ID Requests from Aosta Valley - Italy

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ID Requests from Aosta Valley - Italy

Post by Willem »


can somebody help me to get some butterflies identified. I do have some opinions, but not 100 % sure. All pictures were taken second half of August (Cogne & Valpelline valley in Italy.

I nummered the photographs, which can be found on following page:

Thanks a lot
Kind Regards

Wim Melis -
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Re: ID Requests from Aosta Valley - Italy

Post by Padfield »

I'll throw these IDs into the ring for starters:

1 & 2 - Mellicta athalia
3 & 4 - Pyrgus carlinae female
5 - Erebia melampus
6 - Pyrgus sp.!!
7 - Satyrus ferula
8 - (Pyrgus carlinae ?)
9 - Pyrgus alveus
10 - Pyrgus alveus
11 - Pyrgus alveus
12 - Clossiana selene male (I'd love to see an underside of that one)
13 - Pyrgus sp.
14 - Pyrgus alveus
15 - Pyrgus alveus
16 - Thymelicus lineola
17 - Cyaniris semiargus
18 - Pyrgus sp.
19 - Pyrgus alveus??

Those come with varying degrees of confidence!! I'd be interested to see which ones others contest before I add any qualifications...

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Re: ID Requests from Aosta Valley - Italy

Post by Ian Pratt »

Very impressive. :)
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Re: ID Requests from Aosta Valley - Italy

Post by Willem »

Hello Guy and others.

For number 6 - Pyrgus species, I've another photo:


For number 12 - Unfortunately no other photo.

For number 13:


For 18, I would like to understand why you're not sure here.. :)
For 19, If you could recheck this, since I would like to use this in a contest.. so if we could be sure, this would help me a lot.

Thanks for the other ones... I'm integrating them on my species pages.
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Wim Melis -
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Re: ID Requests from Aosta Valley - Italy

Post by Willem »


Anybody who has some insights on the tough ones ? I kept the same numbering as outlined above.

I've adapted my website as well ( previous it was presented in Dutch ), now I opted for a English version as well.

Any help is appreciated and enjoy the site.

Thanks Wim
Kind Regards

Wim Melis -
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