Fontmell Down SSSs

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Location: South Dorset

Fontmell Down SSSs

Post by Zonda »

Had a couple of hours at Fontmell Down in north Dorset this morning. There were lots of Adonis Blues, fewer Chalkhill Blues, and some Silver-spotted Skippers. Sorry about the messy pics, i was working on a 45 degree slope. Also the little devils didn't want to pitch anywhere in the least photogenic.




Cheers,,, Zonda.
Posts: 217
Joined: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:35 pm
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Re: Fontmell Down SSSs

Post by lee3764 »

Nowt wrong with your photos........I'm quite envious actually as we don't get any of those 3 species here in Cornwall! I did come back from the Isle of Wight a week ago from our familt holiday & saw many Chalkhill Blues & a few newly emerged Adonis Blues on the Isle of White's chalk downland. Silver-Spotted Skippers there. It is a lovely & thankfully slightly more widespread species in the UK than 20 odd years ago when I used to journey to Dorset to see them at Fontmell Down. I think that is still your only colony within your county though! Enjoy them as they are only on the wing for 2 weeks of so (very short flight period)!!
Lee (Cornwall).
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