Let's Be Clear About This, "Spring Brood"

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Let's Be Clear About This, "Spring Brood"

Post by PhilBJohnson »

Life Cycles: A dictionary definition of "brood"
"a family of birds or other young animals produced at one hatching or birth"
so the definition of brood, came from the hatching of birth.
Where a term "Spring brood" was used, it sometimes referred to the Spring (emerged from overwintered pupa), adult butterfly (pictured), not autumn immature stages, before that from the previous year.
To avoid giving someone a "cloudy" understanding, I thought that it might have been better just to use the latin species name:
For example:
"the overwintered Celastrina argiolus" or
"emerged from overwintered pupa, Holly blue, (not emerged from Holly blue butterfly hibernation).

In his book, The Life cycles of British and Irish Butterflies (First edition), on page 342, Pete Eeles wrote with reference to the Holly Blue:
"with the Spring brood emerging from overwintering pupae at the start of April"

I thought that was a bit clearer than some others had been, in previous literature.

Kind regards
Kind Regards,
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