Unknown Swiss Blue

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Paul Wetton
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Unknown Swiss Blue

Post by Paul Wetton »

I originally suspected this Blue to be a Silver-studded Blue but could it be a Zephyr Blue Plebejus trappi.


Any ideas?

Cheers Paul
http://www.wildlife-films.com http://www.ibirdz.co.uk
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Re: Unknown Swiss Blue

Post by Padfield »

I'm not by any means 100%, but these clips do look like trappi. They are not argus but idas is a very variable species and I can't rule it out from these shots.

If you e-mail me details of location I might be able to confirm with certainty (I can't remember if you sent those when you e-mailed earlier, Paul, but I'm in bed and the computer's off).

Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
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Paul Wetton
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Re: Unknown Swiss Blue

Post by Paul Wetton »

Hi G

I'm at work at the moment so I'll email you the site details when I get home this evening. It was in the Bernse Oberland if thats any help, possibly no Idas there but not certain.

All the best
Cheers Paul
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Re: Unknown Swiss Blue

Post by Padfield »

That rules out trappi, I'm afraid, leaving anomalous argus or anomalous idas - assuming it is Plebejus... I couldn't see the underside at all to confirm this.

Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Paul Wetton
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Re: Unknown Swiss Blue

Post by Paul Wetton »

The underside did look like Plebejus going on memory but even pausing the video I can't get a clear look at it. I'll try at home on my Ulead software and see if I can get a still frame out of it.

The site was the lake we visited with you earlier in the first week we were there if that helps at all. I presume trappi is restricted to other areas.
Cheers Paul
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Re: Unknown Swiss Blue

Post by Padfield »

Having viewed this on the big screen, rather than an iPhone, I go with some confidence for argus. It is anomalous, in the sense that the forewings have a very narrow border, but I have found this locally in the Barboleuse region (specifically, my old garden) and it would not surprise me to find the same form recurrent locally in the Bernese Oberland.

The hindwing detail visible on the first insect is argus, by the extent of dark shading near the costa. More details when typing is less uncomfortable.

Guy's Butterflies: https://www.guypadfield.com
The Butterflies of Villars-Gryon : https://www.guypadfield.com/villarsgryonbook.html
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Paul Wetton
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Re: Unknown Swiss Blue

Post by Paul Wetton »

Thanks Guy. Sounds like your having a bad time of it so hope your back up and running soon.

I'll prepare a numbered sequence of suspect ID film clips I intend to use on the DVD's. Most will probably be fairly easy for you to ID.

Thanks again Guy
Cheers Paul
http://www.wildlife-films.com http://www.ibirdz.co.uk
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