October 2009 immature stages results

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October 2009 immature stages results

Post by Gruditch »

The winners of the October 2009 immature stages competition can be seen here http://www.ukbutterflies.co.uk/phpBB2/gallery/index.php

Congratulation to Rodosranger 1st, Fishiee 2nd and Pete 3rd.

Regards Gruditch
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Re: October 2009 immature stages results

Post by Denise »

Congratulations to the winners. Superb images (which I voted for :) )
Two moths in the top three, :wink:
Well done everyone.
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Re: October 2009 immature stages results

Post by Charles Nicol »

Well done to all the participants.

I especially liked Zonda's scary caterpillar :shock:

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Re: October 2009 immature stages results

Post by Zonda »

I especially liked Zonda's scary caterpillar :shock:
Well thankyou Chali, it was no big effort on my part. Taken in our garden two years ago, on an awful Nikon bridge camera, it is the only cat pic i have. Congrats to all the winners, i think i voted for all of you, but not in that order. :D
Cheers,,, Zonda.
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Re: October 2009 immature stages results

Post by Deano »

Well done all who entered, and particular congratulations to the top 3 - nice shots indeed!
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Re: October 2009 immature stages results

Post by Pete Eeles »

As most regulars will know, I have a soft spot for immature stages and spend an immense amount of time studying them, and am suitably impressed with *all* of the entries - keep it up! Of course, congrats to the winners. rodosranger's Swallowtail is just superb!

Some that really stood out for me, primarily because they're either something I've never seen or are very creative, are:

Sussex Kipper's Purple Emperor larva - with classic pre-hibernation feeding damage. I have to say - this was my favourite shot! I've only found a handful of iris larvae in the wild (and over 10 years ago!). Your shot brings back fond memories.

Gary's Striped Lychnis larva - wow! What a rarity and a superb shot that really brings out the camouflage!

Dave McCormick's Large White pupa. A combination of reflection, fully-developed adult and droplet combine to make something quite special!

Deano's Large White larva on Nasturtium. Amazing colour contrast.

Ray's early-instar Holly Blue larva - I know how much effort it takes to get such a shot (and experience!).

Markulous' "Little and Large". Superb comparison shot!

geniculata's Puss Moth larva shot. The two larvae make this shot!

As for the others - keep it up! One of my favourite competitions all round!


- Pete
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Re: October 2009 immature stages results

Post by FISHiEE »

Congratulations to Matt on his winning entry. I knew that was gonna be the winner as soon as I saw it! I'm so envious of his access to these compared to me.

Larval stages are something I love to photograph but rarely get the chance. I always find them by accident and never by design.
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Re: October 2009 immature stages results

Post by Neil Hulme »

Congratulations to the three worthy winners. The Spurge Hawkmoth caterpillar is undoubtedly the most photogenic of all Lep larvae! The Swallowtail ain't bad-looking either!
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Re: October 2009 immature stages results

Post by mattberry »

Hi all,

I've just noticed the results of the competition and so I wanted to say thanks to everyone that voted for my pic :)

Well done to the others too, I actually thought one of the two spurges would win it as they are so eyecatching and both were well captured.

As for being envious Jon, don't be, its one of the few 'local star species' we've got around these parts! Mind you they do more than make up for it, such majestic creatures it has to be said and I never tire of seeing them on the wing.

All the best,
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