Goldie M

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Sorry that you didn't get your Grizzlies Goldie :( Sometimes you can do everything right - time of year, time of day, location, weather and you still don't get one :( Oh well there's always next year - and failing that take a trip over this way and I'll find you one or a dozen :D

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Allan.W. »

VERY NICE !! Goldie haven,t seen one yet .....................but i know where they,re hiding !
Regards Allan.W.
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, just one of those days ,do everything right and still don't succeed :D I'm sure I'll see one some day :D I hope !!! : Home tomorrow !!

Hi! Allan, when you find their hiding place , POST ONE :D :D Goldie :D

Horrible weather today, I was getting ready to pack when the Sun came out, I grabbed the camera just in case some thing was out in the Garden, this time I was lucky, I just spotted a Holly Blue on a Blue Bell, a nice end I thought to my Visit. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by millerd »

That's a terrific shot to finish your stay, Goldie! It's not often you see Holly Blues nectaring, but you can see its proboscis extending right into the flower there. I have taken countless Holly Blue shots, but never one on a bluebell... :mrgreen: :)

Have a safe journey home,


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

As Dave says that is a brilliant photo to finish your trip with - there is definitely something about blue on blue like that 8) :mrgreen:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

So sad that you didn't get your long-awaited Grizzlies, Goldie, but that fresh-looking Holly Blue surely provided some compensation prior to your return?

Hopefully the weather will improve when you're back and you can get out locally and see a few desirable species.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Dave, I wasn't sure at the time wether the Butterfly was taking water or nactaring on the flower :D We'd just had a heavy shower, then the Sun came out and so did the Holly Blue. :D

Thanks Wurzel, I've been lucky with the Holly Blue this time and last time I visited, the tree they like is right by the Patio so you can see them flying about and when they settled I grabbed the Camera. :D

Thanks David, it's just the thing with Butterflies and this year as been a shocker so far for them. It was disappointing but maybe next year I'll be lucky. :D

I'm home now, a few heavy showers when we were traveling, we just got in the house when a thunder storm arrived so we were lucky. No Butterflies have put in an appearance, too many showers here, hope fully things will dry up, although later in the week it's looking grim again.Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Katrina »

Beautiful Holly blue shot. They make a great colour combination!
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Benjamin »

Just to echo everyone else - that really is a beautiful shot Goldie! Perfection.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by bugboy »

You've had a fair bit of luck with Holly Blues this year, so much so I think you've taken on the role of the Holly Blue whisperer previously owned by Millerd! :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks for your posts everyone, it helps a lot when they're in a tree on your patio :D I took so many shots of them that in the end I just sat there and watched them flying, it was only when they landed on some thing interesting that I moved to get a shot :lol:

I did think it strange though when they disappeared at one point, I just assumed the bad weather had made them shelter, but a few of the days were really good in the mornings and still they didn't appear, when I saw them again , I noticed that the first lot I'd seen were mostly Male this time I noticed quite a lot were Female,( I think the the Males had gone to round up the Females :lol: ) OR! the females were late appearing! :D

The weather as been awful since I got back, one are two days have been okay, but it's been windy and cold, I've not seen one butterfly in the garden, I've been in there moving stuff about and I'm pleased to say the Boules Mauve I'd given up on as come back to life and as quite a few flowers on now, I'm just waiting for warmer weather and the Butterflies to find it. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Glad you got back safely, Goldie, and I agree about the weather - it's just horrendous, and it isn't just confined to certain's all over the country!! :evil:

At least your bowles mauve has had a renaissance, and it looks like things might be getting a bit warmer next week, so fingers crossed.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks David, but the weather has been awful and my dog bite is still with us, so all in all I'm back and forth to the clinic at present, so I'm not missing too much with the weather like it is :D

This morning it rained ( once again ) but this afternoon although cloudy and windy the Sun shone for a while and into the Garden flew a Green Veined White ,my second this season, I was really pleased to see a Butterfly, not one has been in the garden since I got home with the bad weather we've had.

The Garden actually looks like Spring now, bit late, but better late than never :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking shots of the Green-veined White Goldie :D :mrgreen: - I find them really tricky to capture as they seem to 'bleach' even if there is only a drop of sunshine :? Sorry to hear that you're still suffering with that dog bite :( Hopefully the promised improvement in the weather actually arrives next week :?

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Frustrating that you haven't yet shaken off that dog bite, Goldie. Seems to be one thing after another for you these past few months. :(

Good to see your garden looking refreshed - I think we've had enough rain to keep us well saturated till midsummer's day at least!

Nice that you had a Green Veined White visiting; one of those that lack any forewing spots too. Hopefully there'll be some more soon when the weather (allegedly) is due to improve.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Wurzel and David for your posts, I've never known a Spring so cold before , it's like Winter's never left us, hope fully next week will be better, supposedly starting from Thursday , I should get a trip to Brockholes then. :D

The Dog bite is still misbehaving, very slow to heal, mind you, the dog did get it's fangs well in :D Not to worry it's not got infected which is good, it's just another episode to underline :D

No sign of any more Butterflies yet, it's rained today and feels quite cool although the Sun is out at present, roll on Thursday, I'm not holding my breath though, when I feel the warmth and see the Sun I'll be a believer :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I think my next photos sum up the weather we've had and the affect it's had on every thing :D Although today was a much better day I saw only two Butterflies in my Garden and wouldn't you know I'd be just about to drive a way :roll: (They were White's)

Last night started the ball rolling when I tried my best to get a Super Moon shot, the night before was cloudy and I saw nothing, so I was determined to try again, so last night I waited and waited for the Moon to get free of the clouds, it did, but not all the way, so has I said, weather wise, Rubbish! :roll:

This afternoon I plucked up courage to go to Hall-Lee-Brook, ( I was bitten there by a dog last time ) I'd not been there since, I got dog phobia whilst I was in Kent and avoided them like the Virus :D Any way I was lucky and none spotted me this time, (talk about a shadow walk) :D
I did see only my second Speckie and a Comma, both were worse for wear, the Speckie kept it's wings closed and the Comma didn't stay too long but looked like I felt, freedom at last with the weather good and the Sun shining :D it was time to spread my wings :lol: Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Good to see you 'get back on the horse' Goldie - fingers crossed that all the butterflies have been held back by the weather will suddenly just emerge in a plethora of lepidoptera :D

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Wurzel, I've just filled the car up and all being well weather wise tomorrow, I'll venture forth :lol: Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Allan.W. »

Hello Goldie ,
Thought you may be interested,mid-day today i had an hour on the site that you visited a liitle while back .On the main (best )site opposite the public footpath sign i had 14 Grizzle sightings of a minimum 11 different Grizzles ,all abberant bar one ,and another singleton on the open area ,
also 4 Green Hairstreaks .Seems to me that they,re still emerging here ,about a month later than last year ,I know it does,nt help you much ,but at least you know where to look next season ,
Regards Allan.W.
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