Finland - North Norway June 2011

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Finland - North Norway June 2011

Post by markhows »

Help I am planning a trip covering most of Finland and the Finnmark area of North Norway in June next year does anyone have any sites for any of the specialities of the region or any trip reports from the area.

Many Thanks

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Re: Finland - North Norway June 2011

Post by phamnes »

Hi Mark!

I live a bit further south in Norway, so I have no personal experience with butterflies in Finnmark but the general consensus seems to be that the town of Alta is a good place to set up base camp. This area should give you a chance for species like:
Freija Fritillary (Boloria freija), Alpine Grizzled Skipper (Pyrgus andromedae), Northern Clouded Yellow (Colias hecla), Arctic Ringlet (Erebia disa), Dewy Ringlet (Erebia pandrose), Arctic Grayling (Oeneis bore), Frigga Fritillary (Boloria frigga), Silver-spotted Skipper (Hesperia comma catena), Arctic Blue (Agriades aquilo), Arctic Woodland Ringlet (Erebia polaris), Cranberry Blue (Plebejus optilete), Arctic Fritillary (Boloria chariclea), Lapland Fritillary (Euphydryas iduna, Norse Grayling (Oeneis norna), Thor's Fritillary (Boloria thore) and a few more common species. It would be quite an achievement if you were to find all of these, though.

The best time to go would probably be the first half of july, depending on how the season has progressed weatherwise.

Good luck!

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Re: Finland - North Norway June 2011

Post by Paul »

where are the best places to search.... river banks, shorelines, etc. and what is access like to such places in these areas.... is there freedom to walk?

Looks fascinating. :D
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Re: Finland - North Norway June 2011

Post by phamnes »

I've looked at a few reports and most of the mentioned species are connected to marshes/bogs and/or mountainous areas from just below the treeline to well above. If I were to go, I would probably try first at heights between 200 and 500 metres (south facing slopes). But, as Finnmark may be considered a borderline arctic area, some of these butterflies may be found close to sea level too.

As to access - in Norway you have, by law, a common right to walk in the nature. Restrictions apply when it comes to private properties, agricultural areas and so on. As long as you're not on someones lawn, you should usually be ok. :-) Be prepared to bring decent shoes for wilderness hiking though - there's a lot of nature up there and a car will only get you part of the way.

Best, Petter
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Re: Finland - North Norway June 2011

Post by FISHiEE »

I have been to the neighbouring Troms region several times fishing but have seen a few butterflies up there. Silver Studded Blues right on the coast 2m from the sea. Also Pearl Border Fritillaries, Arran Brown, Common Blue, Large White. Coastline was good for the blues. Also river banks for the blues and fritillaries. Arran Browns were quite common anywhere really. This was early July. Weather can vary quite massively from year to year. 20c in July one year. 5c the next, so I guess flight times for species can vary massively! We had one week in mid-May once where it was -5c and blizzards for 2-3 days start of the week and 15c t-shirt weather the end of the week. Did see lots of small Tortoiseshelles emerging from hibernation that time but never seen them in the summer!

Stunning part of the world for many reasons! :)
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Re: Finland - North Norway June 2011

Post by JKT »

I'm a bit late for this thread, but I'll offer a little information package about Finnish species. I've removed most English species as well as most of the ones you probably couldn't find.

Unfortunately I don't recall all the terms for different terrains - I hope you understand the idea. The times are for average start of main flight. As already mentioned, it can depend a lot on the weather - especially in the north. The species names in bold are protected.

