Bugboys mission

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

"No eye-catching ab’s today" I reckon that female Common Blue, whilst not an 'ab' is still pretty eye-catching Bugboy -a lovely slaty blue 8) :mrgreen:

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Indeed Wurzel, but when you come across an eye catching Marshie ab the day before, it all becomes relative!


May 2024

A quick overview of May 2024, overall bloody awful would be my glass half empty 'stuck at work when it was sunny' assessment! The what seemed to be constant cloud cover was probably exasperated by my not being able to get any Leave during the month. On the flipside there were some great highlights, the discovery of what seems to be a thriving colony of Green Hairstreak on my local patch, finding a pair in cop and what was probably their best season for them in my experience. Some excellent Duke action in the Chilton’s and a couple of lovely days out in the Wiltshire hills (complete with that impressive Marshie ab.)

So my final May post is just a few choice snaps I took on lunchtime wanders at work when I was dreaming of being further afield!

Wednesday 8th.
Thursday 9th.
Wednesday 15th.
Sunday 19th.
Friday 24th.
Two weeks off in June means this is a long month of posts, might not get through them all until I’m waving goodbye to the last LTB as it departs for the winter, bear with me :lol: !
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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Going back to that Marshie ab, been trying to pin down a name for it. The best fit I can find for the upperside seems to be virgata, whereas the underside looks most closely to melanoleuca.
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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by Wurzel »

"Indeed Wurzel, but when you come across an eye catching Marshie ab the day before, it all becomes relative!"...you might have been suffering from a condition called 'Abblindness' :wink: Nice to see the photos from your lunch time wanderings - sounds like your lunch breaks are similar to mine "was dreaming of being further afield" :lol:

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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by bugboy »

Pretty much standard thought process during my lunch breaks Wurzel :lol:


June 2024

Tuesday 4th. June started much as May ended, overcast. However today was set to be warm and a little muggy, which in the first week of June means Black Hairstreak are on the menu. I got to Epsom Common mid morning, but things took a while to get going. I occupied myself with some local Odonata. There were lots of Azure Damselflies around, a few Large Red and Blue-tailed but the White-legged Damselflies were the most readily approached.
Freshly emerged females are a creamy white, but gain black markings as they mature
Freshly emerged females are a creamy white, but gain black markings as they mature
This young male shows the flanges that give them their name although I prefer the alternative name, Featherleg Damselfly.
This young male shows the flanges that give them their name although I prefer the alternative name, Featherleg Damselfly.
Dragonflies were also around. I put up a female Black-tailed Skimmer and followed her to a bramble thicket only to find she had morphed into a female Broad-bodied Chaser. Very strange, but as I got closer I found that I had both species sat next to each other.
Black-tailed Skimmer left, Broad-bodied Chaser right.
Black-tailed Skimmer left, Broad-bodied Chaser right.
Males of both species were also found.
Black-tailed Skimmer
Black-tailed Skimmer
Broad-bodied Chaser
Broad-bodied Chaser
As I was occupying myself with these there had been sporadic sightings of Hairstreaks flitting around but nothing settled for an hour or so. And when they did start they were being very annoying.
It was close to midday before I came across one that was behaving (Millerd would also photograph this one a few days later, recognisable from the small nick from the wing). There was only the one other enthusiast present today, who was after a lifer, so he was overjoyed when I pointed this one out to him.
As far as the target was concerned that was it but I did manage my first Meadow Brown of the year
And walking back to the station a few nice-looking Speckled Wood.
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Re: Bugboys mission

Post by millerd »

It's always interesting to see the same individual butterflies at different points in their existence - three days later and there was no noticeable extra wear on that birdstruck female, Paul. I wonder how long they last (assuming they continue to evade birds, dragonflies and crab spiders...)?

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