Dark Green Fritillary

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Dark Green Fritillary

Post by grumpy »

Took this photo at Arnside Knott this year whilst looking for HBF. Didnt get many HBF pics and all were topside shots, darn things would not sit still!
This individual which I take to be DGF shows whiteish patches to the forewings, is this a normal variation?


Dave C- grumpy
Silverdale Cumbria 032 (512x414).jpg
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David M
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Re: Dark Green Fritillary

Post by David M »

Female Dark Greens generally have a silvery tint towards the wing edges, Dave, though yours seems to have it concentrated near the apex of the forewing.
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Re: Dark Green Fritillary

Post by grumpy »

Thanks David, sorry for the delay in my response , will have to go back another time for HBF!

Dave C
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