Serhiy Popoff

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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

Thanks, Serhiy.

I guess in the UK Brimstone or Small Tortoiseshell would be the harbinger of early spring, with Orange Tip signalling the approach to mid-spring.

Unfortunately, we do not have Poplar Admiral. :(
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serhiy popoff
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March at Butterfly Monitoring Camp Bukovcevo

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
in the East Carpathians
Butterfly Monitoring Camp Bukovcevo

Which butterfly occurs in ten days before the Monitoring season 2020 shall starts ?

Here are some photos from the transect.

Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-album) resting on grass ... =3&theater
c-album Bukovcevo-6 S5 2020_03_19-03 555 pix


Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis xanthomelas) resting on grass ... =3&theater
xanthomelas Bukovcevo-6 S1 2020_03_19-07 555 pix


Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) nectaring on Primrose (Primula vulgaris) ... =3&theater
rhamni Bukovcevo-6 S1 2020_03_17-16 555 pix


Large Tortoiseshell (Nymphalis polychloros) resting on grass ... =3&theater
polychloros Bukovcevo-6 S1 2020_03_17-13 555 pix


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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

Very nice, Serhiy. I was quite surprised to see how much difference there was in your images between xanthomelas and polychloros. We had an influx of the former a couple of years ago and I was intrigued at how people could identify between the two, but your images prove that any sighting of xanthomelas would, in the first instance, trigger an element of surprise in comparison to familiarity with polychloros.
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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterfly Monitoring Scheme in the East Carpathians
Butterfly monitoring Camp Bukovcevo

First flight counts

Anthocaris cardamines L.(SC) Orange-tip (UK) Aurorafalter (D) oranjetipje (NL)
Hajnalpir- vagy Aurora-lepke (H) Zoryka (RUS) Zoryanka (UA)

May, 1 2011
May, 5 2012
April, 23 2013
April, 8 2014
April, 22 2015
April, 03 2016
April, 25 2017
April, 13 2018
April, 3 2019
April, 10 2020

Picture source
Orange-tip (Anthocaris cardamines) nectaring on vinca or periwinkle (Vinca minor)
cardamines Shiroky Gorb-1 S7 2020_04_10 13_52 Vinca minor


Site Kulnica-02 view from the section 20 to section 19
The picture source
Kulnica-02 S20-19 2020_04_20 555 pix

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
in the East Carpathians

Monitoring season 2020 starts
1-15 April 2020
Monitoring weeks #1 & #2

Here are some photos from numerous transects done.

Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) nectaring on red dead-nettle, purple dead-nettle, or purple archangel (Lamium purpureum)
rhamni Zarichevo-2 S20 2020_04_12 16_05 Lamium purpureum


Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) nectaring on Ground ivy (Glechoma hederacea)
rhamni Zarichevo-2 S20 2020_04_12 16_05 Glechoma hederacea


Map Butterfly (Araschnia levana) visited wet ground
levana Zarichevo-5 S17 2020_04_12 13_54 wet ground


Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) nectaring on Spring Pea (Lathyrus vernus)
rhamni Zarichevo-9 S2 2020_04_12 15_48 Lathyrus vernus


Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) nectaring on dandelion (Taraxacum officinale agg.)
rhamni Zarichevo-5 S16 2020_04_12 13_49 Taraxacum officinale agg


Holly Blue (Celastrina argiolus) resting on bare ground
argiolus Zarichevo-10 S14 2020_04_12 11_32 bare ground


Pararge aegeria (Speckled Wood) resting on bare ground
aegeria Zarichevo-10 S20 2020_04_12 11_01 bare ground


Nymphalis polychloros (Large Tortoiseshell) resting on dry leaf
polychloros Zarichevo-10 S20 2020_04_12 10_42 stone & dry leaf


Artogeia bryoniae (Mountain Green-veined White) resting on dry leaf
bryoniae Turia Polana-1 S17 2020_04_11 13_39 dry leaf


Small White (Artogeia rapae) nectaring on marsh marigold (Caltha palustris)
rapae Bukovcevo-5 S2 2020_04_10 14_27 Caltha palustris


Map Butterfly (Araschnia levana) visited wet ground
levana Shiroky Gorb-1 S8 2020_04_10 13_56 wet ground


Orange-tip (Anthocaris cardamines) nectaring on vinca or periwinkle (Vinca minor)
cardamines Shiroky Gorb-1 S7 2020_04_10 13_52 Vinca minor


