dark green frits

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dark green frits

Post by e.garnett »


at last i got out this year missed april and may with swimming galas with my son was up at arnside knot on sat very windy and cloudy a little sun but missed the rain thank god lots of dgf around and in great condition and got a nice shot of a mating pair in all the time ive been photographing butterflies i can count the number of mating pairs on one hand am i just unlucky or are they hard to find or is down to special time or conditions also found a couple of speckled woods and a sp frit they were well worn though


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Post by Martin »

Thanks for the post, Eric, but without proper punctuation it is very difficult to read.

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Post by e.garnett »

not sure how to take that.
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Post by Martin »

Without the use of capital letters at the start of sentences, commas, and full stops your post is difficult to read.

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Post by e.garnett »

hi martin

My post was done quickly and was intended to be just a little info for members, who may have found it usful, i agree my grammer and punctuation, is not wonderfull but iam dyslexic ,and find it difficult at the best of times, i was supprised to be criticised , i just thought the info would be of help ,trust you wont scrutinise my spelling as that wont be great either, it would take me far to long to correct everything i do, and as i work 8-6 (lunch1-2}and have a family of 4 children , time is a precious commodity that i dont have enough of to waste i am sure you could have gleamed the important points from my post ,without the corect punctuation ,and without a spell check function my wife has spelt checked this post for me, somthing i can assure you she wont do again


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Post by Martin »

Eric, criticism was not intended. I, too, am pushed for time, so when I posted my reply it was in the hope that I wouldn't have to read a post three times in the future just to make sure I understood it. As for spelling, I'm the world's worst! :lol: If I didn't have the spell checker on the Google tool bar I'd be stumped!

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