My butterfly photography Christmas present list!

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Malcolm Farrow
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My butterfly photography Christmas present list!

Post by Malcolm Farrow »

Dear Santa

It's nearly Christmas again and I've tried my best to be good (honest)! Please can I have these three things to help my butterfly photography in 2009:

1) Lots more time to take photographs (I'm sure my employers won't mind!)
2) A richer, more diverse landscape for Suffolk, full of lots of butterflies to photograph (I know this is a tough one, but if anyone can do it, Santa, you can!)
2) A 150mm F3.5 VR AFS macro lens for my Nikon

Thanks in anticipation and Happy Christmas!


The first two are impossible and the third highly unlikely - but what would you have on your list? :D
Shirley Roulston
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Re: My butterfly photography Christmas present list!

Post by Shirley Roulston »

A Sony A700 now I've got the lens to go with it. Eccles has made green with envy with his wonderful photos. If Santa is listening. :mrgreen:
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Re: My butterfly photography Christmas present list!

Post by Denise »

Hi Santa,

I have been a very good girl this year, and if possible I would like a 1.4 converter, and I am saving like mad for the new Canon 300L lens, but if your feeling generous, I'd like that too.
Hubby has already given me an early Xmas pressie of Adobe Photoshop CS3.

Thank you
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Re: My butterfly photography Christmas present list!

Post by FISHiEE »

I think Canon MTt-24EX twin macro flash, MPE-65, 70-200F4 LIS, 300 F4 LIS, 500 F4 LIS and um... 50D and 5DMK II would be nice. Perhaps a 1D MKIV would be a better choice than the 5D II. No what the heck. Let's have all three!

If you don't ask you don't get! :)
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Re: My butterfly photography Christmas present list!

Post by eccles »

I'm reasonably happy with my hardware setup although the Sony 500mm AF reflex mirror lens is tempting as when I carry the big Sigma I don't want to carry anything else. When butterflying I'd carry the beercan with a closeup lens and have the mirror in my bag just in case.

As for subjects, I want brown hairstreak and adonis blue to be found in the AWT region, and a good emergence of glanvilles at Sand Point to demonstrate that the colony there is self sufficient and viable over the long term. And if I can find SW Frit and white admiral in the Avon Valley woodland then that'll put the icing on the cake.

Oh, and since Denise recognised milk parsley growing at Priddy Mineries earlier this year, how about SWT starting an introduction programme for swallowtails there? :)
Shirley Roulston
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Re: My butterfly photography Christmas present list!

Post by Shirley Roulston »

Hey Eccles! With all the equipment that you have I thought that you were Santa :lol:
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Re: My butterfly photography Christmas present list!

Post by eccles »

Ho Ho Ho.. ;)
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