Goldie M

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Alan, I'll be making a bee line for that field next time I'm down but it could be Christmas :lol: I'll have to wait until next year now, we've been shut down again here :roll:

Hi! Dave, I've taken it easy and messed about in the Garden this week except for Friday when I went to Brockholes, too hot :roll:
I'm definitely thinking of moving South though. :D

Hi! Wurzel, we've gone every year to Kent and I know the area between Dover and Canterbury and the the surrounding area's pretty well now, so I've a good Idea where to look for property , ( nearest place to the Butterflies ) :lol:

Hi! Pauline, Flattery will get you any where, :lol: Coming from you that's a great compliment :D

Well this week I've seen loads of Peacocks and Small Tort's in the Garden but because of the heat, Friday, was rubbish at Brockholes, although I got there at just after nine,( it was pleasant then, ) only the Meadow Brown's and Gate Keeper's were flying,
I saw Peacocks, mostly with wings closed and nearly always in the shade. I did see two Common Blues and managed a shot of one again, with wings closed. Since then we've had mostly rain on and off and clouds and wind, the usual with some Sun in-between :roll:
It's been a really mixed bag of species in the Garden, today for instance, a Speckled Wood and Green Veined White, plus the Peacock's and I lost count watching the LW's and SW's, all much too busy to stop :D Next week after Wednesday it could be okay again, Hope fully!!
I took a shot of an insect on a flower in the Garden, not sure if it's a fly or what!!!! Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

That sounds great Goldie :wink: :D :mrgreen: Lovely shots especially that Green-veined White :D I think I've only got about four decent shots of this species all year :mrgreen:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, the Green Veined White do seem to have been scarce in the South, I was amazed when down there, everything seemed so dried up , when I got back home I was told it'd rained every day, people were fed up with the weather. It's been the same since
I got home, Wet,Wet :roll: The week-end should be better, (hope fully) Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Not often I'm envious of UK goings-on when I'm abroad, Goldie, but having just spent a week in Spain without seeing a single Peacock or a single Small Tortoiseshell, the greener climes of northern England take on a whole, new attractive dimension. :mrgreen:
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

I hope you had a good Holiday any way David, :D The Peacock Butterflies are having a great time here, I'd three in the Garden in spite of the weather on Monday , I've put a shot of one in just for you :lol: Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great to see the Peacock Goldie - after seeing loads a week or so ago they've nipped off somewhere else now :D Fingers crossed for for you that you get some better weather over the weekend :D

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Goldie M wrote: Thu Aug 06, 2020 11:39 amI hope you had a good Holiday any way David, :D The Peacock Butterflies are having a great time here, I'd three in the Garden in spite of the weather on Monday , I've put a shot of one in just for you
Thanks, Goldie. Apart from being Peacock bereft it was a fabulous week with thousands of butterflies. Back to reality now though. :(
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel, I think the Peacocks have come North because of the heat in the South :lol: we've had some cloudy weather here , Warm, but cloudy, the Peacocks over the last three days have loved it :D also the red Admirals who don't seem to like the Sun too strong.

Hi! David, Glad you had a good Holiday hope to see some of your photos, I've been busy here so not kept up with the posts too much.

Over the last two day's I've been in and out of the Garden doing bits here and there, I've tried to keep up with the Butterflies spreading my photo's over the two days so here goes :D

