Visits to Tenerife Part 1

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Visits to Tenerife Part 1

Post by grumpy »

Having read with great interest various posts re-Tenerife, I would like to offer my own humble ramblings. Our first trip to Tenerife was in 2005 when were based at Puerto Santiago at the Tamaimo Tropical hotel.
Tamaimo Tropical.jpg
We were based on the front of the hotel in a self catering appartment ( cant be doing with all inclusive doss by the pool type hols) This was the re-birth of my interest in photography and I intended to use the trip getting used to my Digital Sony DSC-H1 . Taking a walk to familiarise ourselves with the lay of the land we passed planters with what I think is a spiky plant called Christ's thorn. This gave me the first sightings of the holiday, a Canary Blue nectaring on the flowers and a Vine Hawk which briefly fed on the flowers then cleared off ( camera safely locked in safe back in the appartment ! )

The following day I left the other half reading a good book and crossed the road at the front of the hotel to explore a triangular piece of ground opposite , (see below) .

DSC00711 (800x600).jpg
Over the course of the week this area yielded a couple of photographs of Long Tailed Blue, a couple of poor ones of Canary Blue and proved to be home to several lizards of various sizes. If you sat still for a while they got used to the idea you where not going to harm them and they posed beautifully.
Canary Blue 1 (688x800).jpg
Canary Blue

Long-Tailed Blue (556x800).jpg
Long-Tailed Blue

Lizard 1 (599x800).jpg
Female Gallotia galloti

Lizard Tenerife (800x600).jpg
Male Gallotia galloti

During our stay we had these two regular visitors to the balcony, funny , we have a pair just the same at home! ,wondered if they were Barbary Doves?
DSC00698 (800x599).jpg

On the final day as we were waiting for our transfer to the airport and the inevitable four and a bit hour flight back to the UK I turned to look out of the window and saw this:

DSC00729 (600x800).jpg

OOOPS ! think someone left the chip pan on ! Sirens soon followed as the local Fire Brigade arrived to tackle it, no mean feat on an island with a shortage of water.

I shall leave it there for now, whilst I browse through more pics from our second visit, hope its not been too tedious !!

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Re: Visits to Tenerife Part 1

Post by Wurzel »

Tedious? Definitely not - I look forward to the next installment :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Visits to Tenerife Part 1

Post by David M »

Do you have any more shots of Canary Blue?
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Re: Visits to Tenerife Part 1

Post by grumpy »

Thanks for your replies Wurzel and David M , yes, I have a NICE shot of the Canary Blue to come , taken two weeks ago , hope you can be patient, not sure how much I can put in these postings, it may be in part three ? . New to this longer postings mullarky please bear with me ?!


Best Wishes

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Re: Visits to Tenerife Part 1

Post by David M »

No problem. I shall await with much interest (and patience)!
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