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Re: millerd

Post by trevor »

A great encounter with the Dukes Dave, and all fresh.
They can either be easy or very difficult to photograph.
A :mrgreen: for your last image, perfect !.

Stay well,
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Re: millerd

Post by Neil Freeman »

A cracking selection of Dukes (and Duchess) Dave :D :mrgreen:


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Re: millerd

Post by Wurzel »

Fantastic stuff Dave 8) :mrgreen: Those Dukes and Duchesses are brilliant :D Not long til the Marshies now :D

Have a goodun

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Re: millerd

Post by bugboy »

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Some addictions are good for the soul!
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Re: millerd

Post by Maximus »

Hi Dave, I know a lot of water has flowed under the bridge :shock: but that's a lovely shot of the Green Hairstreak on blackthorn blossom :) a butterfly we've yet to find here.
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Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

Many thanks to all of you - the Dukes were very well-behaved for once, and that Duchess was one of the most attractive butterflies I've ever managed to photograph. It was staggeringly accommodating as well, resulting in one of my better shots. :)

The Hairstreak shot you refer to was up there too Mike. Another butterfly sitting right in front of me in a great pose. :)

That time already, Wurzel - May is always so congested... :)

After Noar Hill on Monday 18th, I had a brief walk locally too, turning up a few of the usual suspects.
PK1 180422.JPG
They continued to pose as well...
OT1 180422.JPG
Comma1 180422.JPG
Tuesday 19th April was cooler and cloudier, so I stayed local. Despite the less conducive conditions, I still managed to count over 60 butterflies - though only seven species. Most were Orange Tips...
OT1 190422.JPG
OT2 190422.JPG
OT4 190422.JPG
...and Green-veined Whites.
GVW1 190422.JPG
GVW3 190422.JPG
GVW4 190422.JPG
GVW5 190422.JPG
GVW7 190422.JPG
A welcome sight was the increase in the number of Holly Blues - reaching double figures at last.
HB1 190422.JPG
HB3 190422.JPG
No Commas appeared today, but there was a single Small Tortoiseshell hanging on...
ST1 190422.JPG
...and several Peacocks.
PK1 190422.JPG
PK2 190422.JPG
More fresh Speckled Woods appeared - they are having a good spring here this year after a couple of poor ones.
SpW1 190422.JPG
SpW2 190422.JPG
Not bad for an uninspiring day weatherwise! :)

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Re: millerd

Post by kevling »

Hi Dave,

Enjoying those Dukes and Duchess from Noar Hill and as for that Male Orange Tip on your finger, how did you manage that (not envious, honestly)

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Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

kevling wrote: Fri Apr 22, 2022 5:58 pm ...and as for that Male Orange Tip on your finger, how did you manage that (not envious, honestly)...
Cheers, Kev. :) It was indeed a good morning down at Noar Hill.

Tuesday was a different sort of day, much cloudier and cooler, so I found that Orange Tip well and truly settled on a random bit of foliage, wings firmly shut. I managed to coax it onto my finger intending to position it in a more photogenic location, but there was a bit of unexpected sunshine and it immediately woke up. It didn't stay long after that! :) I've found that given the right conditions you can get almost any butterfly to sit on a finger - sometimes they can be difficult to dislodge, either because they discover something interesting to suck from the surface, or because they enjoy the relative warmth.

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Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

Wednesday 20th April was an about-turn back to sunshine and warmth: 19 degrees and 8 hours of sun locally. I stayed on my local patch and made a thorough tour - the result was nearly 150 butterflies of 12 species, including one new one for the year. The tally looked like this:

Holly Blue 30
Orange Tip 28
GVW 27
Peacock 27
Speckled Wood 15
Small White 5
Brimstone 5
Small Tortoiseshell 4
Comma 3
Large White 2
Red Admiral 1
Small Copper 1

The sudden appearance of so many Holly Blues was very heartwarming - they've been very slow in emerging so far. I have a feeling that the offspring of the summer brood of this species are spread over quite a long period (eggs are laid from July to September), and that the early ones are those that emerge as butterflies in October and November as a third brood here. The rest wait till spring, but as there are few early ones left, the majority don't appear till later in the season. If that makes any sense! :wink: :)

The preponderance of GVW over Small White continued, but the latter are looking fresh again, so another wave may have just started. Peacocks now outnumbered Commas, a turnabout from earlier in the Spring. They were everywhere in ones and twos, presumably now dispersed and getting down to some egg-laying. There are many new areas of fresh nettle growth by the River Colne, so there could be large numbers of caterpillars in a few weeks time. Speckled Woods are having a good spring so far, much better than the last couple of years certainly. The Small Copper was a welcome early appearance here - I rarely see them on this patch until May.

