New Canon 50d

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Gruditch »

Still as she was using my Macro I used her Canon 300 F/4 IS for the day, a none too shabby lens. :D

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by NickB »

And the results, compared to a macro? I find the sharpness difficult to match - but the IS should help!
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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Gruditch »

The IS is great, and I doubt that too many people would claim the Sigma 150 Macro, to be sharper than the Canon 300 F/4.

I've started to use the longer lenses in conjunction with an extension tube quite a bit now. If your going out primarily to get Silver-Washed Frits, White Ads or Brimstone,( large butterflies that will probably be out of reach of your Macro, in some bramble or the alike), then the long lenses are great. But if your after something like Grizzled Skippers or Blues, then the chances are that with the longer minimum focusing distance, a lot of foliage will be in the way.

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Markulous »

Gruditch wrote:The IS is great, and I doubt that too many people would claim the Sigma 150 Macro, to be sharper than the Canon 300 F/4.
I reckon it is plus it'll do 1:1

I happily use both but would always prefer to get a 150mm shot and tend to use the 300mm when I'm lazy or it's windy! :)
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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by bugmadmark »

Gruditch wrote:Chasing the latest models is a fruitless exercise, your better off investing in good glass. :wink:
Actually I seem to recall my wife warning me when we got married that I had to leave the models alone! Thankfully she isn't into photography! For those whose other halves are photographers just remember your vows she made to you .... What's hers is hers and whats yours is also hers ;-)

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Gruditch »

Gruditch wrote:

As for the new Canon 50D, it better produce some Bl@@dy good images, you can pick up a 40D for as little as £600, so the 50D's £1200 price tag makes it a big investment, especially as it will be old hat in 18 months. :shock:


God I'm full of c**p. :lol: I got fed up with Lisa hugging our back up camera, so I phoned up LCE to order a 40D body only. Later I find a answer phone message, "Hey Gary if you relay want to get up Lisa's nose, I can let you have a 50D for £??." So after all I said, I now own a 50D. :D

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Pete Eeles »

I think you should give the 50D to Lisa as penance :)

The upside is that you might learn to take a decent photo before jumping to the latest technology :lol:

Oh - I'm so enjoying this thread. You might have noticed :lol:


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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Gruditch »

Pete Eeles wrote:I think you should give the 50D to Lisa as penance
No she'll be alright with her new 40D and the dirty 30, as we call it, that 30D has forever got a dirty senser. :lol:
Pete Eeles wrote:The upside is that you might learn to take a decent photo before jumping to the latest technology

If this statement had come from Nick B or Eccles it would of been taken as a playful jest. However coming from a member of the Canonesta it boarders on blasphemy, and I think there may be grounds for a full investigation. :shock:

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by eccles »

Gary, your wish is my command:
Canon are finally using the same screen that the A700 has been using for over a year so it's nice to know they are finally copying the masters. You will enjoy checking your pictures for focus on the camera rather than have to wait until you can view them at home. But given the choice of a bright viewfinder that is good enough to get accurate manual focus versus the rather pointless live-view, or image stabilisation against gimmicky face detection and movie mode, I know I would still choose an A700 every time, even ignoring the price difference.

Incidently, my A100 and A700 have both forever NOT got dirty sensors. I have wet cleaned the A100 once in the year and a half that I've owned it, and never had to with the A700. I have occasionally used the rocket blower for the odd speck of dust.
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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by NickB »

I refuse to rise to the bait!
( I have to say, for a Canon, it does look good! But then, the demo always does :mrgreen: )
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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by eccles »

Interesting that neither Gary nor the Grand Pooh Bear has responded to my taunts. Could I have hit too close to the truth?

Oh, and BTW Gary, do you recall your comment last August?
I'm real happy with my 40D, and don't intend to invest in a new body for at least 3 years
Years, or was that weeks? :D

Have a good weekend anyway m8,
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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Gruditch »

Sorry Eccles, yours was a rubbish riposte, I lost interest in the thread. :lol:

Oh, I'll play then, as your obviously bored.

Dirty sensors only a problem on the earlier Canon models, as I think it was on all DSLRs, but not a problem on my 40D or my neeeewww 50D. :shock:

Yes I have a new camera body, but not as a replacement or an upgrade, but so I can take out two camera bodies, with lenses when I go out.
The reason I went for the newer 50D is because, when some interested party asks me what I have, I wanted to avoid replying "a pair of 40Ds" :D

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Tony Moore »

Gruditch, 1 - Eccles, 0. :lol: :lol:
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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Denise »

There is nothing wrong with having a pair of 40D's :wink: :lol: :lol:

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by eccles »

Gruditch, 1 - Eccles, 0.
You must be kidding!

The only reason why Canon users keep spouting about high iso capability is that it is the only thing they have left.
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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Tony Moore »

Denise wrote:There is nothing wrong with having a pair of 40D's
Sounds like a photo opportunity :lol: :lol:
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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by eccles »

Whoops, who's just bought a 50D then? ;)
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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Gruditch »

The review ends with "highly recommended (just). That's fine with me. :D

Now please stop now Eccles, cuz your Canon bashing is really getting boring. :!:

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by Rogerdodge »

The Eccles doth protest too much, methinks.

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Re: New Canon 50d

Post by NickB »

Rogerdodge wrote:The Eccles doth protest too much, methinks.
I can keep quiet for so long - but when the Grand-pohbah goes after an innocent Alpha user (forgive them, they know not....) .....
even a Nikonian is drawn to speak....
50D - just about caught up with the Nikon D300.....and that's not top of their pro-sumer range now.... :wink:

Canon - after all, 1m lemmings can't be wrong! (can they :mrgreen: )
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