Hello from Stoke

Let us know what you think of the UK Butterflies website, and tell us something about yourself!
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Dave S
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Hello from Stoke

Post by Dave S »

I'm new to this site so thought I'd better say hello.
I'm thoroughly enjoying the site and have already had a couple of posts answered most helpfully. I'm not really a butterfly specialist but mainly enjoy general gardening for wildlife, I should point out that I only have a small garden(about 35ft x 45ft) in the middle of a council estate in Stoke-on-Trent which is not exactly a hotbed of any kind of wildlife. so I get quite proud of myself when I manage to see or attract any new species to the garden whether thats birds,insects or mammals.
I have had quite reasonable success with frogs, newts,blue tits, great tits,coal tits, sparrows,robins, wrens, blackbirds,hedgehogs, mice all nesting/breeding in the garden and quite a lot of visitors(bats,foxes,hawks finches,dragonflies ect) which is where the butterflies come in, although the Whites do breed on the nasturtiums.
I am a little lucky in one respect as my garden is rather like an oasis in the desert for wildlife so if there is anything around at all, they do tend to end up in it, but it would be nicer if a few other people tried to do a bit for the local wildlife and I'm sure they would enjoy the garden more as I can sit for hrs just watching the frogs,birds and insects.
I'm hoping to pick up a few tips for "must haves" in the garden and what other people have found to be successful whether thats a pond or bird/butterfly boxes or some particular plant.
I'll try to contribute something to the forums but I'll probably ask more than I answer.
THANKS for the site.
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Pete Eeles
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Re: Hello from Stoke

Post by Pete Eeles »

Hi Dave - and welcome! Glad you like the site :D


- Pete
Life Cycles of British & Irish Butterflies: http://www.butterflylifecycles.com
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Re: Hello from Stoke

Post by Susie »

Hello Dave. :D

I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do. The members are extremely knowledgeable and helpful.

I am also a bit of a generalist when it comes to wildlife, so there is always something of interest in the garden on those days when butterflies aren't flying. Aren't we lucky! :mrgreen:
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