Serhiy Popoff

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serhiy popoff
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Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

This is a short an illustrated message how I set up muntain butterfly recording camp in our Ukrainin Carpathians at 18 February 2011

I would like to start five butterfly recording transects, one km long each accordingly to Pollard's walks approach.

It is on from the transects;jsessionid ... eseuyijsik - Ukrainian - English

On the way to mountain village



Building, garden, moving vields, mountains :)
Shambala or hidden swastik symbol on the vindow





Bukovcevo-87 geodesic mapping 2011_01_29-27


Video report at 19 February 2011

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

March 16, 2011 First butterflies on wings now, Gonepteryx rhamni, 2 males and female, one male Polygonia c-album feeding on dog manure registered. The air temperature was 15°C in shadow, sunny weather and warm spring in village next to my building. Seen also one moth species Orange Underwing (Archiearis parthenias) with day activity in mass.

Butterflies and animals fixed with mobile phone camera March, 16 2011

Polygonia c-album male


A moth Orange Underwing (Archiearis parthenias) first flight and also it indicates that Spring time started at Bukovcevo


Salamandra salamandra in near by stream

Last edited by serhiy popoff on Sat May 26, 2018 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by Mikhail »

Hi Serhiy.

I think your moth is actually Archiearis parthenias, a day active species (Geometridae) that feeds as a larva on Birch (Betula pendula).


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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Mikhail wrote:Hi Serhiy.

I think your moth is actually Archiearis parthenias, a day active species (Geometridae) that feeds as a larva on Birch (Betula pendula).

Yes, thank you. I check it today.

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

April finished soon.

Some impressive pictures on my mountain land done.

My cat Milka is very happy amongst of Anemone nemorosa flowers in spring apple garden


A few days ago new transect was created there. Bukovcevo-6 looks like directly at

Beauteful Nymphalis antiopa on transect Bukovcevo-1 section No1 relax on sun


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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterflies in May

Cyaniris semiargus ... 65395a8d9/

Artogeia bryoniae ... 317e050c7/

Butterflies in June

Argynnis aglaja & adippe ... bd04cb1a6/

Butterflies in July

Pararge aegeria & Nymphalis polychloros ... 4af28ef1e/

Butterflies in August

Cyntia cardui ... 14daf963a/

Pyrgus alveus ... 51cbde6ef/

Butterfiles in September

Fabriciana adippe ... b0b229bd8/

Polygonia c-album ... 651cc39e7/

Inachis io feeding on Tagetes erecta, flower bed ... d00757caf/

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Winter 2011

Owervintering Inachis io cowshed room ... e37dafc02/

Bukovcevo-87, new butterfly recording centre building in Ukrainian Carpathians ... 3840bbab1/

Apple garden and the building ... 1df17456e/

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

What the routine event on my Bukovcevo farmland in 2011?

Short photo gallery sotry
about bridge building at Potocky place in late 2011

Starting bridge building at September 2011

Image ... 9866fb393/

Bridge building at November ... ab47918f0/
Image ... 8e2d35264/

Bridge ready at 3rd December 2011 ... 07a4fa37f/

Test new bridge by river flood after Christmas 2011 ... d42c523b6/

Test new bridge by Lada 2101 car ... 92c9fdad8/

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

What the conference event in 2011 as the best time to met with colleagues was?

Butterfly report for Third Meeting of Butterfly Conservation Europe Partners in Laufen from 2-4 November 2011 Laufen/Salzach (ANL) ... 1e2d02ba9/

Power Point presentation directly at ... E3NTQxMTI2

Also on Butterfly Conservation Europe webpage the PDF report publeshed as well

To find more details, please consult BCE website

where you can find all presentations, from BCE board members and from all participating partners :) ... bCatID=145 - please click "Ukraine"

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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by Pete Eeles »

Thanks for sharing Sergey. You live in a very beautiful part of the world and I do enjoy reading your diary and absorbing the photos!


- Pete

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Life Cycles of British & Irish Butterflies:
British & Irish Butterflies Rarities:
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

Yes, this is most interesting and thanks very much for providing the links. I managed to find a very useful site relating to French butterflies by navigating my way around: ... ilan-2010/

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Here is a rank list with number of calculated butterfly adults for six Bukovcevo transects in 2011.
Database DBF file programming in FoxPro environment used.

