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Post by Shirley »

Clive and I had a lovely day yesterday at the Photographic Workshop and it was good to meet people from the forum who until then were just a name and a lovely friendly bunch they were too.
Although I am far from a photographer I learnt a lot about different aspects but still think my main role is spotting them for Clive to try to capture however my Bridge camera will never be far from me just in case.
The weather was truly kind to us and the practical session at Magdalen Hill was very rewarding with lots of orange tips doing fly bys and also many green hairstreaks which were a lot more co-operative for all the photographers. It was also nice to see Holly Blues which were looking extra colourful in the sunshine and not forgetting the busy Brimstones who rarely fail to appear somewhere in our trips out and about.
Thanks to Pete for organising such a brill day and to all the other organisers and speakers. It really was a day to remember and already looking forward to next year.

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Re: Shirley

Post by Shirley »

Today we decided to go to Bentley Wood Eastern Clearing, with the hope of being a bit sheltered from the wind but how wrong we were!! hopeless for photography but still had a good day as we manged to see 11 species. The highlight was the Duke of Burgundy (2) basking in the sun which although we had heard were there had never seen until today. They were both in pristine condition however I was a bit concerned as one was persistantly sitting in the middle of the path showing no intention of moving only to protect his territory. Another good sighting was a brand new Brown Argus, my first of the season and we were also impressed with all the Pearl-bordered Fritillaries and the large area they were covering.
All in all a good day so roll on next weekend.


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Re: Shirley

Post by Gruditch »

Don't tell him Shirley, :wink: go and find them for yourself wurzel, that should be part of the fun.

Regards Gruditch

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Re: Shirley

Post by Gruditch »

Ah the sympathy trick, nice try wurzel, but as I had to wait 3 or 4 years before I saw my first Duke, it ain't going to work with me. :) I assure you it is a far sweeter moment, when you find a target species using your own initiative, rather than having people on these forums direct you to the exact spot.

I'll never forget my first Duke, the site warden would always ask with a rye smile if I'd had any success yet. After a couple of years, I think he would of told me where to look, if I had asked. But I was enjoying the chase, and learning a whole lot in the process. When I finally did track one down, and it was just the one, it was sooo sweet. I think the warden was more pleased then I was, I also gained his trust/respect, and he now always volunteers some juicy snippets of information, every time I see him. :wink:

A few years later one of the pictures I took of that Duke, found its way onto the front cover of the last issue of Butterfly. :D

Regards Gruditch

Sorry for clogging up your blog Shirley

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Re: Shirley

Post by Shirley »

No problems Gruditch :) , in fact this is turning out like a 'Miss Marples' mystery :lol: .
Wurzel, as Gruditch says when you do see one it will definately be worth the wait, now Eastern Clearing narrows it down quite a bit due to the size of Bentley Wood and so just tread carefully and keep looking. A non butterfly enthusiast could very easily have walked on him as he basked in the sunshine so take care and happy hunting. :) :) :)

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Re: Shirley

Post by mama »

Gruditch wrote:I'll never forget my first Duke, the site warden would always ask with a rye smile if I'd had any success yet. After a couple of years, I think he would of told me where to look, if I had asked. But I was enjoying the chase, and learning a whole lot in the process. When I finally did track one down, and it was just the one, it was sooo sweet. I think the warden was more pleased then I was, I also gained his trust/respect, and he now always volunteers some juicy snippets of information, every time I see him. :wink:

A few years later one of the pictures I took of that Duke, found its way onto the front cover of the last issue of Butterfly. :D

Regards Gruditch

Sorry for clogging up your blog Shirley
I have only just joined this site and reading mean spirited replies like this does not fill me with hope, it's embarrassing to read,particularly when the rest of the site is filled with advice of where to go and how to find certain butterflies...and by littering it with 'smilies' does not make it any less harsh! And the reply is finished off quite nicely with a little bit of showing off too. Lovely. Oh, but then you are a moderator so you will probably delete this.
What happened to a little bit of kindness to other human beings? Oh well, they say what goes around comes around.

