Lst of endangered British species

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Dave McCormick
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Lst of endangered British species

Post by Dave McCormick »

Just finished compiling a list of endangered butterflies or moths in U.K. and here they are:

Bright wave moth Idaea ochrata


Heath fritillary Mellicta athalia


High brown fritillary Argynnis adippe


Large blue butterfly Maculinea arion (endemic subspecies extinct, re-established from Swedish stock) = UK BAP Status: Priority Species.


Large copper butterfly Lycaena dispar (endemic subspecies extinct, also earlier re-establishments; re-establishment research ongoing) =

This is one of the butterfly species classified as a priority for protection and re-introduction in the UK under its national Biodiversity Action Plan.

The species has been in severe decline in Britain due to the great reduction of fen habitat due to expansion of the human population. In the rest of the Western Europe, the draining of wetlands and builidng and agricultural activity on shallow riverbanks has caused a strong decline. In Eastern Europe, undeveloped riverbanks and deltas are a habitat for the species, though even there it is somewhat threatened due increasing human influence on these areas.

There have been several reintroduction attempts to sites in both Britain and Ireland, but these have all ultimately failed. Research is now being conducted to see whether a further attempt is worthwhile in more extensive habitats available in the Norfolk Broads.


Marsh fritillary Eurodryas aurinia = Status: Vunerable


Netted carpet moth Eustroma reticulata


Pearl bordered fritillary Boloria euphrosyne


Silver spotted skipper butterfly Hesperia comma =

Concerted conservation efforts in the UK, backed by government agencies, have seen this once-threatened species thriving in certain areas. Numbers have increased by some 1500% over the last twenty years; the number of sites has increased from just 68, with 202 new sites established. Conservation schemes have focussed on providing the Silver-spotted Skipper with suitable habitats, with positive results.


Speckled footman moth Coscinia cribraria


Is this list right or is there anything needing changing/added?
Cheers all,
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Re: Lst of endangered British species

Post by traplican »

See and select these criteria in the "Advanced Search":
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Country: United Kingdom
Jan Jurníček
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