Green-veined White (Artogeia napi) resting on grass
napi Shiroky Gorb-1 S5 2020_04_10 13_49 grass


Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiopa) resting on dry leaf
antiopa Bukovcevo-5 S5 2020_04_07 13_40 dry leaf


Wood White (Leptidea sinapis) resting on grass
sinapis Latorica-2 S3 2020_04_05 16_21 grass


Small White (Artogeia rapae) resting on bare ground
rapae Latorica-9 S1 2020_04_05 14_04 bare ground


Comma Butterfly (Polygonia c-album) resting on grass
c-album Latorica-9 S1 2020_04_05 14_02 grass


One of the transect image
Turia Polana-2 S1-2 2020_04_11 555 pix


Digital Cameras Canon EOS 300D and Nikon P510 used to

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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by Wurzel »

Love the Map shot Serhiy - a cracking looking little butterfly that one 8) :mrgreen:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

Always interesting to see the butterflies from your part of the world, Serhiy. The Speckled Wood is interesting with that single silver patch on each hindwing upperside.
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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterflies and moths
Butterfly Monitoring Camp Bukovcevo
Long - Term Spring moth counts
Довгостроковий моніторинг біорізноманіття в Східних Карпатах
10th aniversary of the first moth flights count
A moth Orange Underwing (Archiearis parthenias) first flight and also it indicates that Spring time started at Bukovcevo as well.
Statistics of the first flight since 2011

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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by jonhd »

Late start to Spring, or just late start for the Orange Underwing?

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

jonhd wrote: Sat Mar 27, 2021 9:38 pm Late start to Spring, or just late start for the Orange Underwing?

Late both Spring and moth. This year maximum late flight season start noticed.
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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

Has it been especially cold during your winter, Serhiy? That's the latest record in the entire cycle.
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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

David M wrote: Tue Mar 30, 2021 9:16 pm Has it been especially cold during your winter, Serhiy? That's the latest record in the entire cycle.
Yes, colder. I suppouse we have a lot days with low temperatures. But it does not mean maximum cold. I mean sum effective temperatures more than 9 Celsium degres. So, last moth stage possible can not get enought sum of effective temperatures to achieve and to be ready for first flight. This approach I 've got from my last research employment.
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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

serhiy popoff wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:04 pmYes, colder. I suppouse we have a lot days with low temperatures. But it does not mean maximum cold. I mean sum effective temperatures more than 9 Celsium degres. So, last moth stage possible can not get enought sum of effective temperatures to achieve and to be ready for first flight. This approach I 've got from my last research employment.
Thanks, Serhiy. Yes, I get it. Always interesting to know how a winter season has panned out, irrespective of location.
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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

David M wrote: Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:26 pm
serhiy popoff wrote: Mon Apr 05, 2021 5:04 pmYes, colder. I suppouse we have a lot days with low temperatures. But it does not mean maximum cold. I mean sum effective temperatures more than 9 Celsium degres. So, last moth stage possible can not get enought sum of effective temperatures to achieve and to be ready for first flight. This approach I 've got from my last research employment.
Thanks, Serhiy. Yes, I get it. Always interesting to know how a winter season has panned out, irrespective of location.
hello again

Now how it looks.
Butterfly Monitoring Camp Bukovcevo, today.

it is an evidence picture of the transect Bukovcevo-6 S1-2 2020_04_07


and now to day it is




next to

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
in the East Carpathians
West Ukraine

Monitoring season 2021 starts
Draft report
1-7 April 2021

Monitoring week #1

Here are some time photos from numerous transects done.

Honey bee nectaring on flower of Michaels Purple (Sci.Crocus heuffelianus)
_Crocus heuffelianus Bukovcevo-1 S1-2 2021_03_25

Comma butterfly (Sc. Polygonia c-album) resting on bare ground
c-album Bukovcevo-5 S1 2021_03_27 sm.jpg

Butterfly transect Veksla-1, section No3 at 2 April 2021
Veksla-1 S3 2021_04_02

Large tortoiseshell (Sc. Nymphalis polychloros) visited for resting on grass
polychloros Veksla-1 S13 2021_04_02 700 pix

Comma butterfly (Sc. Polygonia c-album) visited to get some minerals on manure
c-album Bukovcevo-6 S1 2021_04_03 700 pix

