted Lady, Sooty Copper – nice to see more of these, Clouded Yellow, Common Blue

Then back down to the super meadow area at 1420m...
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Day 9 (continued)

Post by DaveF »


Mainalo, 1421m, 15:45–16.15 •
Here I added some topside shots of male Chapman’s Blue • showing the distinctive androconial patches, another Sooty Copper •, and a cool find in the form of a Mediterranean Skipper •

After these successes, I drove back down through the trees, passing a large set of elder bushes in flower, which was attracting the largest group of Fritillaries I’ve ever seen: a mixed group of maybe 50 or more Silver-washed, Cardinal, and Niobe Fritillaries. A great end to a super day.

I arrived back in Kalavryta late afternoon, having passed numerous Scarce Swallowtails along the way.

The first shot is of one of those clumps of Salvia being patronized by a variety of Lycaenidae.
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Day 9 (continued)

Post by DaveF »

Day-list total: 46 species (6 lifers). So many highlights today!

Trip-list additions:
69. Camberwell Beauty
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Re: Day 9 (continued)

Post by David M »

DaveF wrote:...and a cool find in the form of a Mediterranean Skipper
Excellent find. That's the first 'live' image I've seen of this butterfly on here.
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Re: Day 9 (continued)

Post by DaveF »

David M wrote:
DaveF wrote:...and a cool find in the form of a Mediterranean Skipper
Excellent find. That's the first 'live' image I've seen of this butterfly on here.
Thanks, yes, very pleasing. :D :D
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Day 10, 7th July

Post by DaveF »

So today was my last chance to search Chelmos for new species missing from my list.

Though I figured my chances were slim, I was looking for any or all of Chelmos Blue, Odd-spot Blue, and Fiery Copper. Sadly I saw none of these, but I guess that without very specific location information (which I didn’t have), I was unlikely to find Chelmos Blue.

I was perhaps unlucky not to find Odd-Spot Blue since I seemed to have been at the right time and right altitude and was pretty sure I found some clumps of the larval host-plant Acantholimon androsaceum it shares with Fiery Copper; no luck with the latter either, though it seems to emerge later in July and into August.

This is one of those instances were a larger group, rather than one person(!), might have had more luck. All of these species are reported to have suffered quite badly in years past from unscrupulous collecting :evil: :evil:, so chances are they’re pretty hard to find even with very specific info.

Never mind, this just means I’ll have to come again! And anyway, I did get some good sightings today.
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Day 10 (continued)

Post by DaveF »

Agia Lavra 950m

I started off with a final visit to Agia Lavra pre-breakfast, where I saw Common Blue, Meadow Brown, BMW, and Great Banded Grayling. No Hairstreaks today again: almost certainly confirming the lateness of my visit for any more species.

Also saw a Middle Spotted Woodpecker, and heard a calling Nuthatch.

Then off up the mountain after breakfast. First stop at Taverna Kastro.

Taverna Kastro 1021m, 09:10–09.35

On this visit had a wider search of the area, and discovered a large mass of flowering brambles down the slope behind the restaurant. Though I only had binocular views of the butterflies here, my list for this visit was longer than usual as a result, and I saw some species here that I hadn’t seen since earlier in the week, or not otherwise on Chelmos.

These were:
BMW, Lattice Brown (3 seen) •, Clouded Yellow, Scarce Swallowtail, Long-tailed Blue (3), Ripart’s Anomalous Blue, Ilex Hairstreak, Escher’s Blue, Silver-washed Fritillary, Large White. Not a bad start to the day, then.

Also had good views of 3 Peloponnese Wall Lizards (two males and a female) •

Then on to the usual stop at 1446m…
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Day 10 (continued)

Post by DaveF »


Mt. Chelmos 1446m, 09:50–10:40
Here I saw:
BMW, Scarce Swallowtail, Queen of Spain Fritillary, Large White, Brown Argus, Silver-studded Blue, Grecian Anomalous Blue, Chapman’s Blue, Brimstone, Great Banded Grayling, Mountain Argus

I also managed to locate a Serin in the trees, my first actual view.

I then took in a stop of the main road where I spotted an open water trough; horses were in this open area on my return so I didn’t revisit it, but it could have been interesting to have explored more extensively earlier.

Mt. Chelmos Xerokambos 1608m
Here there were:
BMW, Large White, Silver-washed Fritillary, Great Banded Grayling, Dark Green Fritillary, Scarce Swallowtail, Silver-studded Blue, Painted Lady, Meadow Brown

Also Northern Wheatears, Linnets, Red-backed Shrikes, and the sound of Corn Buntings.
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Day 10 (continued)

Post by DaveF »


Moving on up the tarmac across the Xerokambos, I headed back to the rocky outcrop area with the ‘bandstand’ at 1567m, the location I first visited back on Day 2, again looking for Chelmos Blues.

?Chelmos Blue Location, Mt Chelmos 1567m, 11:40–12.40
Here I saw the following:
BMW, Clouded Yellow, Scarce Swallowtail, Grecian Anomalous Blue, Swallowtail, Silver-washed Fritillary, Queen of Spain Fritillary, Ilex Hairstreak, Painted Lady, Essex Skipper

Birds were good today, especially here:
Around the crags and bushes amid the rocks I was Lesser Kestrel, Goldfinch, Black Redstart, Stonechat, and Rock Bunting – the latter is a very smart bird indeed, with a stripy grey and black head and red-brown body; I’d only had one fleeting view of this species before, in Delphi several years back, so was glad of a better view.

Moving on, I went back to the Ski Centre and went up to the favoured gully area for lunch and further exploring…
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