ukb personalities

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Jack Harrison
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ukb personalities

Post by Jack Harrison »

Over the years, I have met in person many from ukb including some new faces this last weekend.

Of course we all share the common interest in butterflies. But we have something else in common: every single man and woman I have met through ukb is a real personality. They come from diverse backgrounds, have very different professions. Without exception, everyone is interesting and has a great deal to offer.

ukbutteflies really is a truly marvellous community.

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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Padfield »

You're becoming a big softie in your old age, Jack! :wink:

Even though I've met very few UK Butters face-to-face I do agree with you. It's a great (virtual) community.

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Jack Harrison
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Jack Harrison »

I've yet to meet you in person Guy. I have always presumed that you are a serious old sod :lol:

I have to say that having got to know other people online, in the flesh they have always turned out exactly as I had anticipated.

So you are a serious old beggar (well, grumpy middle-aged) aren't you Guy? :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Padfield »

It's not for me to judge, Jack... :wink:

I suspect your description is quite mild compared with what my students call me.

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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Reverdin »

Jack... just to further enlighten you... having met Guy on more than one occasion, he is of the sort one virtually never finds... deeply intelligent, thoughtful and inciteful but with the ability to be most humbly self depreciating. I am ever envious of his moral fortitude and seeming deep satisfaction with his place in humanity and path through life. He also has a sophisticated sense of humour and, as a number of us have found, is just good fun to be ( and get p*ssed) around!... right Guy, sorry if that came across as sycophantic and excruciatingly embarassing...but needs to be said :wink:

and Jack... hope we meet up again sometime over a Black Hairstreak or Purple Emperor, and a pint at the Chequered Skipper :P

oh.. and I agree.... never met a UKB'er who isn't a bloody good chap ( never met any of the chapesses yet!!)
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Jack Harrison
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Jack Harrison »

I think Guy took the p*ss take in the way it was intended.

And yes, we ought to have a lunchtime in the "Chequered Skipper". Not so sure nowadays about Glapthorn. Monks Wood is far better for BH. But NOTHING can beat Fermyn for PE.

Language semantics (I might have told this before so forgive if I have) a bit off topic but I was not the first person to use the word P*ss in this thread. P*ssed (around) adds just another use of that ubiquitous word and its derivatives.

During my pilot training in the early 1960s, we were joined by a Jordanian on our course. Initially, Awni's English was understandably a little lacking but my goodness, didn't he learn quickly! One wet winter's day in the crewroom we were commenting how quickly he had picked up the jargon. Awni joined in the discussion

There's one expression that puzzles me. If you say "Jack's p*ssed off, it might mean that he has gone off somewhere. But equally it might mean that Jack is fed up. If you just say Jack's p*ssed that means he's been in the bar too long. What's this all got to do with p*ssing anwyay?"

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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Reverdin »

Ah... the somewhat ethereal and vaguely satisfactory emotions evoked by the many and varied connotations of the noun to p*ss. :D
I did get the light heartedness of the intended paso doble, but since you hadn't encountered the person, wondered if you had any doubts :wink:
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Susie »

I find it interesting how the forum has changed over the years that I have been a member. Many of the people who used to post prolifically rarely post, if at all, now.
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by David M »

I feel almost bereft by this - I've only really got to know Michael Field and Jenks (though I've briefly met Pete Eeles and Gruditch at last year's AGM).

What I will say is that those butterfly enthusiasts I have met have all been very upstanding, intelligent, modest and decent people.
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Susie »

The majority of the people I've met have been as mad as a box of frogs. I think that's what we've got in common :wink:
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by David M »

Susie wrote:The majority of the people I've met have been as mad as a box of frogs.
Mad or just eccentric, Susie? :D
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Susie »

I was joking, David :lol:

There is a streak of eccentricity in a few members though. That's what makes them interesting.
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Zonda »

Hya Jack, it was a year backwards from last Sunday when i found myself puffing up over Sand Point with you, in search of Glanvilles Frits. We were dead lucky that day, finding a few fresh ones. Hope you are well, and try to keep the lid on the frog box.
Cheers,,, Zonda.
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Debbie »

Speaking as a newbie - Its friendly, interesting, and Unique :D

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Re: ukb personalities

Post by Susie »

That's a lovely thing to say, DMS :-)
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Re: ukb personalities

Post by ScottD »

Susie wrote:I find it interesting how the forum has changed over the years that I have been a member. Many of the people who used to post prolifically rarely post, if at all, now.
that seems to be normal going by various forums that I've been a member of (& occasionally left) over the years.
I suspect that sometimes it's because people's lives change & they move on & sometimes it's because the forum changes & they no longer find it fits with them.

I don't consider myself a personality at all but the adjectives "not normal", "weird" etc. seem commonly heard in my vicinity :wink: ...
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