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Re: Shirley

Post by mama »

Wurzel wrote:Normally I would agree with Grudditch - but as I will be accompanied by my daughters, I'll only be able to make a flying visit before I'll start to feel guilty that I haven't taken them to the park :( . Also I live in Salisbury so this is the closest site (and by no means the best) and last year I put plenty of hours in to no avail, and now I am in danger of doing the same this year :( . It's not like I can just nip over to Noar Hill or Bison Hill and partically fall over them :cry: :cry:


Wurzel, I hope you get to see the butterfly with your girls and you make it to the park as well!

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Re: Shirley

Post by Gibster »

Hi mama,

a lot can be read (and misread!) into what is said on these pages. Lots of the folks here know each other, and friendly joshing or rivalry seems quite widespread. You oughtn't let this kind of behaviour put you off visiting and enjoying the pages though. Certainly I've trodden on more than a few a few toes and embarrassed myself with equal measure!

But feel free to PM a moderator or individual if you do have issues.

Gruditch may sometimes come across as "a bit rough and abrasive" in his posts (well, that's how read them) but he's probably a really nice guy. I've never met him though, so he could be the unhelpful egotist you see him as. But I kinda doubt it. I'm sure he wasn't being deliberately obtuse or snide.

All the very best,


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Re: Shirley

Post by Gruditch »

Welcome to the forum mama, Wow you join at 6.13pm and this is your first post within a minute. :!:

Mama, or who ever you are, for every one person you contributes to these forums, there are dozens that are lurking, using the site for information. If Shirley had posted the exact spot where this Duke could be found, then I assure you if I went later there today, there would be half a dozen people milling around that spot. My first priority is the welfare of the butterfly, Dukes have a very short adult life, and in my opinion, naming the exact spot where this individual can be found, was not in the best interest of the butterfly. Some things are more important then someone getting a tick.

Cheers Gibster................ I think. :lol:

Regards Gruditch

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Re: Shirley

Post by Wurzel »

Thanks for your support mama - but it's all a bit academic now as the weather doesn't look good for the weekend so by the time my girls and I get back to Bentley they will probably have perished! :(

Grudditch - it won't be a tick for me, I saw Duke at Martin Down last year - it was just going to be a chance to try and get a photo and share it with my girls - as someone has to try and encourage the butterfly enthusiasts of the future. :wink:

I do appreciate your point about preventing the hoards from massing on one particular point so perhaps I should of just asked for an indication about which side of the eastern clearing they were on, I wasn't expecting a GPS marker point. Would it have been better if I'd contacted Shirley as a private message (although I'm sure my wife would have had something to say about that! :) ).

Sorry to have taken up space on your personal Diary Shirley, good luck with the butterfly watching, I won't ask again


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Re: Shirley

Post by Pete Eeles »

Disregarding the "banter", there are some important points to be aware of:

1. The Duke of Burgundy population at Bentley Wood is tiny, and fragile.
2. The Bentley Wood warden has requested that Duke sightings are treated with appropriate "sensitivity".
3. We've had one report of an individual collecting Dukes at a Hampshire site this year.

If you put this lot together, it's obvious that the location of Dukes in Bentley Wood cannot be reported on a public forum like this. As Gruditch implies, the welfare of the butterflies comes first.


- Pete

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Re: Shirley

Post by Shirley »

We made a visit to Stockbridge Down today and were pleased to see so many Grizzled Skippers! a record number for us along with Common Blue, Small Heath,Brown Argus and Small Copper. It was also good to see the Dingy Skipper and Green Hairstreak not forgetting the Brimstone, Green Veined White,Orange tip and a one quick fly-by from a Peacock. After such a dire forecast for the weekend not bad at all in fact very rewarding.

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Re: Shirley

Post by sandraandkevin »

Hi Shirley and Clive,

It was wonderful to meet you both yesterday, it was a great couple of hours. The SBF were amazing and so beautiful.

King Regards

Kevin and Sandra

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Re: Shirley

Post by Shirley »

Sandra and Kevin,

Lovely to meet you too and it really was a sight to see so many Small Pearl Bordered. Hope to meet you again somewhere in your travels , until then Happy Butterflying. :)

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Re: Shirley

Post by Shirley »

Well, what a day!
Still can't believe it but found a Silver wash fritillary ' valezina' flapping around trying to get out of the window in the front room this afternoon!!. Actually my grandaughter found it and I was so surprised and desperate to let it go that I didn't even get a photo. :( . Have no idea how it got there but will be keeping my eyes peeled tomorrow.

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