Brown hairstreak - when to check for eggs?

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Bill S
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Brown hairstreak - when to check for eggs?

Post by Bill S »

Hi all

Out walking the other day I came across what appeared to be a suitable habitat for brown hairstreaks - loads of blackthorn and some mature Ash trees, the only downside is that it is quite an exposed spot. Nevertheless I wondered if there is a colony there and that left me wondering when the best time of year to look for eggs is? Before the leaves disappear or is it best left until they go? Obviously I don't want to disturb anything by checking so that is my main worry.

Thanks in advance for any tips.


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Re: Brown hairstreak - when to check for eggs?

Post by Piers »

Hi Bill,

You could start checking now really, but it's probably easier once the blackthorn leaves start to drop. If you are surveying to establish whether or not a colony is extant, it would certainly be wise to survey this side of December. Brown Hairstreak Ova are often heavily predated upon and numbers of ova will fall (as will your chances of success) as the Winter months progress. Others may have a different opinion though. Kipper is the best chappy to answer this...

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Neil Hulme
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Re: Brown hairstreak - when to check for eggs?

Post by Neil Hulme »

Hi Bill,
Don't worry about dislodging any eggs - they're stuck on tight! It's best to wait until the foliage has been dropped and the wood has darkened, so November and December are good months to search. Choose a sunny day, as the eggs are far more visible and almost sparkle as the light catches the intricate surface structure. In the later months of winter and spring the number of eggs will start to drop - even at this stage predation is quite high. Once you 'get your eye in', and start to get a feel for where they are likely to be (it's a good idea to practice on a known site), Brown hairstreak eggs are surprisingly easy to find. A great way to spend a sunny winter day and quite addictive once you get going. Finding new sites via egg searches, then returning with the confidence to 'sit it out', and seeing the butterfly - very satisfying!
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Neil Hulme
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Re: Brown hairstreak - when to check for eggs?

Post by Neil Hulme »

Hah! Felix was quicker on the keypad! :lol:
Bill S
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Re: Brown hairstreak - when to check for eggs?

Post by Bill S »

That's great, thank you both. I'll pay a visit to Shipton Bellinger to get my eye in and then check the unknown site.

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