Now for some photos... Not surprisingly, one or two Holly Blues feature. :)
HB8 200422.JPG
HB6 200422.JPG
HB11 200422.JPG
HB14 200422.JPG
HB18 200422.JPG
HB20 200422.JPG
HB13 200422.JPG
Some others...
Comma1 200422.JPG
RA1 200422.JPG
ST1 200422.JPG
SpW2 200422.JPG
GVW3 200422.JPG
GVW2 200422.JPG
Brimstone2 200422.JPG
OT2 200422.JPG
OT4 200422.JPG
OT5 200422.JPG
One of the other Commas was keeping very close to the ground, and after a brief pause on a nettle...
Comma2 200422.JPG
...I investigated.
Comma egg1 200422.JPG
Here is the Small Copper. It may have been new, but it had managed to tear a hindwing somehow.
SC1 200422.JPG
SC2 200422.JPG
Quite a full selection! :)

However, I'll save some Orange Tip behaviour for a separate entry.

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Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

During my lengthy walk on Wednesday 20th, I came upon a female Orange Tip on a garlic mustard plant. I had a feeling she might have been laying, so attempted some close shots. However, before I could get near to her, a male dived in...
OTx2 3 200422.JPG
OTx2 1 200422.JPG
...followed by another one.
OTx3 1 200422.JPG
She set off, with one of the males in tow...
OTx2 2 200422.JPG
...finally shaking him off and settling down again.
OT6 200422.JPG
I examined the original flowerhead and found two eggs, one fresh and very pale, and the other mature and bright orange. I assume the female had just laid the former one.
OTegg1 200422.JPG
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Re: millerd

Post by Chris L »

Excellent set of photos and an entertaining narrative Dave. Not remotely jealous of your circa 150 butterflies seen on that one day. I am perfectly happy with my 30-35. :mrgreen:

I was interested in your comment 'I've found that given the right conditions you can get almost any butterfly to sit on a finger' Please tell. :D
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Re: millerd

Post by Goldie M »

Some fantastic shots there Dave,I'm looking in the wrong places I think :D Goldie :D
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Re: millerd

Post by Wurzel »

Sterling work with the OT in the hand Dave :mrgreen: :D Cracking set of shots especially like the three OTs Action Shot :D 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: millerd

Post by David M »

Great work with the Orange Tips, Dave. It's a lot of fun when they behave like that. :mrgreen:

The Holly Blue images are excellent too.
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Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

Cheers, Otep. The knack of getting butterflies to sit on your finger varies between species, but finding them when they are sleepy is one pointer. :)

Thank you, Goldie - I am just a bit lucky to have a lot of semi-wild land on my doorstep, tucked between the urban/suburban sprawl of London (and the airport of course) to the east, and mixed countryside to the west. :)

Cheers, Wurzel - I do like to get a few action shots if I can, as they are better reminders of the day than some of the more posed images. :)

Thanks, David - The Hollies have appeared at long last, and in good numbers, so there will be a few more images to come. Orange Tip behaviour is fascinating - I like to make the most of their relatively brief appearance each year, the zenith of which we must nearly have reached. :)

Thursday 21st April was another sunny day, and became quite warm again. Denbies beckoned again, and this time the Dingy Skippers had joined the Grizzlies and Green Hairstreaks - plus one new species for the year.

Curiously, I found all of the last of this trio in different spots to my last visit. Most were perched on dogwood bushes along the hedge line at the bottom...
GH2 210422.JPG
GH5 210422.JPG
GH6 210422.JPG one other right along at the eastern end beyond Steers Field, in the hedge at the top of the slope.
GH8 210422.JPG
GH9 210422.JPG
This latter individual was a female, and appeared to be interested in laying on the rock rose, but I was unable to find any eggs. During one of the squabbles between males, I tried to get some "in flight" shots. I thought I'd failed, and nearly deleted this one - it was only when I enlarged it a bit that I discovered the open wing butterfly in the middle.
GH1 210422.JPG
The upperside is really quite dark.

There were more Grizzlies around than on my last visit, spread all along the bottom of all parts of the site. With less of a breeze, they will no doubt spread a bit further upslope.
GS4 210422.JPG
GS3 210422.JPG
GS1 230422.JPG
This will be true of the Dingies too. They outnumbered the Grizzlies by about five to one at least, and could be seen darting around whenever the sun was properly out.
DS1 210422.JPG
DS2 210422.JPG
DS3 210422.JPG
DS4 210422.JPG
In amongst them, looking distinctly more orange in flight, were a few Burnet Companion moths.
BC1 210422.JPG
However, in addition to all these, the first Small Heaths were flying at their stronghold at the western end of the hillside. Taking into account their long season (April to October), they end up being perhaps the commonest species here. Though Chalkhill Blues will outnumber them on the day in late July, and perhaps Meadow Browns come close, they can number in their hundreds sometimes. Despite half a dozen to choose from, not one of them truly cooperated today.
SH1 210422.JPG
SH2 210422.JPG
SH3 210422.JPG
Hopefully, Adonis Blues won't be long in appearing here now...

