Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

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Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by celery »

A thread in which to post your favourite photo(s) taken in 2011 of Comma.

Part of a series inspred by ChrisC's thread about 'Favourite Photos' and hopefully growing throughout the winter until all 58 British species have been covered.

Details of places, dates, times and circumstances also appreciated. Feel free to contribute observations of behaviour, personal encounters, anecdotes, anything really... :)
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by P.J.Underwood »

For me,it still has to be this one taken at Botany Bay.
Comma (3).jpg
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Goldie M »

I took this picture in my back garden 1st of Oct at Westhoughton Bolton. It depicts to me the beginning of Autumn. The flowers are slightly damaged but still give the Butterfly an air of grace. I really believe in things looking has nature intended, with not too much manipulation. Goldie m :)
Comma BG 1st Oct 2011 031.JPG
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Wurzel »

I was struggling to choose which was my favourite Comma shot for this year due to the quantity of sightings that Ive had - allmost every trip out has meant me seeing Comma - has it been a good year for them? In the end I remembered this shot taken on a visit to my in-laws in Ffosyffin. We went for a walk along the Aeron towards Llanchaeron and on the route came across a large buddleia bush. It held a Peacock, 2 Red Admiral and this Comma. I still can't make up my mind whether it reminds me of a plane preparing to take off from an aircraft carrier or a pirate's victim ready to walk the plank...
027 - Copy.JPG
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Padfield »


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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by millerd »

A difficult choice - it's always a joy to see the first one in spring, and then the lovely summer ones rivalling fritillaries for colour and finally the autumn brood ornamented in gold feeding up for winter. I shall be greedy - one of each.

11th September
11th September
9th July
9th July
3rd April
3rd April
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by celery »

I think we all seem to take the comma a little for granted these days. We see a flash of orange when looking for a fritillary and complain that 'it's just another comma'. Yet it's only really in the last decade that this beautiful species has become commonplace at the northern tip of the East Midlands where I live - and even more recently than that that my father joyfully recorded the first one he'd ever seen in his garden in Yorkshire.

Anyhoo... here's one from Bernwood Meadows taken in the late evening on July 30th. A rathered tattered specimen - it was fairly high in the canopy, necessitating a zoom, and thereby affording just a glimpse of blue sky - which frames the individual nicely amidst the green of the surrounding foliage.


...and since no-one yet has posted a picture of the underside - with the characteristic white mark that gives this species its name - I'm gonna sneak one in here. This one from Strumpshaw Fen, early in the morning on 1st of July.

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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by dilettante »

A couple from me, although I have a feeling I have a load of unprocessed comma shots from a pleasant summer evening in July.

1-Jul-11. Sony A700, Tamron 180/3.5 macro, 1/200s f/5.6 iso200

I liked the autumnal feel of this one, although the 'fly is rather indistinct

1-Oct-11. Sony A700, Sony 100/2.8 macro, 1/640s f/4.0 iso200
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by marmari »

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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Padfield »

Brilliant! I think you've got a starski and hutchinsoni shot there, Marmari!

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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by marmari »

Thanks,but I think you may need a holiday! :)
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by ChrisC »

with the comma being the butterfly responsible for my real interest in wildlife apart from birds it will always be a special butterfly for me, though strangely the only photos i have of them are taken in the garden. one of the furriest i got :)
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by dilettante »

Here's another with some nice 'rim light'

1-Jul-11. Sony A700, Tamron 180/3.5 macro 1/160s f/5.6 iso200
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Vince Massimo »

For some reason, I didn't take many pictures of Commas this time, but my favourite is this one because it was one of the first of the year :D and taken at my local reserve.
Comma - Chaldon, Surrey 19-March-11
Comma - Chaldon, Surrey 19-March-11
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Lee Hurrell »

A stroll around Brent River Park between Greenford and Hanwell looking for early Hairstreaks proved negative but my first summer Commas of the year were a fine alternative and made my day.
Comma, Brent River Park, Middlesex, 4th June 2011, 17.06
Comma, Brent River Park, Middlesex, 4th June 2011, 17.06
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Simon C »

This is a favourite of mine for a few reasons. It is a photo I actually planned, rather than one taken when the opportunity arose, and (unusually, for me ) it actually came out something like I had in mind. I also think as an image it wouldn't work nearly as well if it were any other UK species - certainly not one found around Bath.

It was taken in my local community wood, and I had noticed on previous visits that Commas were frequently attracted to some elevated brambles, which showed off their distinctive silhouette. I needed a photo to use as a closing image for the annual butterfly report I write for visitors to the wood, and had the idea of this as a quirky full-width image that would catch the eye.

If I ever come to own a stately home, I've decided I will install Comma-inspired gargoyles :)


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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Padfield »

That's a great photo, Simon. Your comment about gargoyles made me think a comma weather-cock (wings folded above the back) would be a nice complement - made out of iron and with a 'C' cut in so the light shone through it.

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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Mark Colvin »

Another one of my favourites.

This one taken on 5 September 2011.
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Reddog »

Hi this is my favourite photo of a Comma it is also the last Comma I saw in 2011.
Taken at Soeke Hall near Liverpool 13/9/2011
Taken at Soeke Hall near Liverpool 13/9/2011
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Re: Comma - Favourite Photo of 2011

Post by Neil Freeman »

I remember seeing a number of Commas last year starting from early April when I went out on my first few trips to local spots trying out my Lumix. The first ones were a joy to behold as they made the most of the spring sunshine. The males especially I found fairly easy to get a shot of as they patrolled their chosen patch and regularly returned to the same twig or leaf.
Comma - Sheldon Country Park
Comma - Sheldon Country Park
The Spring examples seemed to hang around for quite some time and by the time they were replaced by the summer brood it seemed as if I had spotted at least one on nearly ever trip out, this continuing all through the summer and into the autumn.
Comma - Snitterfield Bushes
Comma - Snitterfield Bushes

Neil F.
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