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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I visited one of my favourite springtime road side verges this morning.
Usually a brilliant spot for Orange Tips, but none were seen.
Instead enjoy the abundant Cuckoo flower, Primroses and Wood Anemones.

For best effect, click on image twice,
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Re: Trevor

Post by Neil Freeman »

That's a lovely verge there Trevor. I don't see Cuckoo Flower in abundance like that around my patch, up here the Orange-tips mostly use Garlic Mustard.


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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Trevor, I've had a closeup of your Cuckoo flowers and we call them May Flowers in the North :D We always have to be different :lol: Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

That is a lovely sight to behold Trevor - there must be some OT's round there soon surely - it looks like a mecca for them! :shock: :mrgreen:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Thanks Neil, Goldie & Wurzel. At last things came alive this morning.

The old railway started to perform today, but not until gone 11.
Two Holly Blues were seen, and a male paused briefly for a quick shot.
Of the three or so male Orange Tips on constant patrol, one touched down
to refuel on Celandine, and afforded me with a pleasing shot with the butterfly facing me.
From only singletons of Specklies seen recently, their numbers have built to such an extent
that territorial disputes were taking place, and passing OT's were promptly challenged.
Finally at least three Large Whites completed the morning, which was my busiest of the season so far.

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Nice to see the colour blue back in your diary, Trevor. :)

Lovely Orange Tip too - it has quite well-formed black marginal tips on the forewings.

That earlier photo of the cuckoo flower is also highly evocative. It's rare to see it growing in such profusion in a small area. Sadly, the authorities seem to savage most of these types of places which is something that makes me rage. If only they knew the value of it. It looks like a real Orange Tip 'des-res'. :)
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I decided to have another day with the Orange Tips at the old railway.
Several patrolling males were seen, and some cloud soon calmed them down.
Speckled Wood numbers continue to build, with several disputes taking place.
I was treated, as I was leaving, to a very fresh Small White which despite full
sunshine headed for some brambles and close up, and remained there.

Stay safe,
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking Orange-tips Trevor - that one looks like it's dipped its wing tips into coal dust :D Cracking Small White - they're much harder work in the Spring - really flighty :D 8)

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely Orange Tips Trevor, :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I've yet to find one to shoot, :?

I hope I see a Wall Brown when I'm in Kent, but I think it may be too soon for them, Reculver is a great place for them, that's if all the cutting back to the Roman Wall there hasn't affected them. Fingers crossed :D Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Thanks Wurzel & Goldie. Yes it is a bit early for Walls, Goldie, but a few have been reported on facebook.

This morning Doug and myself toured some of the narrow country lanes around here
to look for Orange Tips on Cuckoo Flower. Our first stop eventually produced two males.
From then on most large clumps were host to one male OT.

There is no Cuckoo flower at all along the old railway, so I welcomed the chance to
see them in a more typical setting, with both plant and butterflies looking fresh.

Stay well all,
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Re: Trevor

Post by Katrina »

You've been doing well with the orange-tips! Keep the photos coming! :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

I'm with Katrina Trevor - you can never have enough OT's :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun and stay safe


ps saw another worrying report from Cotley - hopefully the other side of the wood is still okay :?
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Great to see you filling your Orange Tipped boots, Trevor, after such a slow start. :D

A highlight of each and every spring.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I was rather pleased that the cold wind this morning did not put me off going out.
After my first Orange Tip, my attention was diverted by a male Holly Blue which
had landed nearby. This was to be the first of five male HB's to be seen low down.
Only one partially opened up unfortunately.
The morning visit ended with a magnificent, fresh, male Large White.

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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

Very nice Holly Blues, Trevor, and all those Orange Tips are none too shabby either - not to mention that pristine Large White. They obviously felt the sunshine made up for the cool wind! :)


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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Great stuff Trevor :D It just goes to show that sometimes it's best to ignore the weather report and just get out there :D Cracking Orange-tip shot and lush Holly Blues 8)

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks Katrina, David, Wurzel, Dave,& Goldie.

The weather today was such that the bright sunshine encouraged the butterflies
to fly, but the very cold air caused them to pause frequently to bask.
Male Orange Tips were particularly affected, indeed one settled in a Spanish Bluebell
and remained there. My first female Green Veined White of the year was found basking,
as was a very fresh Small White. The many Speckled Woods seemed to be less affected
by the cold and continued as usual.

Photography was made nice and easy for a change!.
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

I recognise that Specklie Trevor it's Facebook famous - cracking shot :D 8) A lovely looking Green-veined White as well - more smoky then clearly veined :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers Wurzel. That Specklie image was some compensation for a female OT shot I'd fluffed seconds earlier.

I found another new species for the year today, a Small Heath, along with
two female Brimstones these were the sum total of a mornings searching.

In the afternoon I popped along to the old railway, and another obliging
male Orange Tip was caught sipping from a Bluebell. So far I've seen fewer
OT's this April than last, but the conditions have made them easier than
usual to photograph.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Those are some gurt lush OT shots Trevor :D :mrgreen: They've certainly brightened up this surprisingly cold evening for me - I can't remember an April like this - we've still got the woodburner going :shock:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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