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Post by Medard »

The Sweet track
yesterday 12-06-2021
First Meadow brown of the year seen plus one torn Red Admiral
JAN_3743   Meadow brown.jpg
a tiny frog.
JAN_3751   Frog.jpg

Four Cattle Egrets in full summer plumage.

On the road to Draycott Sleights
MAR_3960 Buttercup field.jpg
Fair numbers of Common blue, they were very active and not inclined to pose for the camera, one that did.
JAN_3811   Common blue.jpg
Silver Y (Autographa gamma)  ?
JAN_3829 Moth Silver Y.jpg
and a great number of these orchids
JAN_3817  Orchid.jpg

Friday the thirteenth 13-06-2021 bought my first Large Skipper
JAN_3880    Large Skipper.jpg
One Brimstone

Help needed with this orchid please
JAN_3850   Orchid Shapwick.jpg
JAN_3738 Orchid.jpg
and the long legged Spider
A few Four spotted chaser.
first female Black tailed skimmer
black tailed skimmer.jpg

A view of the water meadows and Quaking grass
Shapwick Heath NNR.
JAN_3792    Water meadow at Shapwick NNR.jpg
JAN_3857  Quaking grass.jpg
Finally does anyone recognise this plant.

JAN_3649  Gerarnium.jpg
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Joined: Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:59 am

Re: Observations

Post by Greenie »

Would agree with your ' Silver Y ? ' identification .
The ' great number of orchids seen ' is Common Spotted Orchid .
Help needed , I believe is the Southern Marsh Orchid .
Long-legged Spider is the Nursery Web Spider / Pisaura mirabilis .
Your first Black-tailed Skimmer could have been a female , but also could have been a male , as immatures of both sexes
are coloured the same , and the male's abdomen ' blues ' as they mature , the same with the Broad-bodied Chaser .
I would suggest a garden escape for the last shot , and possibly of the Geranium / Cranesbill family .

Cheers Greenie
Posts: 428
Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:03 pm

Re: Observations

Post by Medard »

Greenie Thanks for you comments, yesterday my wife and I took a trip to Haddon Hill Exmoor hoping to see the Heath Fritillary but without success, however Small Heaths were plentiful plus a few moths, we then took a very narrow back road to Tarr Steps, by chance I noted growing at the side of the road a  Geranium plant matching the one in the picture previous posted, consulting my Concise Flora in colour I found a possible match  (cranesbill) geranium sanguineum.
We continued to Tarr Steps, the staycationers were out in forch , onto Withypool and had lunch at the Royal Oak were R D Blackmoor wrote Lorna Doone,
 An exhausting and frustrating day nevertheless it was a beautiful day to visit Exmoor.
Tarr Steps
Tarr Steps
The Royal Oak at Withpool
The Royal Oak at Withpool
Pack Horse Bridge and ford, a 4x4 comes in usfull
Pack Horse Bridge and ford, a 4x4 comes in usfull
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Re: Observations

Post by bugboy »

Hi, I think your long-legged Spider is a Tetragnatha sp. :)
Some addictions are good for the soul!
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