holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

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Nick Broomer
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holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

First of all i would like to thank my wife for making this possible, because i was out everyday with my camera but two. The migrant waders only needed a couple of hours on three trips to photograph. The local bird and insect life however was a lot harder and needed daily trips of 3 1/2 - 4 hours. All this was done on foot.

All the following pictures of waders and the resident Yellow-Legged Gull and i believe Barbary Dove were photographed around Corralejo harbour which is situated to the north of the island. Other birds seen but not photographed were Common Sandpiper, Curlew, Ringed Plover and Sandwich Tern.

I used a canon 450D camera and a very old canon zoom EF 75-300mm lens for all photographs including butterflies, dragonflies and other insects, because of the wind [very strong at times] i could`nt risk changing the lens whilst out in the field without the possibility of getting either sand or seawater spray into my camera.

All pictures were taken at least ten metres from the subject.
Last edited by Nick Broomer on Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

Last edited by Nick Broomer on Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

Last edited by Nick Broomer on Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

I have had a lot of trouble posting this report so i will continue tomorrow if all is well.

I will continue with birds of the desert, butterflies, dragonflies and insects, all resident to Corralejo, Fuerteventura.
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Vuerteventura

Post by ChrisC »

please do. some cracking photos, i say some but i mean all.

Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

with all the trouble i had yesterday trying to post this report i forgot these. so that is the last of the waders.
Last edited by Nick Broomer on Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mark Colvin
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Re: Holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Mark Colvin »

Hi Nick,

Some great shots in difficult conditions. Well done. I look forward to seeing the next batch.

Good hunting.

Kind regards. Mark
Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

My next lot of pictures will include photos taken in the hotel grounds and the desert which is a nature reserve, set aside especially for one bird in particular, the Canary Houbara which can only be found on Fuerteventura. I did`nt actually see one on this trip, but the last time i was here some five years ago in April during the breeding season i saw eight individual birds.
fuerteventura 018_1.jpg
This little fellow was the first i saw on this trip so was really pleased to get a nice picture on my first attempt at photographing it. And it was my first desert bird on film, so i was really chuffed. But as you will see later on, it was`nt to be the only one.
fuerteventura 020_1.jpg
This is another desert bird, the Berthelots Pipit, which is common throughout the island. It nests under a small piece of scrub, usually laying three eggs, and is quite easy to find. You can quite often find them sitting on a bush or stone singing, and if you sit really still they will walk about feeding within a few metres of you.
fuerteventura 063_1.jpg
This beautiful little insect is also found in and around the desert, [the only place i`ve seen them] this one i found nectaring on this lovely pink flowering shrub on the side of a blockpaved footpath that runs down the side of the nature reserve, on the other side of the path is all houses.

You can thank Mark Colvin for instructing me on how to write beneath each photo, and so giving a far better presentation. And a thankyou from me Mark
fuerteventura 023-1_1.jpg
This is a bird that you can find on the fringes of the desert and is the easiest bird to photograph. It normally nests in a hole amongst the rocks like many other birds on this island.
fuerteventura 032_1.jpg
As you can see very photogenic.
Last edited by Nick Broomer on Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mark Colvin
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Vuerteventura

Post by Mark Colvin »

Hi Nick,

The moth is a Crimson Speckled (Utetheisa pulchella). A number have been recorded in Sussex this year. Its natural range is the Mediterranean and North Africa. I love the Shrike and second Hoopoe shot - brilliant!

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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Vuerteventura

Post by Gibster »

hideandseek wrote:set aside especially for one bird in particular, the Canary Houbara which can only be found on Fuerteventura. I did`nt actually see one on this trip, but the last time i was here some five years ago in April during the breeding season i saw eight individual birds.
The Houbara can also be found on Lanzarote, particularly the south-west sector of the island. I saw my first Houbara out there in 1994 and I'm happy to report that they are still very much present nowadays. Fuerteventura Chat IS endemic to the island. The municiple rubbish dump outside Corralejo was THE hotspot back when I visited. Very smart birds indeed. Now...if only somebody could rediscover the Canary Island Black Oystercatcher....

