Lightweight field cameras

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Lightweight field cameras

Post by Matsukaze »

I've terminally damaged my old Canon Powershot A80 compact, and am now looking for a replacement. I am by no stretch a serious photographer and am looking for something lightweight and robust that can be used for record shots of butterflies, dragonflies, bumblebees etc, as well as having the capacity to take good ID shots of hoverflies, little moths and caterpillars. What is out there and what are the advantages and disadvantages?
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Re: Lightweight field cameras

Post by Glostopcat »

I can highly recommend the Canon Ixus107, it is very good for macrowork and is light and easy to transport as it fits in a pocket. I've taken lots of photographs of butterflies, damselflies, bees and flowers since I bought it in April this year. The Ixus is reasonably priced too
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Re: Lightweight field cameras

Post by MikeOxon »

One question is: did you use the optical viewfinder on the A80? If so, you'll find very few modern equivalents and would probably have to go up to the Canon G12 for similar capability.

I faced the same dilemma when my A630 died but eventually decided I could live with a large LCD and bought a Panasonic Lumix TZ5 (long superseded - I think they're up to TZ18 and TZ20 now) The TZ series are very versatile cameras with excellent Leica lenses and I have been very pleased with mine for general use, mainly as a 'holiday' camera. Lots of enthusiastic reviews on Amazon.

The A80 was not small by modern standards, so you may want to consider the Panasonic Lumix FZ45, if it's not too big for you. This has an electronic viewfinder and seems very popular with members of this forum, who get excellent results from it (and earlier models). I notice Amazon are selling it for £223 at present, which seems a bargain for such a capable camera.


ps I've just noticed that Canon still list the A1200 with a viewfinder so, if you want this feature, it may be worth a look.
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Re: Lightweight field cameras

Post by Matsukaze »

Thanks folks - food for thought and I will do some checking out in the next few days.
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Re: Lightweight field cameras

Post by JohnR »

I read yesterday that there is to be a new Olympus with a 36x optical zoom, the SP-810UZ, with a 14MP sensor for a RRP of £230 in the autumn.
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