Butterfly dreams

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Dave McCormick
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Dave McCormick »

I either dreamed this or it was real.... more likley a dream.... Anyway I walked up to a patch of grass and on a leaf was a clearwing moth (probably red tipped as I recall) think that was what I actually wanted to see in real life and so mostly think it was a dream.
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by KeynvorLogosenn »

Nope, I have no video images in my dreams, they are all ways audio. Mainly because I cant see anyway!
Its weird though :?
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Padfield »

Mouse, I'm overcome with a kind of morbid curiosity, so please don't take offence! :D Are you a blind butterfly-photographer? Maybe I missed a post when you described your visual handicap, but tell us again - I'm genuinely interested. Glaucoma? Tunnel vision? Progressive degeneration? Or were you just exaggerating?

Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by KeynvorLogosenn »

Hi Guy
yes I am a vision impaired butterfly photographer!
I just have real bad blurred, double vision, which moves even when I am standing still. I get bad head aches and eye aches too. Im also light sensitive after an acciedent nearly two years ago. However I was determind to be as normal as before. However it has been getting better! :)
So here I am taking photos like everyone else!
If you want to see some, I have a gallery here!
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Dave McCormick
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Dave McCormick »

I had this dream last night and I so want this to be real...

I dreamed I went down to this dockside and there was a table and someone from Canon gave me their newest lens for my 400D when I approached it. It was "20-800mm USM f/2.8 Macro L series Zoom lens with IS" and I was really happy. It also came with a double flash unit attached.

Then I saw a spitfire plane in sky and went to shoot it with my new lens and even though it was up high enough, I could see the pilots head clearly in my focus. Then I saw some small whites flying past and I was quite a bit away and could shoot them easily and get a clear up close shot.

I recall the camera feeling quite a bit heavier due to new lens attached, but I could use it easily enough.
Cheers all,
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by KeynvorLogosenn »

Hi Dave
It it amazing how dreams can feel so real!
Take last night for example, I need to make a trampoline routine to get back in the club after taking some time out. And I was real stuck for ideas, until I had the dream where I actually designed my sequence to music (I basically heard my self say the moves and felt the rotation and the trampoline bed!). It seemed so real that this morning I was doing that routine, it hadn't occured to me that I had dreamt the whole thing until I realised, 'I didn't think the trampoline felt like that last time!!' Unfortunalty it wasn't good enough :(

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Dave McCormick
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Dave McCormick »

I had another one last night and its no average butterfly dream:

I dreamed I was somehow in the sky (not sure how I was up there) but I was coming down to "land" and saw this really tall thinnish metal tower that had red parts on it, and I remember it was on a baron plot of land covered by what looked like loamy soil (soil composed of sand, silt, and clay in relatively even concentration) and it was a bit wettish in areas. I saw a builder talking to another builder on how important it was to have the tower built and operational.

Anyway, I landed and started wondering about. I found this area of longish grass and saw speckled woods egg laying in it and also saw their caterpillars around. I wanted to collect some of the eggs for breeding purposes. I had a plastic bag and filled it with the grass the eggs were on as well as several caterpillars. The eggs looked odd, they were either pink, orange or dark red and there was millions of them being laid.

I remember thinking that these butterflies were Ticirus speckled woods and the ones I had were southern form at home. But then I thought, I had saw both subspecies around in UK before and pictured a male hibernica subspecies of orange-tip which was supposed to be the agiea subspecies of speckled wood I had found in UK before.

After this, I wondered into an area with a stone path and flowers and plants on either side like you'd see around a statly home. Anyway I had my camera now and put down the bag of grass and wanted to take a pic of a butterfly, a giant birdwing of some sort (black with red parts) and another butterfly beside it. There was a stone fountain in the middle of the path and the birdwing was laying sideways on the bottom of it, feeding on something on it. There was lots of other butterflies around too.

I also had a video camera (I looked identical to Canon 1D) and I had a special lens on it, I knew it could be fitted onto a canon camera. I wanted (for some reason) a longer lens and thought about swaping the sigma lens on my canon for the other lens on the video camera. I wanted the camera to have the long lens (but I realised it may not be great for macros and it was not as big as I wanted)

Then, just before I woke up, I wondered, "Can I go to the butterfly house after this?" as I wanted as many pics as possible for my website.
Cheers all,
My Website: My new website: http://daveslepidoptera.com/ - Last Update: 11/10/2011
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by KeynvorLogosenn »

Hi Dave
its amazing how dreams can just jump from one thing to another, you started of fying, and ended up sorting out your camera! :lol:

It's pretty cool to how you remember such detail and exact species too, I sort of get that too when I hear things. What tells my dreams apart from what I hear for real is that in real life, I hear a sound, then visual what could be making that noise, how it moves and work out whether I should move it will move out of my way! Where as in my dreams I know exactly what I am interperating and what the object is!

However, unfortunatly I didn't dream of butterflies last night :(
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Padfield »

A development that might be of interest to all dream lepidopterists. Soon you really might be able to photograph those insubstantial creatures...

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... reams.html

Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Susie »

I had a dream the other night that I was at Heston Blumenthal's restaurant and he served stir fried mange tout and white butterflies. It was surprisingly tasty.
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Matsukaze »

I don't often dream about butterflies, but last night I was on the Dorset undercliffs watching a Large Tortoiseshell.
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by David M »

Sadly, mine tend not to extend to the butterflies themselves. More usually it's getting lost somewhere en route or ending up in some kind of precarious situation whilst attempting to observe them.
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Dave McCormick
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Dave McCormick »

I had a dream last night that the presenter of Lesser Spotted Ulster (for all who don't know, a program about the people and places of Ulster in Ireland, see:


and he came to where I used to live, and he came in 1996 when the nearby beech wood "flooded" (It didn't actually ever flood) and there were dolphins swimming through it! I was watching it on line in the dream.

Anyway, he came to an old oak tree on a hill and it looked very thin and like a planted spruce, tall with same bark and it had a crack in its side. He was standing there with a kid who was only about 5-6 years old and looked like he could be his son. The kid was looking at a comma caterpillar (fully grown) walking up the tree trunk and I was wondering how it got there as I'd never seen commas there before.
Cheers all,
My Website: My new website: http://daveslepidoptera.com/ - Last Update: 11/10/2011
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Goldie M
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Goldie M »

I've dreamt of being in a field surounded by butterflies of every colour, it was so tranquil abit like the opening of BBC2 with the butterflies that turn out to be fairies etc, they have the lot Bunnies, BF, Fairies, thats my dream, only trouble for me is In my dreams I can never find my camera :cry: Goldie M
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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by Bill S »

I don't very often dream of butterflies but when I do the butterflies generally aren't normal ones. I have dreamt of huge Purple Emperors the size of buzzards, and wake up wondering how cool it would be if they really were that size. :shock:


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Re: Butterfly dreams

Post by David M »

They'd be a lot easier to locate, that's for sure, but then again, they may lose some of their appeal because of it. :)
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