Brimstone egg-laying

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Brimstone egg-laying

Post by Padfield »

I watched a female brimstone laying eggs today. She seemed quite oblivious to my presence, so intent was she on what she was doing. As she laid, she ranged from the top of the tree (perhaps 7m or so high) to the bottom, depositing each egg with great care, then flying out as if to survey her work, selecting a new bud, flying out again, inspecting the tree all over, choosing a further bud to lay on and so forth. I watched her for at least 15 minutes.

Here she is, on a bud well above my head level:


When she came lower I had just a few seconds to move in and get a picture, because it didn't take her long to lay the egg:


In this close-up I think you can see her smiling:


The eggs stick conspicuously out from the buds, mostly in ones but sometimes in twos (I never saw her lay two at once but she may well have revisited the same bud):




Meanwhile, not far away, the presumed father was chilling out on a dandelion:


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Re: Brimstone egg-laying

Post by Julian »

Fantastic Guy. Had similar expereince myself a couple of days ago in the back garden with a 15ft plus 'tree'....'oblivious' is the word. It's always a magical expereince tho' isn't it. My lady hasn't come back but there are plenty of other bushes in the woods near me. Nice that someone else is reporting the egg laying activities across the height and breadth of the bush.
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Re: Brimstone egg-laying

Post by Padfield »

Thanks, Julian. Yes, I had noticed your brilliant comp pic - more than that I cannot say, as it's against protocol to comment on these before the voting... :D

I just love watching a butterfly lay her eggs. She devotes so much effort and care and attention - perhaps joy - to something she will never benefit from. She will never see her children, but she does everything she can to give them the best possible start in life.

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Re: Brimstone egg-laying

Post by Julian »

Thanks Guy :D .

I think that mother Brimstone is superb and her job is a real labour of love. Like you say, she never benefits by seeing her children and yet still she continues bestowing that wonder upon us and upon the rest of nature with so much care and attention. I've been really fortunate to have them grace this area for some time now and just love hearing how people have planted the bush and almost immediately benefited. Matt (Rodosranger) and I passed on some bushes just this week to a gentleman that lives close to our local parks and where there is a good 'colony' of Brimstones and Buckthorns. He planted them carefully since it is very late in the season (too late really to be planting) but nonetheless, that very day, Lady Brimstone visited. Can you believe that? Just incredible. :D.
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