Peacocks stole the day on the 6th so many entered the garden I couldn't keep up :D
On the 7th I got a real surprise when a lovely fresh Comma came into the front Garden I'd to rush into the house for the Camera :D
Today another surprise when a Holly Blue I've looked for in the Garden since Spring actually came and even laid eggs, strange thing though, of all the places to lay them on a small bud of a Buddlia ( for got how to spell it) .
Other Butterflies today included Speckies, Red Admirals, Peacocks, and a Small Tort which took off before I got a shot :roll:
Hope fully the weather keeps up and we get some more Sun.Goldie :D
7th August
7th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
8th August
7th August
7th August
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David M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Nice range of species to have in your garden, Goldie. The Holly Blue ovipositing on buddleia is especially interesting.
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks David, I thought the Holly Blue interesting as well, when I took shots of a Holly Blue doing the same at my daughters house it was doing it on Ivy leaves, the bud of the Buddlieia will have to grow into a flowerI so I can't see the purpose of it ovipositing on the bud, maybe they do it all the time and we take it too much for granted it's got to be Ivy :?
It flew off afterwards then came back to the same bud and seemed to check it out, maybe it realised it'd picked the wrong plant :lol: I'll be keeping an eye on that Bud :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great set of shots Goldie :D Especially like the ovi-positing Holly blue :D Hope things weather wise are still good - we're unbelievably hot down here so everything is flying round like it's backside is on fire becasue...well it is! :shock: :lol:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Thanks Wurzel, it's not been too hot here like it's been in the South with the exception being today, when it was really hot and humid but we'd a shower about 3pm but it didn't cool things down much, like you we're expecting thunder etc tonight. :roll:

The Butterflies were back in the garden today, although it's been warm here we've had a lot of cloud Saturday and that suited the Red Admiral because it wasn't too hot, today how ever and Sunday the Small Tort's were loving the Sun :D The Peacock's take every thing Cloud , Sun, even rain :lol:
I've been amazed at the amount of White's that have been in the garden, large and Small, I've just taken a few shots because there's been so many, let's hope the rain if it comes won't do too much damage to the Butterflies :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Neil Freeman »

Nice shots from your garden recently Goldie, I do like that yellow buddleia of yours :mrgreen: :D

I have seen reports in the past of Holly Blues laying on Buddleia and seen it a couple of times in my garden although I have never found eggs or caterpillars so they may have just been going through the motions.


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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Neil, I looked for eggs but couldn't see any, mind you I need to visit Spec Savers :D

I grew the Yellow Buddliea from a Cutting given to me by my Neighbour across the way, now it's bigger than the ones I've had for ages :D I like it because it's always slower to flower than the others ( I've got three more of different colours) :D and the Butterflies like the Peacock and Small Tort always look good on it when i take photos :D

Today was too hot for the Butterflies, only the Whites seem to flourish in this heat, but I did get a Gate Keeper on my Marjoram which I was pleased about and a couple of days ago a Large White actually landed and opened it's wings which was a surprise,
I'm beginning to think the Peacock and Small Torts may be trying to hibernate or else they're just keeping out of the heat, :D I found two in my garage. I hope they don't go for a while yet I've enjoyed watching the antic's of the Peacock in the garden :D Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great shot of the Small Tort on the yellow Buddleia :D 8) That's the technique I've used for my last couple of trips out Goldie - just hang around the clumps of Marjoram :D works a treat :wink:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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David M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Marjoram is a great favourite of Gatekeepers, Goldie. They can't resist it. Talking of irresistible, your yellow buddleia seems to be a great draw. I must see if any are available round my way.
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Goldie M
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Hi! Wurzel and David, that yellow Buddliea is a star attraction at present :D

I was surprised last year to see the Marjoram grow so big, I've even had Holly Blue land on it before now, ( then take off quickly) :D
If you can get a cutting of the Yellow Buddliea they take really well.Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Goldie M »

Not too much happening over the last couple of days except for the Small Tortoiseshell which has visited every day but the Whites have been in the garden come clouds or sunshine, I've lost count on these :D Also a couple of Speckies which also preferred the Yellow Buddliea :D No Painted Ladies yet!

The Tort's looked great when the Sun caught them giving them a real shine, we've had some rain this morning but hope fully that will clear. Goldie :D
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Re: Goldie M

Post by Wurzel »

Great Small Torts Goldie nd you've caught that Small White male just right - it's great to see the veins like that - cracking shot :D 8) :mrgreen:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Goldie M

Post by David M »

Great image of the female Small White in particular, Goldie. I'm eagerly awaiting Thursday so I can get out and see how many Whites there are round my way.

August is turning rather autumnal (again) however. Be nice to have a break where we just get 'normal' weather for a change, i.e. not hot and humid weather....and no storms! Fingers crossed.
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