Flowers of goat willow (Sc. Salix caprea)
_Salix caprea Cholo-2 S19 2021_04_04

Flowering holewort (Sc. Corydalius cava)
_Corydalis cava Cholo-5 S14 2021_04_04

Common lungwort (Sc. Pulmonaria officinalis)
_Pulmonaria officinalis Cholo-1 S10 2021_04_04 700 pix

Butterfly transect Cholo-1, sections NoNo18-17 at 4 April 2021
Cholo-1 S18-17 2021_04_04 700 pix

Vegetation burning at Butterfly transect Cholo-5, section NoNo1-2 at 4 April 2021
Cholo-5 S1-2 2021_04_04 700 pix

Butterfly transect Cholo-5, section No 5 at 4 April 2021
Cholo-5 S19 2021_04_04 700 pix

White butterbur (Sc. Petasites albus)
_Petasites albus Shiroky Gorb-1 S1 2021_04_04 700 pix

Lesser periwinkle (Sc. Vinca minor)
_Vinca minor Shiroky Gorb-1 SS5-6 2021_04_05 700 pix

BC paper Shiroky Gorb-2 S16-17 2021_04_05 700 pix

temperature data Shiroky Gorb-2 S16-17 2021_04_05 700 pix

humidity data Shiroky Gorb-2 S16-17 2021_04_05 700 pix

compas data Shiroky Gorb-2 S16-17 2021_04_05 700 pix

Popov S with BC paper Shiroky Gorb-2 S16-17 2021_04_05 700 pix

altitude data Shiroky Gorb-2 S16-17 2021_04_05 700 pix

Mezereon (Sc. Daphne mezereum)
_Daphne mezereum Shiroky Gorb-4 S1 2021_04_05 700 pix

Butterfly transect Shiroky Gorb-5, sections NoNo 4-3 at 4 April 2021
Shiroky Gorb-5 S4-3 2021_04_05 700 pix

Coltsfoot (Sc.Tussilago farfara)
_Tussilago farfara Shiroky Gorb-5 S19 2021_04_05 700 pix

Digital Camera Nikon P510 used to ... 661192192/ ... 777337823/
Last edited by serhiy popoff on Sun Apr 25, 2021 1:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

serhiy popoff wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:49 am...Now how it looks.
Butterfly Monitoring Camp Bukovcevo, today.
Wow! And here are we right now complaining that it's cold!!

No wonder things are late, Serhiy. I'm assuming such scenes are unusual a week into April?
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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

David M wrote: Fri Apr 09, 2021 11:15 am
serhiy popoff wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:49 am...Now how it looks.
Butterfly Monitoring Camp Bukovcevo, today.
Wow! And here are we right now complaining that it's cold!!

No wonder things are late, Serhiy. I'm assuming such scenes are unusual a week into April?
Hi David,

no any doubdh, unusual. Please take some opinion about.

I think for a long time statistics for the past times, now and future show us big, medium and small Nature cycles. That is true, to under stund it for any Lepidoptera species we made long time series. So I have butterfly database created in MSFoxPro Environment since 1974. But it takes a lot of time sitting and process it in the way I have explained about nature cycles.

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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
in the East Carpathians

Monitoring season 2021 finished
26 September 2020
Monitoring weeks №№ 2-26

Some live butterfly photos from monitoring camp Bukovcevo and Uzh other river basin and other places in the East Carpathians transects.

Published at ... 455408640/ ... 9361599490 ... _Uzh_other ... 63912/?d=n

Monitoring week №2

Photo 1. rhamni 2021_04_12 16_23_38
Male of Brimstone (Sc. Gonepteryx rhamni L.) nectaring on flower of hollow root (Sc. Corydalis cava). Gonepteryx rhamni L.(SC) Brimstone (UK) Zitronenfalter (D) citroenvlinder (NL) Citromlepke (H) Krushinnitca (RUS) Zosterova (UA) ... 0952697867

Monitoring week №4

Photo 2. io Makovica-4 S6 2021_04_26 13_10_41
Butterfly of Peacock (Sc. Inachis io L.) visited for resting on dry grass. Peacock (UK) Tagpfauenauge (D) dagpauwoog (NL) Nappali pávaszem (H) Pavliniy glaz dnevnoi (RUS) Paviche oko denne (UA) ... 1446031151

Monitoring week №5

Photo 3. levana 2021_05_09 16_01_31
Male of Map Butterfly (Sc. Araschnia levana L.) visited for resting on grass. Map Butterfly (UK) landkärtchen (D) landkaartje (NL) Pókhálóslepke (H) Pestrokrulnitca izmenchivaia (RUS) Strokatokrilinitca minliva (UA) ... 0939364535

