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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

This weekend was sunny at least and I have snapped butterflies:

Before the lunch I have a small (about 1 km) trip in arroundings of my house :
- Common Blue
- Wood White or Réal's Wood White
- Large Copper - Lycaena dispar
- Silver-studded Blue

P.m. I have drive to the top end of Jankovice. But first I have visited the place where I had found the Southern Festoon caterpillars last year and where I obviously find the Eastern Short-tailed Blues. This once I have snapped there:
- Eastern Short-tailed Blues - Everes decoloratus
- Meadow Brown
- Wood White or Réal's Wood White

On the meadows, pastures and orchards at the top end of Jankovice I have snapped:
- Wood White or Réal's Wood White
- Woodland Ringlet - Erebia medusa
- Purple-edged Copper - Lycaena hippothoe
- Heath Fritillary caterpillar
- Adonis Blues
- Safflower Skipper - Pyrgus carthami - my first photos of this species, even the female putting the eggs to the foodplant of the caterpillars - cinquefoil; I have corrected this determination according to message from the Czech Entomological Institute
- Heath Fritillary
- Silver-studded Blue
- Common Blues
- Mazarine Blue
- Chequered Skipper - Carterocephalus palaemon
- Chestnut Heath - Coenonympha glycerion
- Black Hairstreak - Satyrium pruni
- Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Boloria (Clossiana) selene
- Grizzled Skipper

Near the forest road behind Jankovice I saw:
- Chequered Skipper - Carterocephalus palaemon
- Garden Tiger caterpillar

The whole album is here.

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

Yesterday I have traced my transect in arroundings of our house and I have snapped only:
- Small Heaths
- Silver-studded Blues
- an Adonis Blue
and a Burnet Companion - Euclidia glyphica.
The whole album is here.

Today I visided the locality of Everes decoloratus and in addition to the males of one I have snapped a female putting eggs to the Black Medick flower heads.

On the same place I have snapped a female of Silver-studded Blue putting eggs, most probably to the Purple Crownvetch (Securigera varia).

On the same place I have snapped a Chequered Skipper.

On the adjoining meadow I have snapped:
- Silver-studded Blue
- Purple-edged Copper female and male
- Burnet caterpillar (most probably the Six-spot Burnet - Zygaena filipendulae)
- Brown Argus

Then I have gone to another close meadows(about 300 m far) and I have snapped:
- Black Hairstreak - Satyrium pruni
- Large Copper - Lycaena dispar

I have pass through the bushy gill to another part of the meadows and I have snapped:
- some Noctuid caterpillar on the Meadow Geranium
- a huge moth (Fox Moth - Macrothylacia rubi?)
- another Large Copper
- Clouded Buff - Diacrisia sannio
- some uknown moth and another one
- Pearly Heath - Coenonympha arcania
- two Chestnut Heaths - Coenonymha glycerion
- Silver-studded Blues females
- Common Blues
- in course of return I have snapped a Comma.

Here is the whole album and here is a video of the Large Copper: ... r_embedded[/video]

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

I am very busy so I complete my diary with delay. Last weekend was sunny so I have trips both on Saturday and on Sunday.

On Saturday June 12th:
Before the lunch I arroundings of football pool at Košíky:
- Pearly Heath - Coenonympha arcania
- moth Penthophera morio matting (fly-disable female has dwarf wings)
- Reverdin's Blue - Plebejus argyrognomon male and female
- Meadow Brown (but only bad photo)
- Sooty Copper - L. tityrus female
- Adonis Blue male
- Glanville Fritillary - Melitaea cinxia
- Purple-edged Copper - Lycaena hippothoe female

After lunch I went beyond Jankovice and first pass the forest road. I have snapped:
- Pearly Heaths - Coenonympha arcania (there were lots of, here is a photo of another one)
- two Small Skippers (but I am not sure if this is not the Large Skipper)
- worn Chequered Skipper - Carterocephalus palaemon
- two Commas
- a huge sawfly wasp larva
- about four Camberwell Beauties - Nymphalis antiopa
On the grassy place before this former wood hayloft (or what is it):
- two worn Pearl-bordered Fritillaries - B. euphrosyne
- two Large Copper - Lycaena dispar males

Then I visited the pastures, meadows and orchards beyond the top end of Jankovice. I have snapped:
- worn Adonis Blue
- a worn Safflower Skipper - Pyrgus carthami (but only one unfocused photo, then he flied away)
- Large Skipper - Ochlodes Sylvanus
- Small Heath - Coenonympha pamphilus
- worn Grizzled Skipper - Pyrgus malvae
- Chestnut Heath - Coenonympha glycerion
- Purple-edged Copper - Lycaena hippothoe

Here is the whole album and here is the video of the Reverdin's Blue female:[/video]

On Sunday June 13th I have visited the top end of Jankovice and I have snapped:
- Wood White or Réal's Wood White
- Pearly Heath - Coenonympha arcania
- Meadow Brown
- Purple-edged Copper - Lycaena hippothoe
- Cicadetta montana
- Small Skipper
- worn Reverdin's Blue - Plebejus argyrognomon female
- Large Skipper
- worn Adonis Blue male
- Safflower Skipper - Pyrgus carthami

Here is the whole album.