Pyrgus alveus - South-West - woodland clearings - last week of June
Pyrgus andromedae - North-West - peaks - mid July
Pyrgus centaurae - North - swamps - first week of July
Carterocephalus silvicola - Southern 1/3 - woodland clearings - first week of June
Hesperia comma catena - North-East - peaks (at least the best known is out of bounds) - July
Parnassius apollo - South-East and archipelago - second week of July
Parnassius mnemosyne - Archipelago and a single inland location - first week of June
Colias hecla - North - riverbeds - First? week of July
Colias tyche - North-West - near peaks - First? week of July
Colias palaeno - everywhere except southern cost - swamps - From midsummer to second week of July depending on latitude
Lycaena helle - around Kuusamo - woodland clearings and edges - First week of June
Lycaena virgaurae - southern 1/2 - flowery fields - second half of July
Lycaena hippothoe - southern 1/3 - flowery fields (dry?) - After mid-June
Scolitantides orion - isolated locations in south - dry rocky places - beginning of June
Glaucopsyche alexis - South-West - meadows, grassy and flowery fields - beginning of June
Plebeius nicias - around Kuusamo - ~wet meadows, road ditches - Beginning of July
Plebeius eumedon - southern 2/3 (most common a bit north of Oulu) - ~wet fields, road ditches - second week of June to beginning of june (latitude)
Plebeius idas - everywhere - dry rocky places & swamps go figure! - beginning of July
Plebeius glandon - North-East - peaks (at least the best known are out of bounds) - July
Plebeius optilete - everywhere - pine forests, swamps - last week of June to first week of July (latitude)
Plebeius amandus - southern 1/2 - flowery fields - mid-June (II gen less common)
Argynnis aglaja - southern 1/2 - flowery fields, clearings - first week of July
Argynnis adippe - southern 1/3 - flowery fields, clearings - second week of July
Argynnis niobe - South-West - dry rocky places - first week of July
Boloria eunomia - everywhere - swamps - second week of June
Boloria selene - Southern 1/2 - flowery fields - mid June
Boloria chariclea - North - wet hillsides, swamps? - first? week of July
Boloria freija - Northern 2/3 - swamps, a bit dryer in extreme north - Beginning of June to beginning of July (latitude)
Boloria polaris - North - (wet) hillsides - first? week of July
Boloria thore - North-West - ~open woodlands (for example under Saana) - first? week of July
Boloria frigga - Northern 2/3 - swamps, a bit dryer in extreme north - First week of June to first week of July (latitude)
Boloria improba - North-West - wet hillsides - mid July
Boloria napae - North-West - (wet) hillsides - mid July
Boloria aquilonaris - everywhere except southern coast - swamps - after midsummer to mid July (latitude)
Nymphalis antiopa - southern 1/2 - near birch woods - second week of April & beginning of August
Euphydryas iduna - North-West - wet hillsides - second week of July
Euphydryas maturna - South-East (rather large area) - meadows, road ditches - mid-June
Melitaea athalia - everywhere (rare in North) - mid June
Limenitis populi - area through Finland: southern limit from Helsinki to north-west and northern from Oulu to south-east - woodland clearings - beginning of July
Pararge maera - southern 1/3 - woodland clearings, meadows - last week of June
Pararge petropolitana - southern 1/2 - woodland clearings, meadows; a bit more closes areas than previous - beginning of June
Coenonympha tullia - southern 1/2 - swamps - mid June to last week of June (latitude)
Coenonympha glycerion - South - meadows, flowery fields - last week of June
Erebia ligea - southern 1/2 - woodland clearings and edges - second week of July
Erebia embla - middle 1/2 - swamps - second to third week of June
Erebia disa - northern 1/5 - swamps, wet hillsides - last week on June
Erebia polaris - North, but not North-West - grasslands (near rivers?) - first week of July
Erebia pandrose - North - hillsides - first week of July
Oeneis norna - North - ??? - first week of July
Oeneis bore - North - hilltops - first week of July
Oeneis jutta - southern 3/4, except southern coast - swamps - beginning of June to mid June (latitude)
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Re: Finland - North Norway June 2011

Post by Paul »

Fascinating and tempting set of species.... weather gamble is an issue!!
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Re: Finland - North Norway June 2011

Post by markhows »

Thanks for the comprehensive list, I am going anyway for birds and mammal photos so any butterflies will be a bonus.


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