Dark Green Frit

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Dark Green Frit

Post by Martin »

This is a heavy crop as it was 15 feet up a tree, so apologies for the photo.
Bryan and I had been looking at Silver-washed all day when we spooked this fella while walking along a track. It shot straight up into a tree and stayed there. We knew straight away it was different, and it appeared to me to have a green sheen across it's back...the obvious conclusion is DGF. Can anyone, from the little you can see of it, confirm one way or the other?


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Post by Padfield »

That's a silver-washed fritillary. Possibly it is a female, and you had been looking at males previously, accounting for the fact it looked 'different'.

The base of the underside hindwing is spotty in dark green, whereas this butterfly has no spots and two pale bands coming in from the costa in exactly the right place.

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