Genus Species Summ

Aphantopus hyperantus 1236
Pieris napi 923
Maniola jurtina 846
Gonepteryx rhamni 640
Mellicta athalia 495
Fabriciana adippe 421
Inachis io 400
Leptidea sinapis 373
Araschnia levana 364
Thymelicus sylvestris 354
Plebejus argus 276
Pieris rapae 249
Mesoacidalia aglaja 236
Pararge aegeria 220
Polyommatus icarus 188
Argynnis paphia 179
Minois dryas 171
Erebia ligea 160
Melanargia galathea 142
Leptidea morsei 136
Heodes virgaureae 132
Ochlodes venatus 128
Erebia medusa 126
Polygonia c-album 125
Erynnis tages 115
Clossiana selene 101
Cupido minimus 84
Everes argiades 82
Celastrina argiolus 74
Apatura ilia 59
Apatura iris 53
Brenthis ino 51
Cyaniris semiargus 47
Vanessa atalanta 42
Neptis sappho 37
Cynthia cardui 36
Pieris brassicae 33
Heodes alciphron 32
Nymphalis antiopa 29
Callophrys rubi 25
Coenonympha pamphilus 22
Heodes tityrus 21
Coenonympha glycerion 20
Pyrgus malvae 17
Anthocharis cardamines 15
Carterocephalus palaemon 15
Issoria lathonia 14
Iphiclides podalirius 12
Parnassius mnemosyne 11
Hesperia comma 10
Palaeochrysophanus hippothoe 9
Hyponephele lycaon 9
Papilio machaon 9
Argyronome laodice 8
Lycaena dispar 7
Aglais urticae 7
Brenthis daphne 6
Clossiana euphrosyne 6
Pyrgus alveus 5
Colias hyale 5
Maculinea arion 4
Pieris bryoniae 4
Clossiana dia 4
Nymphalis polychloros 4
Lycaeides idas 2

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

I can not believe! Today one year cycle finished.

Here is still some snow around, but some open patches of an old grassland appears on southern slopes.

The same date as year ago Archiearis parthenias on wet ground next to my building appears 16 March 2012.


The temperature outside is +8°C.

Have successfull start of the season 2012

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Please read the next record :)
Last edited by serhiy popoff on Sat Apr 07, 2012 7:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

April 6th, 2012 is the first walk in the West Ukraine BMS.

Remember the temperature was +18°C, sunny, a little bit cloudy, south west wind, 2d by Buffort scale. Six transects in Bukovcevo done.

From PrimaVera flowers most impressed Daphne mezereum was

_Daphne mezereum Bukovcevo-2 S4 2012_04_06-1 sm ... f2ee2b161/

Four butterfly species recorded. All are overwintered adults.

antiopa Bukovcevo-6 S1 2012_04_06-4 sm ... 079a1d4e8/

io Bukovcevo-6 S14 2012_04_06-1 sm ... 62649c901/

c-album Bukovcevo-5 S1 2012_04_06-1 sm ... a93ef3f01/

My dream coming true. Gonepteryx rhamni visited for feeding on Tussilago farfara flower. There are a lot of flower fields, but it visits only alone one in deep woodland.

rhamni Bukovcevo-3 S18 2012_04_06-10 sm ... 2eb87bfcb/

Very pleasant morning songs as the same evening from Sturnus vulgaris bird

_Sturnus vulgaris Bukovcevo-5 S1 2012_04_06-04 sm ... 066860339/

Here still survived an old (1700) wooden church, dinging time to time

wooden church Bukovcevo vill 2012_04_06-01 sm ... b672593d5/

Fresh videos from this day will be available soon directly at
Alexanor's CFSI youtybe page ... ature=plcp

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The Annoying Czech
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by The Annoying Czech »

Haha, our church is similar :D

Regarding that Large Blue (Maculinea arion) mentioned in your mapping, do you have a dying colony in there or is the pasture so intense?

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

The Annoying Czech wrote:Haha, our church is similar :D

Regarding that Large Blue (Maculinea arion) mentioned in your mapping, do you have a dying colony in there or is the pasture so intense?
Yes. your wooden churches (kostelik iz dreva) is similar, because it is one culture of one "MAGNA RUTHENIA", Rusiny or Slavish ancient country :D
More info in Russian directly at

Still not busy with "dying colony", only study environment of the Large Blue and other endangered European species. The conditions is good for the population, to prevent scrub overgrow locals burn dry grass every spring time. "Grass burning" is not my philosophy, I prefer moving to manage and save open butterfly habitats.

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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by MikeOxon »

serhiy popoff wrote:More info in Russian directly at
It is always good to learn more about such places (with the help of Google Translate!) I am pleased to see that some ancient buildings like this have survived through all the bad times of the 20th century.

Gonepteryx rhamni is always a welcome indication of spring of here in UK but, alas, we very rarely see Nymphalis antiopa.


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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

There are SD videos for every transect in Bukovcevo, walk at 6th April 2012
video Bukovcevo-1 S1-2 2012_04_06.AVI

video Bukovcevo-2 S1-2 2012_04_06.AVI

video Bukovcevo-3 S1-2 2012_04_06.AVI

video Bukovcevo-4 S1-2 2012_04_06.AVI

video Bukovcevo-5 S1-2 2012_04_06.AVI

video Bukovcevo-6 S1-2 2012_04_06.AVI

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

MikeOxon wrote:Gonepteryx rhamni is always a welcome indication of spring of here in UK but, alas, we very rarely see Nymphalis antiopa.
For the complete scheme walks, last year 29 adults Nymphalis antiopa was recorded. For Gonepteryx rhamni 640 adults was recorded.
Rank list for 2011 reference here viewtopic.php?f=29&t=4934&p=58197#p55404
These are well known here woodland indicators as well.

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