Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

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Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Wurzel »

Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Week 17

We’re still in the ‘Smalls’ :D . With the weeks ticking by faster and faster it won’t be long until we might be able to start getting some of our Favourite Shots of 2022 before too long! I can’t wait!

Please could I ask that everyone waits until a topic has been opened by me for a particular species before posting photos as then it will be easier to keep track of things? Of course our overseas members are very welcome to fill in the obvious gaps relating to rare UK migrants. As in previous years details of locations, dates, times and circumstances would be welcome as would any accompanying stories and anecdotes or other observations of behaviour and interesting other points.

Have a goodun and stay safe

downland boy
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Re: Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by downland boy »

I watched this male dashing about for a few minutes before it settled in front of me long enough for a quick shot.
Small Skipper (m) 12.7.2021  East Sussex. Nigel Kemp.JPG
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Goldie M
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Re: Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Goldie M »

I saw my Small Skipper on the 1st of July at Brockholes CP Preston, it was a lovely hot day, one to remember :D Goldie :D
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Re: Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Allan.W. »

Small Skippers had a good season in my part of Kent ,particularly at Dungeness ,with very high numbers on the wing ,
I,ve been looking around for a pair of Essex Skippers ..............something i,ve yet to find ,i,d hoped that this pair were Essex .............but no ,my 3rd Small Skipper pairing of 2021.
High numbers as well in Orlestone forest,i rather like this picture of a couple of males ..................doing their best to be the females partner.
P1300263 (2).JPG
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Neil Freeman
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Re: Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Neil Freeman »

Another species with a pretty 'average' year around my patch. As with their Large and Essex cousins, they were late emerging and then seemed to have a rather short flight period with very few seen after the storms at the end of July and early August.
Small Skipper male - Bickenhill 12.07.2021
Small Skipper male - Bickenhill 12.07.2021
Small Skipper female - Bickenhill 12.07.2021
Small Skipper female - Bickenhill 12.07.2021
Small Skipper pair - Wagon Lane 26.07.2021
Small Skipper pair - Wagon Lane 26.07.2021

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Re: Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Wolfson »

The Small Skipper in my garden are a highlight of summer and did pretty well in 2021. Rather than choosing a photograph of a roosting butterfly I have gone for images that seem to capture the lively character of this butterfly.
Small Skipper, 7 July
Small Skipper, 7 July
Small Skipper, 7 July
Small Skipper, 7 July
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Re: Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by Wurzel »

Small Skipper

This shot came from one of my lunchtime wanders whilst at work. I chose it meant I was able to add another shot to my ‘Butterflies on Orchids’ collection. I also like the way that the spider is eyeing the butterfly as if it’s trying to work out whether it’s worth tackling or not as it’s so many times bigger – a bit like a single wolf considering an elephant!
05-07-2021 15.JPG
Have a goodun

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Re: Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by David M »

Only took images of this species on the first day I saw them, i.e. 26th June, on the NW Gower coast:
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Re: Small Skipper - Favourite Photo of 2021

Post by millerd »

On my local patch, this species was almost completely in synchrony with the Essex Skipper in 2021, which made counting the two even trickier than usual. They seemed to have a reasonable year. Here are a couple from early one in the last week of June. First is a very fresh male with wings fairly well spread for a change...
SS5 250621.JPG
...and a female in a head-on space invader pose giving no room for doubt as to its identity.
SS16 280621.JPG
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