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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Neil I know I just need to be a little more patient but as David M is finding it feels like the world and his wife are seeing Green Harstreak! :mrgreen:
Cheers Nick and Pauline your comments are much appreciated :D

Having had my fill of butterflies on Saturday yesterday was time to spend with the family. We decided to make the most of the sunshine and spent the afternoon at Kingston Lacy a National Trust estate near Wimborne, Dorset. As always though I took my camera just in case...
After a brief walk across manicured lawns and heavily weeded flower beds we found ourselves walking along a Lime tree avenue with Wild Garlic and Bluebells lining the path. The dappled sunshine dripped through the leaves and played across the wings of one or two butterflies. A Brimstone stayed out of reach and a pair of Speckled Wood spiralled and fought. There was a small patch slightly more sun drenched than other areas and this turned into a real hotspot with 3 species of bee, a few different types of small wasp and a passing Large White, Brimstone, pair of Speckled Wood and a male Orange-tip which was seemed more interested in refuelling despite the great weather when I thought he’d be off patrolling.
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We followed the woodland path round and while the girls investigated some bivvies I saw a Red Admiral and another Large White. The wood opened up into a grassed area with flowers along the banks – mainly Wild Garlic. Also here were a number of wire cages with trees and shrubs in. One or two of the trees had been cleared but the bases were still cleared of vegetation and served as perfect basking sites for 2 Peacocks and a Comma. Each had their own little private basking area but occasionally one of the Peacocks would try and force the Comma off of it’s site. It would take to the air and a spiral dogfight would ensue the victor of which was always the tenacious Comma. At one point it took on both Peacocks and a male Orange-tip which had inadvertently strayed in range, and still came out on top, landing and taking a breather but always with one eye open!
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The great thing about this little part of the grounds was that I could just sit back and enjoy the behaviour unfolding before me, while the girls were more than content to run around the long grass maze and play “Cafes” in the Pacific Island hut.
As we headed on hopping along the log stepping stones a Holly Blue fluttered by and a pair of Green Veined Whites rested fitfully – just long enough for me to get a photo and notice that it only had one antennae – I wonder what inconvenience this would cause it?
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In the Japanese Garden a Brimstone bombed past and while the girls ate their tea on the lawn a Peacock basked just out of reach in the flower beds. A relaxing end to a relaxing afternoon of butterflies, not bad for not even trying!
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

LOL! I love watching Peacocks fight Commas. These two species simply do NOT get on.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Having passed by various “entrances” to the Salisbury Plain Training Area on my way to and from work for the last 9 years just recently I’ve actually decided to check the area out. Hopefully I’ll be able to find one or two sites that can fall into my “way home” category. These are sites which I can call in at, spend 20-25 minutes photographing butterflies and be home before my wife is any the wiser!
This part was a road with banks on either-side and plenty of Hawthorn bushes. I saw these and immediately thought “Green Hairstreak” so I checked all prominent branches, stood back and looked for the flash of green and repeated this all the way up the hill! No luck and not even a single butterfly of any species. So I turned round and disheartened started to walk back to the car.
As I did a Small White hove into view on a patrol flight but what interested me more was that it spooked something orangey...on closer investigation it was my first Wall of the year. :D
However it was very flighty and so I thought that this would be my only shot. Again I headed down the hill, invigorated and now checking the shrubs with much greater diligence for those pesky Green jobbies. When I was almost back at the car the Wall showed again and this time I managed to get close enough for a few closer shots before it was off and away. I’d forgotten how skittish this species is – you have to stalk it very carefully and if you want to get any photos start clicking early and while still approaching!
Once home and with the kids in bed I checked out Five Rivers as it still felt reasonably warm. However despite checking every shrub again still no Green Hairstreak. Where am I going wrong? Oh well here’s hoping that the leg work I’ve done recently will be repaid at the weekend...if anyone knows any great sites for Greestreaks near Salisbury don't keep them to yourselves. :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Philzoid »

Great photos of the Wall there Wurzel! Wished I could've got near enough for an open wing shot :mrgreen:

Cannot understand why you haven't seen the Green Hairstreak yet :? ... you've visited everywhere and seen just about everythng else that's on the go now :lol:

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers Philzoid :D

I reckon the Green Hairstreaks see me coming and hide! One more try this wekend at a place called Middleton Down (got my flask ready, lucky hat ready, I'll have a look and then "give up" etc etc all the usual techniques) so here's hoping?

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by essexbuzzard »

Hi Wurzel,i'm having trouble with Greenstreaks as well. Saw one at Mill Hill mid April-nothing since! Have they stoped emerging? It's been colder and duller than Christmas so far this May in East Anglia.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Alright Essexbuzzard? I can't work out why I'm strugling to find them but I have had one or two ideas...

I could be going to places where they aren't found anyway...

Even though I'm looking at the right sites I'm looking in the wrong places

I've missed them - they all emerged in March/April and got on with it while the sun shone

They've given up on 2012 and have done an Orange-tip and will wait until 2013

Whilst I hate Anthropomorphizing I personally believe now that they see me coming and hide just to annoy me! Good luck with them where you are - I'm having one more try and then giving up (perhaps that's what they're waiting for and then they'll be everywhere that I go! :wink: )

Have a goodun

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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Wurzel, don't despair. First find a site (use this forum's species distribution guide to help you) and once you're there, head for the most sheltered spot where there are scrubby bushes and trees growing. I personally carry a 'Hairstreak stick' with which I beat likely looking bushes to temporarily cause all resting insects to take flight. If you DO disturb a Green Hairstreak, just sit tight as they will come back to the same area as it represents their 'lek', and they will be determined to control it at all costs.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Cheers David I'm trying tomorrow at Middleton Down (the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust assure me that Greenstreaks are there!) and if I still don't have any luck then I'll try Martin Down again. I like the idea of a beating stick I'll give that a go! Let's just hope that I don't knock any trees down in frustration! :wink: It looks like the weather is improving over the next week so there may be a few more opportunities for me to find them.

