Goldie M

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Allan.W. »

Hello Goldie ,
I hope you get lucky at the sites near me ,without making excuses .........they are not having a particularly Great season at any of the three sites that i put you onto but they are about in seemingly small numbers ,none have yet been seen (to my knowledge !) at what i said was the best site of the three (opp; the public footpath sign ) ,and as i,ve already said it is very overgrown and difficult underfoot ! but the other two sites (the one along the field edge footpath ,and the one slightly further on known locally as the Ski-slope )are easy going ,and probably your best bet ,again as i,ve said before once in the air ,they,re not easy to follow . Good luck !
Your moth is Brown Silver lines (pretty sure !) oh well done with the Small Blues at Lydden ,i,ve never seen them at that spot before .........nice find !
Regards Allan.W.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Nice shot of the Brimstone, Goldie, and good to hear you are geared up this week for a Grizzlie hunt. :)
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

Hi Goldie.

Good luck with the Grizzlies. I've no doubt you will soon be catching up with many other good butterflies down there too :D


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Allan, for all your help, I've not set off yet to see the Grizzlies, my Daughter has been very busy, I think If I get to see them
at all I'll be lucky, i've had to get in touch with my storage and removal people and sort things out which took half a day , the only thing I can say is I'm down here now to stay so hope fully at some point I'll get to see them but I'm not sure when :D

Hi! David , more set backs for seeing the Grizzlies but at least I'm down here now :D

Thanks Neill, your right about seeing the Butterflies down here, yesterday and today in the garden they've been coming all morning
and most of the afternoon, :D

I took my cup of tea into the garden this morning and just has I was going to take a sip an Orange Tip landed right in front of me on My pots with the Boules Mauve in, I grabbed my camera and took some quick shots, it didn't stay long so I'd to be quick :D

Holly Blues have been every where, I've never seen so many before in the garden, but the big surprise was the Painted Lady that also chose the BM to land on :D whilst that was happening a Red admiral joined the Painted Lady on the plant, ( this was yesterday) today with the OT', in the morning ,in the afternoon , the the Painted Lady was back together with Large White/ Small White :D Goodness knows what'll arrive tomorrow :D

I'm certainly glad I bought the Boules Mauve Plants :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Pauline »

Great shots of the Painted Lady M. Seems like we might be in for a good year given the numbers that have been reported in the last few days :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Pauline, Thanks for your posts, there certainly must be a big influx of the Butterfly PL because they were in the garden again all day :D
My Grandson came to do the garden yesterday and even that didn't deterr them :D
Of course that meant I was also stuck in the garden :D

I did go to Denge Wood the day before, I found the car park that Dave Brown told me about, we took what we thought was a short cut and which turned out to be a long way from where we wanted, by that time my leg had kicked in and I hobbled back to the car
at least I know the place where I can park and maybe get the right directions off the planner there next time, there was too many inviting paths to choose and when I saw this one with the Blue Bells I was a in there :D

Raining today, thank goodness, we certainly need it as do the Birds and the Butterflies, one tree in the garden here although we watered it was loosing it's leaves quite badly, hope fully it will pick up now, I bet the farmers are happy too :D

I took a few more shots of the Painted Lady yesterday enjoying the Blossom tree, the Red Admiral however was sheltering there too hot I suppose :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great to see you getting so many Painted Lady shots Goldie :D :mrgreen: Can you perhaps send a few over this way? :wink: :lol: Lovely looking Large White as well - really well marked that one 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Looks like Painted Ladies have made serious landfall in the UK recently, Goldie. :)

I even had a couple on the Gower a few days ago so fingers crossed they keep on comin'.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Wurzel, it rained yesterday morning then it took up to be a lovely afternoon so I went to Castle Park again and guess what,
Thats right, more Painted Ladies :D

Hi! David, the Painted Ladies seem to be every where here in Tankerton, the ones I saw in the park looked really fresh compared to the ones I've seen in the garden, to say how far they've traveled they've done well, I saw my first one on the 12th of April in Tankerton, I'm wondering now if that was released here, it was certainly early for Painted Ladies :D

Yesterday in Castle Park, in the afternoon, it was lovely, the PL's were taking advantage of the lovely flowers there and it was a pleasure just to sit and watch them after taking a few more shots . :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Those ones look even fresher than the last set Goldie :shock: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I thought so too Wurzel, they've been around the Garden for two or three days now. :D

Today I escaped on my own to Seasalter, I still took the walking stick just in case :D I was pleased and surprised when one of the first Butterflies I saw was a Small Tortoiseshell, that was followed by a Small Heath, Common Blue, Brown Argus, there didn't seem much in the way of flowers for them and every time they were turning upside down to get the nectar, it was an up side down day with the shots :D

Best news is Seasalter isn't far from my new place :D The Clouded Yellow are usually there later in the year. :D

I also spotted this lovely little moth, did my best but it flew into the long grass :D Name please if any one knows :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by bugboy »

Your moth is a Latticed Heath :)
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for that Bugboy, I always like to know their names, to look it up never seems to work for me :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Always nice to see the first of the summer brood of Small Tortoiseshells, Goldie. Glad you managed to get out. This time of year is a delight.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great stuff Goldie - I'm so far behind on my PD that I'm still posting the Spring brood of Small Torts :wink: :lol: :wink: :wink: :wink: It sounds great having a Clouded Yellow spot so close 8) :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Yes David, it was good to get about, I'm hoping the next few days will be good , I really want to go to Temple Ewell again, I'm hoping to see the Adonis I've not seen them for years. :D

Hi! Wurzel, it's a great spot lot's of Butterflies, I'd never been before at this time of year so I was pleased when I saw those species having missed the SH and BA for three years :D lots of catching up to do :D
The Clouded Yellow is a constant visitor there in the Summer, the path runs along side the sea wall but is in a large dip sheltered from the sea so no wind, you can take your time and just stroll :D :wink: Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I was a bit under the weather today so I didn't get out, I think tomorrow is supposed to be a better day any way, I did however manage to see a mating pair of Holly Blues in the garden , so not a wasted day really :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I've tried to post three times now unsuccessfully, I hope this post succeeds :roll:

I went to Temple Ewell today to look for the the Adonis, the only photo that looks like an Adonis ,looks, like I felt yesterday :lol:
I did see the Brown Argus again, this time I got a shot where it's head isn't buried in a flower :D also a side shot.

I saw the Small Blue again, slightly more worn than before but still cute :D

It took me nearly two hours in the field just trying to take shots of any Blue that came along, they didn't settle very long before they were off again, it was really frustrating :roll: I did manage shots of the Common Blue ,( wouldn't you know) and if there's an Adonis in there please let me know :D It's so long since I saw them, like I said, the one that looks like an Adonis , Well!!!!! :lol:
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Pauline »

I reckon you've got a female Adonis there M, but you know what my ID's are like :roll: See what the others say!
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Question is which one :lol: Ages since I saw one :D Goldie :D
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