Sand Point 28th May 2011

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Jack Harrison
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Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by Jack Harrison »

Rogerdodge and I have provisionally agreed to visit Sand Point near Weston-super-Mare on Saturday 28th May for the introduced Glanville Fritillaries.

I would travel the day before and return on Sunday. On Saturday, I should be able to get to the Sand Point car park at around 1000 hours.
But these are very much provisional ideas.

We would love to see a big turn out of ukb members. I cannot predict this far ahead whether I will be in a flippant mood or be grumpy - probably the latter :twisted:

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David M
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Re: Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by David M »

Sounds good. Of course, one can never rely on the weather but I'd definitely aim to join you all given suitable conditions.
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Re: Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by Denise »

I was planning on going to Glasdrum Wood for Chequered Skipper that weekend (for my birthday) but if those plans fall through, I would love to join you.

I have seen Granville's at Sand Point before. Always a pleasure :)

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Jack Harrison
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Re: Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by Jack Harrison »

...I was planning on going to Glasdrum Wood for Chequered Skipper...
it's the same old problem; too many things to fit in in too little time. I will probably have to give some (easy) species a miss this year (those that I saw last year) for just this reason. Maybe if time does becomes a constraint, then no Black Hairstreak or Silver-studded Blue for example. My focus will be on those I DIDN'T see in 2010: Glanville and HB Frits, Lulworth Skipper, Northern Brown Argus. Sadly I have to admit that Mountain Ringlet will have to remain history (couldn't make the climb needed). Chequered Skipper is pencilled in for 2012 when my wife should have finished studying for her Masters Degree and might make a long trip to Scotland worthwhile if two of us go.

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Re: Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by David M »

Jack, I'll oblige you with HB Frits come mid-July no problem (near Bridgend).
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Jack Harrison
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Re: Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by Jack Harrison »

Some of us - RogerDodge, Zonda and I - have concluded that 28th May is too late in this amazing year. I can't speak for Roger but Zonda and I have already "been and seen". I for one won't be going on 28th May.

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Re: Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by Zonda »

I for one won't be going on 28th May.
Zonda: DITTO. Once a year is puff enough. :D
Cheers,,, Zonda.
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Re: Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by Denise »

I live locally, and heard that they were indeed flying on Friday. Very early this year.
They will be very worn by the end of May this year I fear.
I shall be going this week, so I won't be going on the 28th. (It will take me that long to get up and back on those slopes :lol: )
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Re: Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by Rogerdodge »

I also shan't be going.
The way this year is going, I will probably looking for Brown Hairstreaks instead :lol:

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David M
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Re: Sand Point 28th May 2011

Post by David M »

Rogerdodge wrote:Hi
I also shan't be going.
The way this year is going, I will probably looking for Brown Hairstreaks instead :lol:
LOL! Given the early emergences, I think the end of May could well be a bad idea for this species.
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