While the weather hasn't been brill this week it's given me a chance to look through some of my other photos of non-butterflies.

First up is a Bibio species taken at Bentley Wood. Unlike marci, pomanae females have red legs. There is also another species that can be found in gardens in which the female has a red body but I've yet to see that.
Bibio pomanae 2.JPG
Then there was this pair that were at the top of the garden, Large Red Damselfly. I didn't realise at first that I had both a male and a female visiting my garden. The male has much more red on the tail than the female.
Large Red Damselfly - Ceriagrion tenellum male.JPG
Wheras the female has a greater number of dark bands from the tip of the tail up the abdomen.
Large Red Damselfly - Ceriagrion tenellum female 1.JPG
Large Red Damselfly - Ceriagrion tenellum female 2.JPG
Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Rosalyn »

Phil and I have found that Green Hairstreaks are a morning butterfly. Best to look around 10 am when they are likely to be flying. Good luck

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Padfield »

Just for the record, and much as I respect many of David's ideas, I don't like the concept of a beating stick at all! It dislodges larvae as well as adults and breaks the first rule of the naturalist, that he should endeavour to observe without interfering. If the green hairstreaks aren't on show, too bad. No hard feelings David - but I don't like that onel!


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Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Fair play, Guy, but don't get the idea that I'm belting the living daylights out of the shrubs. Far from it, one moderate tap is sufficient.

If it's good enough for Jeremy Thomas, it's good enough for me.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Today I visited a new reserve Middleton Down near Broadchalke. In fact I almost visited the site many years ago before it was a reserve as one of my Grandads had a rabbiting contract, so when I stayed in the village we’d visit a nearby coombe twice a day to collect bunnies and reset the snares.
Today my target species was Green Hairstreak but I didn’t take the advice of Jeremy Thomas and knock the shrubs – in fact the only thing that got beaten was my car as I drove up the rutted track which was in fact a bridleway! :oops:
As I wandered round this first part I saw only two butterflies – a Brimstone and a lone and battered Grizzlie which I thought was a poor return for all the hiking up and down down! :(
Still I moved on to another part of the reserve – Rats Bottom I believe it is called and as I pulled up on the verge a Large White and male Orange-tip patrolled and the sun came out! Heartened by this I set off down the oath cheerily waving at the Aparist that was packing up his smoke cans. I should have paid more attention to that because as I entered the reserve I noticed 12 Hives. Then I heard the buzzing and a bee kept flying in closer and closer until I had to try swatting and then running before it finally stung me. I did feel sorry for it for a fraction of a second until the pain started and I remembered reading somewhere that the sting sends out a pheromone so other angry bees could be along soon. I quickly headed off down the hill!
As I did I was stunned by the beauty of the place. The rolling downs and wildflowers in profusion amongst the grasses and the best was yet to come – in three hours I was the only one there!
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Having recovered from being stung by bees and beauty I carried further on down the down. A Brimstone went by and I saw at least 4 Dingy’s, a couple of Grizzlies as well as my first Common Blue of 2012 looking pristine.
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At the end of the field the reserve became fringed with Hawthorns and scrub instead of Oaks so I reverted to looking for Greenstreaks. I’m pretty sure that I saw one but it landed too far back in the scrub to relocate and my time was running out. I did however manage to get my second first of the day with a couple of Small Heath.
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In the end I did get a photo of a Greenstreak...
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:lol: :roll:
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...and probably because of that poor attempt at humour I got stung a second time as I ran the gauntlet past the hives on my return to the car! Still it’s a cracking little reserve and with the good weather looking like it will make a comeback I’m sure I’ll be back – and perhaps I’ll even get a proper shot of a green streak! :wink:

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

You are truly suffering in your pursuit of this butterfly, Wurzel. I think we'll all be delighted when you finally find one.

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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

I'm working on the basis of Karma and also what my PE teacher used to tell me "you only get out what you put in" now David - and after the leg work, new sites, disappointments and bee stings not only am I due one but it'll need to be mating and both partners will have their wings wide open to balance things out! :lol: I might give up and start looking for Small Pearls now, or Marsh Fritillary...

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

If you choose Hod Hill for Marsh Fritillary, you'll surely find Green Hairstreaks there too... Unless the weather has messed everything up completely.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

I'll try that - any idea which side of the hill is best to look for them?

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by millerd »

As I recall, the western and southwestern side.


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Re: Wurzel

Post by Wurzel »

Brill cheers for the info - I might give it go in the next week or two asit's getting time for the Marsh Frits!

Have a goodun


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Re: Wurzel

Post by David M »

Indeed. I'm surprised no-one's reported Marsh Fritillaries yet. Give it two or three days and I'm sure the first sightings will be made.

In terms of habitat, I'd say GHs and MFs are practically bedfellows. Damp, scrubby areas and all that.

Wurzel, I've a feeling you're going to break your duck within a week! :)

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