Spanish Blues Part 1(sounds like a song)

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Spanish Blues Part 1(sounds like a song)

Post by Robin »

Another lot from Spain that I'm needing help with.
These first two are the same butterfly. Despite the evident lack of a tail I think this might be a Provencal Short-tailed blue:
-- Blue (Mountains above Lessui, Spain 23-06-10) - RT-3100.jpg
-- Blue (Mountains above Lessui, Spain 23-06-10) - RT-3105.jpg
Again, the nect two are the same butterfly, Escher's Blue??
's Blue (Site B, Spain 19-06-10)-2098.jpg
's Blue (Site B, Spain 19-06-10)-2090.jpg
No underside to this one I'm afraid:
unknown Blue (Abella de la Conca, Spain 20-06-10) - RT-2560.jpg
Another Provencal Short-tailed Blue?
unknown blue (Col del Montellbar, Spain 22-06-10) - RT-2895.jpg
This pair are the same butterfly:
unknown Blue 1 (Abella de la Conca, Spain 20-06-10)-2367.jpg
unknown Blue 1 (Abella de la Conca, Spain 20-06-10)-2378.jpg
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Re: Spanish Blues Part 1(sounds like a song)

Post by Padfield »

I'm stuck at school for an hour waiting for a class, so I'll have a go at these. I can't check on the distributions from here, though.

1 & 2 - I'd go for female osiris. There's no hint of even a kink in the margin to suggest alcetas, and female osiris often has that marginal spot.
3 & 4 - I think you're right. Chapman's (thersites) is very similar but usually shows less half-chequering and rather a greyish half fringe on the hindwing.
5 - female of thersites, icarus or escheri. I would go for escheri, just because it looks very like a picture I have of female escheri.
6 - I incline towards osiris again.
7 & 8 - escheri


EDIT: Still at school, with a chance to review these again. I'm really not sure about 1, 2 and 6. The other option for 1 & 2, of minimus, can't be ruled out. I was influenced by 6. And 6 could be alcetas! Male alcetas sometimes has virtually no tail at all, as in this picture:


So, an alternative for 1, 2 and 6 would be minimus, minimus, alcetas, though the colour of the male alcetas would be anomalous if that were right. Maybe someone else will have a view. I still prefer osiris for all three.
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Re: Spanish Blues Part 1(sounds like a song)

Post by Robin »

Guy - thanks for your help, much appreciated.

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