On Thursday June 17th I had a short trip in arroundings of my house and I have snapped:
- Meadow Browns
- Common Blue
- Small Tortoiseshell
- the first this-year burnet - Zygaena viciae
- Small Skippers
- Pearly Heaths - Coenonympha arcania.

Here is the whole album.

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

On June 22th I have snapped a Buff Ermine - Spilosoma lutea (most probably) caterpillar in my garden.

Today I have watched a Large Copper female in my garden but until I returned with the camera she was away. :x There was only a Comma there. One sat on the our neighbour's breast wall and then re-sat to the plum-tree twig and sucked the honeydew.

On the neighbour's meadow I have snapped:
- Marbled White - Melanargia galathea
- Essex Skipper - Thymelicus lineola
- Reverdin's Blue - Plebejus argyrognomon female and male
- Silver-studded Blue - Plebejus argus female
- Swallowtail - Papilio machaon caterpillar
- Geranium Argus - Eumedonia eumedon - fresh female
- Zygaena loti
- Zygaena viciae

Here is the whole album.

Here is a video of the Swallowtail caterpillar:[/video]

... and here is video of the Geranium Argus:[/video]

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

Today I saw
- Essex Skippers
- Small Skippers
- Large Skippers
- Small White
- Common Blues
- Silver-studded Blue
- Reverdin's Blue
- Short-tailed Blue
- Geranium Argus (Eumedonia eumedon) - more specimens but I haven't succeeded in shottimg none of them :(
- Eastern Short-tailed Blues (Everes decoloratus)
- Marbled Whites
- Meadow Browns
- Pearly Heaths (Coenonympha arcania)
- Small Heaths
- Purple-edged Copper
- Heath Fritillaries (lots of)
- Nickerl's Fritillaries (lots of)
- Sloe Hairstreaks (Satyrium acaciae) (lots of)
- Zygaena loti
- Zygaena minos
- The Forester - Adscita statices

Here is video of the Forester:[/video]
Last edited by traplican on Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

Today was a sunny day. It seems that the weather has returned to the normal pattern: Thunderstorms are everywhere around but here is sunny.

I have seen:
- Map Butterfly - Arashnia levana, the summer phenotype prorsa, here is an interesting form of one with large underwings surfaces
- New Forest Burnet - Zygaena viciae
- rare (critically endangered) tiny burnet with bristly hirsute abdomen Zygaena brizae
- burnet Zygaena minos
- Heath Fritillaries - Mellicta athalia
- Nickerl's Fritillaries - Mellicta aurelia
- Holly Blue - Celastrina argiolus
- Lesser Purple Emperor - Apatura ilia
- Meadow Brown - Maniola jurtina
- Pearly Heath - Coenonympha arcania
- Small Heath - Coenonympha pamphilus
- Ringlets - Aphantopus hyperantus
- Marbled Whites - Melanargia galathea
- the Forester Adscita statices - I have re-determined it from Jordanita sp. because it has thick and cloddishly terminated antenae
- Commas - Polygonia c-album
- Large Skippers - Ochlodes sylvanus
- Small Skippers - Thymelicus sylvestris
- Essex Skippers - Thymelicus lineola
- Silver-studded Blues - Plebejus argus

Here is video of the Nickerl's Fritillaries:[/video]
Last edited by traplican on Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:16 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

On Friday 2nd July I have shortly visited our neighbour's meadow (only 300 m from our house) and snapped :
- Large Skipper at the school garden fence
- Marbled Whites
- Nickerl's Fritillaries - Mellicta aurelia
- Zygaena loti
- Zygaena minos
- Zygaena viciae
- Emmelia trabealis
- Jordanita sp. - at least - it is REALLY Jordanita!!! :!:
Last edited by traplican on Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

On July 3rd I have visited the top end of Jankovice. Between the last house and the fire reservoir there is a place overgrown with the Meadow Geranium where I reliably use to find the Geranium arguses - Eumedonia eumedon.

This once there were about ten specimens, they occur also in arroundings and here is the video of one of them:[/video]

On the meadows and orchards I have snapped:
- Green Hairstreak
- Map Butterfly - Arashnia levana
- Ringlets
- Heath Fritillaries
- Marbled Whites
- a Forester Adscita statices
- Zygaena minos
- Zygaena loti.

Ringlets and Marbled Whites sat on my hands and sucked the sweat.

Here is the whole album.
Last edited by traplican on Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

On July 4th I have had a trip with my wife and daughter to the aeolic sands between towns Bzenec and Strážnice about 30 km from here. There were tons of Ringlets. Nine-spotted moths occur in plenty count of specimens. Both were sucking the nectar from the Linden flowers.

