Mountain Ringlets in Cumbria

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Joined: Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:39 am

Mountain Ringlets in Cumbria

Post by Mildheart »

We are going looking for Mountain Ringlets in Cumbria some time during the week of 17-21 June. We are not intending to go to Irton Fell as we believe it will be too late and we've failed to see any there for the past two years. We are thinking of trying the Caudale Moor/Hartsop Dodd area. Does anyone have any advice on this area or any better alternatives we could try?
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Re: Mountain Ringlets in Cumbria

Post by SarahM »

Hi Mildheart,

Mountain Ringlets have just appeared on Cumbria's sightings page. 1 seen on 8th June and 1 seen on 12th June, both on Irton Fell. They are late this year unsurprisingly.

Have you thought about the Kidsty Pike and Bampton Common areas around Haweswater? It depends where you will be based and your level of fitness. You could try contacting RSPB Haweswater for advice, I believe it is a steep route. My only other advice would be to look through the sightings pages of previous years on Cumbria's B.C. site.

The forecast is not good but it changes often.

Good Luck!

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