Some very nice pics, brought back lovely memories.

All the best,

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Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

fuerteventura 066_1.jpg
Another Southern Grey Shrike
fuerteventura 071_1.jpg
and another
fuerteventura 072_1.jpg
and another
fuerteventura 076_1.jpg
and another
fuerteventura 077-1_1.jpg
and another, well what could i do, i could`nt choose which one to post, so i posted them all,and i was always told to share, so share i will.
Last edited by Nick Broomer on Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mark Colvin
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Vuerteventura

Post by Mark Colvin »

Now you're really getting carried away :wink:
Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

Male, Red-Veined Darter
fuerteventura 080_1.jpg
Male, Red-Veined Darter
fuerteventura 082_1.jpg
These two photos were taken on the side of the path along the edge of the nature reserve. There are, so i am informed 12 species of dragonflies on fuerteventura which i admit i know nothing about. I have managed to photograph 4 of them, and only managed to id one of them which you will see later.
But i must say its a beautiful creature.
With the help of Paul Wetton`s correct id of this Dragonfly, the Red-Veined Darter, i have since found out that it is a male.Thanks again Paul. [15.dec.]
Those snails you see in the picture are everywhere around the desert, from ground level , to 3 or more metres high up in trees.
fuerteventura 094_1.jpg
fuerteventura 095_1.jpg
fuerteventura 096_1.jpg
Here are three more photos of hoopoe feeding along the side of the path on the edge of the desert. the ground is rather soft here because its watered regularly were shrubs and small trees have been planted by the local council.
Last edited by Nick Broomer on Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Paul Wetton
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Vuerteventura

Post by Paul Wetton »

Some great pictures reminding me of a trip to Teneriffe and Fuerteventura a few years ago.

Not sure about the dove as it looks to be partial albino as opposed to just lighter than Collared Dove but could well be Babary Dove.

I think the dragonfly could be a Red-veined Darter, we saw many of these in Fuerteventura.

Great Photos, thanks for sharing.
Cheers Paul
Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

Thanks Chris, Mark and Paul for your kind comments, its really appreciated.

Mark, thankyou for your id on the moth.

Paul, thank you for your help as well, i thought the dragonfly was a Red-Veined Darter but was`nt sure as the picture i saw on the internet was`nt very clear.
As for the Dove i thought the same as you again. Thats why i put a question mark on it hoping someone would enlighten me.

Thanks again all of you,

Last edited by Nick Broomer on Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Vuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Seth,
thankyou for your kind comments, just read your post.

The book i have which was reprinted in 1998 states that the Houbara no longer inhabits Lanzarote, but i stand corrected.

thanks again,


ps. say hello to Sami for me, i met you both at Oaken wood earlier this year.
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Vuerteventura

Post by Lee Hurrell »

Hi Nick,

A lovely report and supurb photos!

I agree with Mark's Crimson Speckled ID. Stunning moths which have a lovely pale blue colour in flight from the hind wing colour. They're quiet common in Spain where my Dad lives - as are those snails that can completely cover road signs etc.


To butterfly meadows, chalk downlands and leafy glades; to summers eternal.
Nick Broomer
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Fuerteventura

Post by Nick Broomer »

Hi Lee,

thankyou for your kind comments i`m glad you enjoyed my report and photos. I still have about 40 odd pictures to post, some of which i feel are my best, especially a couple of drogonfly pics. and some desert birds that i did`nt think i would actually get a picture off which i`m rather chuffed with.Also some insects and butterflies, plus a story about a particular butterfly that Mr. Colvin found rather interesting.

Also, thanks for confirming Marks id of the Crimson Speckled Moth,

Last edited by Nick Broomer on Sun Jan 27, 2013 10:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Vuerteventura

Post by Rogerdodge »

I am finding this thread fascinating.
Some really good images.
Get the next batch up ASAP!

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Mark Colvin
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Re: holiday in Corralejo, Vuerteventura

Post by Mark Colvin »

hideandseek wrote:Also some insects and butterflies, plus a story about a particular butterfly that Mr. Colvin found rather interesting.
:?: :?: :?:

Is my memory that bad?
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