Transect site sections 7-8 view. First transect walk was in 1974.
Photo 4. Plishka-3 S7-8 2021_05_09 16_18_48 ... 2716031024

Monitoring week №7

Photo 5. napi Bukovcevo-5 S1 2021_05_17 14_05_28
Male of Green-veined (Sc. Artogeia napi L.) White visited for nectaring on Burgundy Glow (Sc. Ajuga reptans). (SC) Green-veined White (UK) Grünader-Weißling (D) berg geaderd witje (NL) Repcelepke (H) Belyanka bryukvennaya (RUS) Bilan brukvyanuy (UA) ... 2122697750

Photo 6. tages Shiroky Gorb-1 S6 2021_05_17 14_22_39
Male of Dingy Skipper (Sc. Erynnis tages L.) visited for resting on grass (SC) Dingy Skipper (UK) Kronwicken Dickkopffalter (D) bruin dikkopje (NL) Cigányilepke (H) Tolstogolovka ezegolovnikovaja (RUS) Tovstogolovka ljadvenecj (UA) ... 1999364429

Photo 7. antiopa Shiroky Gorb-1 S8 2021_05_17 14_27_34
Butterfly of Camberwell Beauty (Sc. Nymphalis antiopa L.) visited for resting on gravel. Camberwell Beauty (UK) Trauermantel (D) rouwmantel (NL) Gyászlepke (H) Traurnitca (RUS) Traurnitcya (UA) ... 1896031106

Monitoring week №8

Photo 8. sinapis Spas-1 S2 2021_05_21 11_57_48
Male of Wood White (Sc. Leptidea sinapis L.) visited for nectaring on germander speedwell (Sc. Veronica hamaedrys) Wood White (UK) Tintenfleck-Weißling (D) boswitje (NL) Mustárlepke (H) Belyanka goroshkovaya (RUS) Bilan goroshkovyi (UA) ... 2529364376

Transect site sections 2-1 view
Photo 9. Spas-1 SS2-1 2021_05_21 12_00_20 ... 2609364368

Monitoring week №9

Photo 10. selene Mircha-2 S3 2021_06_01 13_07_44
Couple of Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Sc. Boloria selene D. & S.) visited for resting on grass Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (UK) Braunfleckiger Perlmutterfalter (D) zilveren maan (NL) Fakó gyöngyöházlepke (H) Perlamutrovka Selena (RUS) Perlamutrivka Selena (UA) ... 1482697814

Transect site sections 3-4 view
Photo 11. Mircha-2 S3-4 2021_06_01 13_10_26 ... 2612697701

Monitoring week №10

Photo 12. sappho Bukovcevo-6 S1 2021_06_09 09_36_18
Male of Common Glider (Sc. Neptis sappho Pall.) resting on wooden board. Common Glider (UK) Schwarzbrauner Trauerfalter (D) lathyruszwever (NL) Kis fehérsávoslepke (H) Pestrushka temnokrilaya (RUS) Strokatka temnokrila (UA) ... 2549364374

Monitoring week №10

Photo 13. Simer-1 SS1-2 2021_06_12 09_02_50
Transect Simer-1 sections 1-2 view. First monitoring walk was in 1974. Butterfly monitoring reestablished again in 2021 ... 2766031019

Photo 14. selene Simer-1 S6 2021_06_12 09_24_43
Male of Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary visited for resting on grass (Sc. Boloria selene D. & S.) Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (UK) Braunfleckiger Perlmutterfalter (D) zilveren maan (NL) Fakó gyöngyöházlepke (H) Perlamutrovka Selena (RUS) Perlamutrivka Selena (UA) ... 1709364458

Photo 15. mnemosyne Veksla-1 S3 2021_06_12 11_30_47
Male of Small Apollo (Sc. Parnassius mnemosyne L.) visited for feeding on flower of Marsh Thistle (Sc. Cirsium palustre) Small Apollo (UK) Schwarzer Apollo (D) zwarte apollovlinder (NL) Kis Apolló-lepke (H) Chernyi Apollon (RUS) Chernyi Apollon (UA) ... 1946031101