I have recorded also a video of the nine spotted:[/video]

(My wife wish me to save our privacy and not to show our family on youtube so I have warn her that she had entried to the scope of my camera)

Then we have visited the most southern part of White Carpathians near village Radějov. Along this road I have snapped:
- Dark-green Fritillary
- Large Chequered Skippers (seeing them to fly I have understood after what Hesperiidae have their English name)
- Scarce Copper
- Zygaena lonicerae

Unmowed bars were retained on some meadows and I have snapped there:
- Nickerl's Fritillary
- Chestnut Heath - Coenonympha glycerion

Here is the whole album.

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Jan Jurníček
Mark Senior
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Re: traplican

Post by Mark Senior »

Marvellous photos and videos of fabulous butterflies , traplican . I envy you having such a wide variety of species in your local and neigbouring areas .

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

Thank you Mark!

On Thursday July 8th I have snapped a worn Heath Fritillary in our garden.

On Saturday July 10th I have snapped:
- a Nickerl's Fritillary (?) in our garden (another photo of the same specimen)

In arroundings of the football pool at village Košíky I have snapped:
- Heath Fitillary (or is it Nickerl's?)
- Nickerl's Fritillaries
- the Foresters Adscita statices
- Silver-studded Blues
- rare burnets Zygaena brizae (more specimens)
- New Forest Burnet Zygaena viciae (on this photo behind - while approx.
equal sized like Zygaena brizae is ahead)
- Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet - Zygaena lonicerae
- unusually marked Short-tailed Blue
- Ringlets
- Large Skippers
- burnets Zygaena minos
- burnets Zygaena loti
- Sloe Hairstreaks - Satyrium acaciae
- Map Butterflies - Arashnia levana
- on the wetland the Large Copper female

- Large Spippers
- first two this-year specimens of burnet Zygaena carniolica
- New Forest Burnet - Zygaena viciae

On the pastures at the top end of Košíky:
- Dark-green Fritillary
- the Forester Adscita statices
- Brimstone
- Short-tailed Blue female putting eggs to the Trifolium flowers
- Six-spot Burnet
- Zygaena minos
- Pearly Heaths
- and the Nine-spotted Moth, but not succeeded in snapping.

At the border of the forest road behind the top end of Jankovice:
- Pearl-bordered Fritillaries
- High Brown Fritillaries
- Heath Fritillaries
- Dark Green Fritillaries
- Large Skippers

Here is the whole album.

On Sunday 11th July:
The same forest road behind the top end of Jankovice:
- Great Banded Grayling - Brintesia circe
- Lesser Purple Empreror (but only bad photo :( )
- High Brown Fritillaries
- Ringlets
- Scarlet Tigers

On the sunny dry meadows and orchards above the top endof Jankovice:
- Forester Adscita sp. (statices? It seems differently than this for me!)
- this is another specimen of the Forester - most probably Adscita statices
- Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet - Zygaena lonicerae and a pair of the same species matting
- Nickerl's Fritillaries, on this photo matting on the mountain clover flowers (Heath and Nickerl's Fritillaries love field scabious, mountain clover and wild marjoram flowers)
- Heath Fritillaries
- burnets Zygaena minos

Here is the whole album.

Today I have snapped a Scarce Swallowtail sitting on the Blue Spruce in the front yard of our house.

Here my video of the Scarlet Tiger:[/video]
Last edited by traplican on Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: traplican

Post by Padfield »

Amazing short-tailed blue aberration! I've never seen one like it! Well done.

The purple emperor is a lesser purple emperor.


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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

Thank you Guy, I just have corrected both the legend to the picture and my message.

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

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Re: traplican

Post by Pete Eeles »

padfield wrote:Amazing short-tailed blue aberration! I've never seen one like it! Well done.
I agree! If you could also post this image in the relevant species-specific folder, I'd appreciate it. The collective response from the membership in terms of images has been amazing - resulting in an outstanding resource! We just need to get all of the aberrations named and catalogued correctly!


- Pete

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

I have post the photo to the galery, Pete. Bu I don´t known the name of this aberation.

Yesterday I have visited Zlín and seen a male of Everes decoloratus on one of the most busy places of the town, exactly here.

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Re: traplican

Post by Pete Eeles »

traplican wrote:I have post the photo to the galery, Pete. Bu I don´t known the name of this aberation.
Yes - and thanks. It's now on the main species page.

Don't know about the name - but at least it's in the right place to get ID'd!


- Pete

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Re: traplican

Post by Cotswold Cockney »

I have really enjoyed visiting this impressive thread from time to time. Always something interesting to see ~ well done ~ magnificent effort.

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Re: traplican

Post by traplican »

We are just preparing to the trip to the meadows in Kudlovická dolina (I want to check the Scarce Blues) and then to Čertoryje Reserve in the White Carpathians.

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Re: traplican

Post by Charles Nicol »

just to echo Cotswold Cockney's remarks... i always look forward to the latest sightings & videos from Traplice.
Keep up the good work !!



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