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Re: millerd

Post by Wurzel »

Great Grenstreaks Dave, especially the second metallic looking one -its great to get a shot like that 8) :mrgreen: You're tearing ahead in terms of species and now a Small Heath :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

Cheers, Wurzel - I like the metallic green sheen as well. If you get the light angle just right it can be spectacular; if you catch it differently you can get anything from dull greeny-buff to deep turquoise. Terrific little butterflies! :)

Looking back at my photos for Thursday 21st, I now see I sandwiched Denbies between a couple of short local walks. These involved a lot more Holly Blues, both early and late.
HB10 210422.JPG
HB9 210422.JPG
HB1 210422.JPG
HB4 210422.JPG
HB7 210422.JPG
HB11 210422.JPG
I'd almost stopped taking photos of Peacocks, but not quite...
PK1 210422.JPG
...and there seem to be a succession of bright new Speckled Woods.
SpW2 210422.JPG
The Commas still like to pose (same spot, different butterfly!)...
Comma1 210422.JPG
Comma2 210422.JPG
...and the GVW as well, so much easier than the Small Whites (GVW continue to be far more numerous here too).
GVW1 210422.JPG
GVW2 210422.JPG
Naturally enough, no walk at this time of year would be complete without an Orange Tip or two. Late afternoon proved good today.
OT3 210422.JPG
OT2 210422.JPG
OT1 210422.JPG
OT4 210422.JPG
I've been hoping one would pose on these forget-me-nots eventually, and today one found them and kept on returning as well. I love the colour contrast! :)

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Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

Friday 22nd April was mostly cloudy, with hazy sunshine at best - and it was cooler and breezy. Nevertheless, I managed some time out locally and some brave Holly Blues and GVW provided most of the entertainment. I've noticed in the past that when a sudden drop in light levels occurs, enough to send the Hollies for cover, they often seek out a spot where another of the species is already sitting. At one point today I briefly had four in a small area, but this reduced to three (all males).
HB7 220422.JPG
HB8 220422.JPG
HB3 220422.JPG
HB9 220422.JPG
Unfortunately, the brief sunny spell wasn't long enough for me to get a better shot of all three at once with wings open at the same time... :)

With the sun back in, I found several more in nearby spots...
HB5 220422.JPG
HB6 220422.JPG
...and was able to get very close to this one for an endearing view or two.
HB1 220422.JPG
As mentioned, there were several GVW around as well, but these also made for cover when the sun disappeared.
GVW4 220422.JPG
GVW3 220422.JPG
GVW1a 220422.JPG
Others headed for the trees, hawthorns being favoured. White butterflies in general seem to roost up in the trees and I managed to spot a Large White doing just that some way up.
LW1 220422.JPG
With the butterflies disappearing, I then examined a few garlic mustard and cuckoo flower plants for eggs. These are Orange Tips...
OT egg2 220422.JPG
OT egg1 220422.JPG
...and as these next ones are laid under the leaves rather than on the flower buds, they may be GVW eggs.
GVW egg1 220422.JPG
GVW egg3 220422.JPG
GVW egg2 220422.JPG
Finally, as a result of this close scrutiny, I found a female Orange Tip.
OT3 220422.JPG
OT1 220422.JPG
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Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

Saturday 23rd April was warmer, but still lacking much sunshine. I had a couple of local walks, and for some reason conditions seemed to favour GVW over everything else today, though Holly Blues were a close second. The tally (not at all scientific since it encompassed two outings, albeit not over quite the same ground):

GVW 24
Holly Blue 19
Orange Tip 13
Peacock 12
Comma 5
Speckled Wood 5
Small White 3
Small Tortoiseshell 2
Red Admiral 2
Brimstone 1

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Re: millerd

Post by millerd »

Some photos from Saturday 23rd. A few Commas to start with. I find it amazing that though now looking a tad faded, all of these butterflies are largely undamaged at this late stage of their lives.
Comma1 230422.JPG
Comma2 230422.JPG
Comma3 230422.JPG
Comma5 230422.JPG
This Peacock looked in good nick too...
PK1 230422.JPG
...but this Red Admiral (seen skulking around under some nettle beds) not so much.
RA1 230422.JPG
Female Orange Tips - roosting ones are easy to spot once you've got your eye in.
OT1 230422.JPG
OT3 230422.JPG
OT2 230422.JPG
Some of the many GVW...
GVW3 230422.JPG
GVW4 230422.JPG
GVW5 230422.JPG
GVW7 230422.JPG
...and some Holly Blues.
HB11 230422.JPG
HB10 230422.JPG
HB1 230422.JPG
HB7 230422.JPG
HB8 230422.JPG
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