Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

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Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Wurzel »

Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Week 19

The penultimate week! Where did the winter go and why do we still have it’s dreadful weather? Oh well at least spring should be on its way and we can start the prep work for the ‘Favourite 2022’ section!

Please could I ask that everyone waits until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos as then it will be easier to keep track of things? Of course our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants. As in previous years details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome as would any accompanying stories and anecdotes or other observations of behaviour and interesting other points.

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Stevie Blunder »

This pristine female obliged me with an open wing pose long enough to get my best ever photograph of a Wall. August 10th 2021 Cotswolds near Cheltenham.
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Goldie M
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Re: Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Goldie M »

I'm afraid my Wall Brown shots are not too clever :D
I saw them at Reculver on the 27th of April and the 1st of May and only one appeared each time, it could have been too early for them or the weather, they did seek cover each time and nearly always kept their wings closed, I was happy at the time just to see them and being my last Butterfly to post I had to include them. :D

This year hope fully I'll see more of them :D Goldie :D
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Re: Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by badgerbob »

I was lucky to come across a near perfect female Wall Brown late in the 1st brood on my local patch on 10th June. A mating pair during the 2nd brood was also good to see, also on my patch.
Female Wall Brown. 10/6/2021  Seaford.
Female Wall Brown. 10/6/2021 Seaford.
Mating Wall Brown. 31/7/2021  Seaford.
Mating Wall Brown. 31/7/2021 Seaford.
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Re: Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by millerd »

I was also lucky enough to come across a mating pair of Walls in 2021. These were from the usual third brood down at High & Over on 10th September.
Wall pair8 170921.JPG
Wall pair11 170921.JPG
However, two other butterflies also pop up in the memory of the year, both second brood females but from quite different locations. The first was from Tout Quarry on Portland (4th August), when the appearance of a large colourful orange butterfly created heart-stopping moments and eventually a modicum of disappointment when its true identity was revealed.
Wall1 040821.JPG
The other was seen on 16th August while Hairstreak-hunting at Shipton Bellinger.
Wall1 160821.JPG
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Re: Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Wolfson »

I am very fond of the Wall and my favourite was also my first sighting in 2021, in a classic Wall pose.
Wall, 30 April
Wall, 30 April
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Re: Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Neil Freeman »

Unfortunately, Wall Browns are no longer found around my part of the Midlands although there are still colonies further afield to the north and west in in Shropshire and Staffordshire.
Consequently, this is a butterfly that I usually catch up with during our various trips around the country when we stay for a few days or longer in a given area.
This year I saw them during two such trips, the first being when we spent a few days in May down on the Lizard when I saw a few along the coast paths
Wall Brown - Lizard 18.05.2021
Wall Brown - Lizard 18.05.2021
Wall Brown - Lizard 19.05.2021
Wall Brown - Lizard 19.05.2021
Later, during our week in Dorset in June, there were some still hanging on around Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove.
Wall Brown - Durdle Door 12.06.2021
Wall Brown - Durdle Door 12.06.2021
In both cases, I believe that they were flying a bit later than usual due to the extensive periods of poor weather that had occurred through the spring.


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Re: Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Wurzel »


When it came to choosing my Favourite Wall shot it actually proved trickier than I’d expected as I encountered them more than once this year and all had been inland. In the end I couldn’t work out which to choose from two shots as they could have been favourites in their own right but for different reasons. Both came from the spring brood from Sidbury Hill. The first I chose because it was a cracking male, sitting pretty on a leaf and showing off the gorgeous underside with those fractal like markings.
29-05-2021 18.JPG
The second came from the same trip whilst I was ensconced in the rings and having my lunch. As is often the case as soon the butterfly showed up the minute I’d felt the first creeping sensation of the extra lime pickle on my cheek and so as the ‘burn’ increased’ I got a few shots. I had to really as it was the first time I’d seen a Wall feeding on a Cuckoo flower and usurping the local Orange-tip in the process.
29-05-2021 33.JPG
Have a goodun

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Re: Wall - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by David M »

Didn't get too many opportunities with this species in the UK in 2021. They led me a merry dance in spring, largely due to the appallingly cool period we suffered throughout much of May. This female, which turned up unexpectedly on the dunes at Port Eynon in late August was probably my favourite:
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