Wildflowers/plants for my garden

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Dave McCormick
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Wildflowers/plants for my garden

Post by Dave McCormick »

I have decided to plant a wildplant area in my garden for the local butterflies, which include:
Holly Blues
Meadow Brown
Large/Small Whites
Speckled Wood
Small Tortoiseshell/Peacock/Red Admiral/Comma
and occationally clouded yellows
and various moths.

So far I have got:

Birds-Foot-Trefoil 500 Seeds
Ladys Bedstraw seeds (for passing hawk moths)
Goldenrod (for attracting species)
Field/Devils bit scabious seeds for narrow borderd bee hawkmoths

anything else that would go well for a wildflower/butterfly garden?
Cheers all,
My Website: My new website: http://daveslepidoptera.com/ - Last Update: 11/10/2011
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Shirley Roulston
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Re: Wildflowers/plants for my garden

Post by Shirley Roulston »

I can personally recommend 'Ragwort' :D
'Alder Buckthorn :)
Ox Eyed Daisy
Anything with a scent
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Re: Wildflowers/plants for my garden

Post by Susie »

For orange tips you are going to need either cuckoo flower (ladies smock), garlic mustard or honesty. All are cheap and easy to grow.
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Dave McCormick
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Re: Wildflowers/plants for my garden

Post by Dave McCormick »

I ordered a bunch of seeds of various wild plants online and I think cuckoo flowers were one of them. I got plenty of ragwort and foxglove anyway. I have two buddleih (sp?) and they attract the butterflies, one has larger ligher purple flower heads and other has smaller dark purple heads and smells strong. I decided to get nasturshims as my dad wants to grow some cabbages/cauliflowers and that would deter the whites away from the vegis or I hope so anyway, it was bad lst year, most of the vegis got eaten by GV/Small and large white caterpillars and even moth caterpillars.
Cheers all,
My Website: My new website: http://daveslepidoptera.com/ - Last Update: 11/10/2011
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Shirley Roulston
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Re: Wildflowers/plants for my garden

Post by Shirley Roulston »

With regards to the cabbage, I read somewhere that if you grow ornamental cabbage away from the veg patch then maybe the White butterflies will go to them.
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Re: Wildflowers/plants for my garden

Post by Susie »

Next year you will have twice as many cabbage whites if they are feeding up on ornamental cabbages and nasturtiums as well.
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Dave McCormick
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Re: Wildflowers/plants for my garden

Post by Dave McCormick »

Susie wrote:Next year you will have twice as many cabbage whites if they are feeding up on ornamental cabbages and nasturtiums as well.
Yeah thats true, never thought of that. Getting some ornimental cabbages soon. I have some chamomile growing in the garden, usually smells nice and attracts things. Also got 7000 seeds of wild carrot, but I don't know what that will do. Got garlic mustard too
Cheers all,
My Website: My new website: http://daveslepidoptera.com/ - Last Update: 11/10/2011
My Nature videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/DynamixWarePro
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