Salix Caprea - Kilmarnock willow

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Salix Caprea - Kilmarnock willow

Post by Lynn »

Just to say I spotted that Tescos in Andover Hampshire had these on sale for £7. Its worth checking out your local Tescos as this is a really good price.
Not familiar with this dwarf tree? Well, it has a stem of about a metre or three feet in old money onto which weeping wands of "pussy willow" catkins have been grafted. These will be visited by spring butterflies and bumble bees - March is the usual flowering time. The willow leaves will attrcat moths to breed too. It remains a compact size - hardly increasing in height & is not prone to pests or diseases.

Now is a great time to start thinking about new plants to put in the garden.
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Re: Salix Caprea - Kilmarnock willow

Post by ChrisC »

i had vapourer caterpillars on mine last year Lynn along with this chunky sawfly larvae, (Cimbex luteus)
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Re: Salix Caprea - Kilmarnock willow

Post by Susie »

Vapourer males come to mine as well. The tree is very popular with bees and wasps of all sizes for nectar.
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