
Discussion forum for any overseas items (given that this is a "UK" butterflies forum!).
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Post by OwenE »

Just back from a brief visit to Tenerife. I was staying in the touristy south and the only time I got out into the countryside the weather wasn't great so it wasn't the best visit for Butterflies, saw more on our final day than the rest of the trip put together so I guess it would have started to improve. Did very well for birds and cetaceans though so can't complain.

But it was nice just to see any butterflies at all (i have seen a Red Admiral here in Penarth since I got back but when I went I hadn't seen any in 2022)

Small White's were by far the most common butterfly, saw them quite regularly around our apartment block. As the weather improved we started to see a few monarchs as well. A new species for me and a really impressive sight. I loved the way they flew, seeming to drift upwards with no effort at all.

Despite some rain and single figure temperatures when I ventured up into the forests I also got to see the Canary Speckled Wood and Canary Red Admiral. Both subtly different from ours and the speckled wood in particular was a real favourite of mine. The warm orange colour was lovely. Geranium Bronze was my fourth and final new species but didnt manage a photo unfortunately.
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David M
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Re: Tenerife

Post by David M »

Nice work, Owen. Monarch and Canary Red Admiral are great butterflies to see. I envy you. :mrgreen:
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Re: Tenerife

Post by OwenE »

Thanks. Yes they were great to see. The monarch i photographed was probably the tattiest of the 4 I saw but was still really striking.

So good just to see any butterflies. Even the small whites were very welcome
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David M
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Re: Tenerife

Post by David M »

OwenE wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:52 pm...So good just to see any butterflies. Even the small whites were very welcome
I'm sure of that, Owen. Proof positive that February butterflies for we poor, starved, northern Europeans are manna from heaven!
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Re: Tenerife

Post by selbypaul »

Great sightings Owen. I'm due to fly to Tenerife myself next week, specifically focused on butterflies. Fingers crossed
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Re: Tenerife

Post by OwenE »

Good luck. The speckled wood and red admiral were just above sea level on the north coast but we really did see a massive increase in butterflies on the last day and if temperatures have continued to rise I’d imagine there will be loads.

I had very cold weather in the Laurel and pine forests and no car so was a bit limited.

There’s some good info here.
https://www.birdforum.net/threads/canar ... on.417781/
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Re: Tenerife

Post by selbypaul »

Thanks Owen.
Hope you are right and that I've got the timing of my visit roughly right!

Cheers also for sharing that link, very helpful
Best Wishes
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