Photo 16. diamina Shiroky Gorb-1 S7 2021_06_24 18_29_25
Photo 17. diamina Shiroky Gorb-1 S7 2021_06_24 18_29_38
Dead male of False Heath Fritillary (Sc. Melitaea diamina Lang.) hit by car on road. False Heath Fritillary (UK) Baldrian-Scheckenfalter (D) woudparelmoervlinder (NL) Kockás tarkalepke (H) Shashechnitca valeryanovaya (RUS) Shashnitcja valerianova (UA) ... 1469364482 ... 2072697755

Monitoring week №12

Transect site sections 1-2 view
Photo 18. Polonina Runa-2 SS1-2 2021_06_23 17_59_55 ... 2406031055

Monitoring week №15

Photo 19. galathea Polonina Runa-8 S13 2021_07_14 06_36_04
Male of Marbled White (Sc. Melanargia galathea L.) visited for resting on scrub of Dog Rose (Sc. Rosa canina) Marbled White (UK) Schachbrett (D) dambordje (NL) Sakktáblalepke (H) Galateya (RUS) Galateya (UA) ... 1242697838

Photo 20. euryale Polonina Runa-1 S5 2021_07_14 14_32_14
Male of Large Ringlet (Sc. Erebia euryale Esp.) visited for resting on grass. Large Ringlet (UK) ?? (D) grote erebia (NL) ?? (H) Chernushka Evriala (RUS) Chornushka Evriala (UA) ... 2349364394

Photo 21. optilete Polonina Runa-1 S17 2021_07_14 13_51_31
Males of Cranberry Blue (Sc. Vacciniina optilete Knoch) visited to get some water on wet sand. Cranberry Blue (UK) Hochmoor-Bläuling (D) veenbesblauwtje (NL) ?? (H) Golubianka Optilete (RUS) Sinyavetc Optilete (UA) ... 2242697738

Monitoring week №19

Photo 22. paphia Polonina Runa-7 S16 2021_08_10 17_55_10
Matting pair of Silver-washed Fritillary (Sc. Argynnis paphia L.) on scrub. Silver-washed Fritillary (UK) Kaisermantel (D) keizersmantel (NL) Nagy gyöngyöházlepke (H) Perlamutrovka bolshaya lesnaya (RUS) Perlamutrivka velika lisova (UA) ... 2002697762

Photo 23. podalirius Polonina Runa-9 S17 2021_08_10 18_45_48
Female of Scarce Swallowtail (Sc. Iphiclides podalirius L.) visited for nectaring on flower of Brown knapweed (Sc. Centaurea jacea). Scarce Swallowtail (UK) Segelfalter (D) koningspage (NL) Kardos lepke (H) Parusnik Podaliriy (RUS) Parusnik Podaliriy (UA) ... 2002697762

Monitoring week №26

Photo 24. atalanta Bukovcevo-6 S1 2021_09_26 14_04_20
Butterfly of Red Admiral (Sc. Vanessa atalanta L.) visited for resting on grass. (Sc. Vanessa atalanta L.) Red Admiral (UK) Admiral (D) atalanta (NL) Atalanta-lepke, admirálislepke (H) Admiral (RUS) Admiral (UA) ... 1646031131

Photo 25. dia Bukovcevo-5 S1 2021_09_27 14_56_34
Male of Violet Fritillary (Sc. Boloria dia L.) visited for resting on flower of Zigzag Clover (Sc. Trifolium medium).Violet Fritillary (UK) Hainveilichen-Perlmutterfalter (D) paarse parelmoervlinder NL Kis gyöngyöházlepke (H) Perlamutrovka malaya (RUS) Perlamutrovka mala ... 1826031113

Monitoring week №XX

Photo 26. iris Bukovcevo-6 S1 2021_10_07 15_38_16
Male of Purple Emperor (Sc. Apatura iris L.) resting on window glass. (Sc. Apatura iris L.) Purple Emperor (UK) Kleiner Schillerfalter (D) grote weerschijnvlinder (NL) Nagy szinjátszólepke (H) Rayduznitca Velyka (UA) ... 2476031048
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David M
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by David M »

Many thanks for posting this, Serhiy. You have some enviable butterfly species and much of the habitat looks fantastic.

Does euryale regularly occur without ocelli?
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serhiy popoff
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Re: Serhiy Popoff

Post by serhiy popoff »

David M wrote: Wed Oct 20, 2021 9:41 am Many thanks for posting this, Serhiy. You have some enviable butterfly species and much of the habitat looks fantastic.

Does euryale regularly occur without ocelli?
thank you for an interest to the post)))
Yes, euryale species occurs with many variations. I have collected some in last century or in 19XX. It saved in boxes till now.
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