Protected Rearing V Captive Breeding

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Protected Rearing V Captive Breeding

Post by PhilBJohnson »

Captive Rearing
This might have involved protection of immature life cycle stages on one’s own land or another’s with land owners permission, then reared outside under normal climatic temperatures, to adult butterfly stage, under insect net to avoid larval & pupal parasitisation & predation for same day butterfly release, after vulnerable emergence from pupae and wings had dried.
Captive Breeding
This might have involved capture of adult butterflies, for courtship & mating, on one’s own land (or another’s with appropriate permissions). The whole life cycle might have been in captivity, in controlled climatic conditions, possibly resulting in inappropriate release at wrong time of year, for suitable habitat use, for another’s butterfly count.
It was thought by someone, for fully protected species, habitat and life cycles were not meant to be interfered with in the wild, without appropriate Governmental consent, involving specialised governing bodies, with expertise, like for example, Butterfly Conservation.
Last edited by PhilBJohnson on Fri Apr 19, 2024 5:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Protected Outdoor Rearing V Captive Indoor Breeding

Post by PhilBJohnson »

Outdoor Survey Conservation of Seasonal Timings
In 2024, Butterfly Conservation Identified many different ways, in which enthusiasts might get involved in the surveying of butterflies: ... st-for-you

Surveying of Native “Wild” Butterflies and Captive Indoor Breeding of Native, Wild Butterflies

It was thought that life cycles of National outdoors, wild, native butterflies were Climate Changed Indicators, in the seasonal timings of when adult butterflies were surveyed on the wing.

In principal, I did not believe in indoor, captive breeding of wild, native butterflies, that might affect (change the results of) seasonal timings of outdoor surveys.

In principle, I thought it was much more acceptable, to protect outdoor immature stages of butterflies from predation, on ones own property (eggs having been oviposited there) up until a point of butterfly flight, where the adults might fly free and far away, for the wellbeing of other people.

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