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David M
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Great work with the Wall Browns, Trevor. A bit of cloud cover works wonders with them.

Nice image of the moth too, with the red hindwings on display.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Later this morning I arrived at Steyning rifle range hoping to find an early Brown Hairstreak.
As I reached the end of the track from Mouse lane there were four vehicles from the South
Downs National Park Authority present, with four people working on some posts.
A bit extravagant I thought, then I entered the BH site proper through the metal gate.

My heart sank!, for every clump of Blackthorn/Bullace along the edge of the meadow
had been cleared, all the way to the fenced off BH reserve, and beyond.
There is now hardly any Bullace left in the meadow at all, save for a small area by the
gate from the pond.
In the past I have had more success with BH in the meadow area, than in the reserve itself.

As the morning wore on one of the rangers pulled up in a Landrover, and asked if any BH
had been seen. I took the opportunity to enquire about the drastic Blackthorn clearance.
Apparently the area of the meadow immediately outside of the fenced reserve was due
to be cut as part of the Winter cutting rotation work.
But a misunderstanding lead to the wholesale clearance of the whole area I have described.

To add to this sorry tale, there is a small herd of Dexter cattle on the site as well!.

How well the Brown Hairstreak population does this year, in that area, remains to be seen.

The tall post is where the style into the reserve is located.
The tall post is where the style into the reserve is located.
Cleared Bullace outside the fenced reserve.
Cleared Bullace outside the fenced reserve.
Felled, mature Bullace, with the Dexters in the background.
Felled, mature Bullace, with the Dexters in the background.
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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

I seem to remember there was a "misunderstanding" in relation to the management of this site last year as well, which allowed those cattle to browse the bullace and blackthorn in the field during the spring and consequently munch their way through a lot of the Brown Hairstreak larvae. It appears that instead of removing the cattle, they have removed the shrubs instead! :( Although other parts of the area have blackthorn and the hairstreaks won't have been eradicated, it's going to be even longer now before this site returns to its former glory.

Thank you for reporting this, Trevor - I think you might have saved me a journey.


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Re: Trevor

Post by Katrina »

Sorry to hear about this Trevor but thanks for posting. It is good to know what happened.
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Re: Trevor

Post by essexbuzzard »

Yes, thanks Trevor. Negative reports are just as important as positive ones. I now know not to visit.

Such a shame the people managing the site clearly don’t know what they are doing.
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Re: Trevor

Post by ernie f »


I just read your post on my PD about my Brostreaks and then I look at your PD and see this happening to yours. I am so sorry. I just hope the Brostreaks manage to survive nearby and repopulate once it all grows back again. Noar Hill suffered similar damage by mismanagement a few years back and it too is grazed by cows but the Brostreaks hung on and slowly built up numbers again.

Trouble is the people who do this don't just cut it back and leave it lying awhile, they either remove the cuttings from site or burn it on site. At Noar Hill they burnt it on site!
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Re: Trevor

Post by kevling »

Sad news about the Hairstreak habitat Trevor, that's heart breaking. Looking back through your recent posts, I love the Wall Brown photos. A beautiful species.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Pauline »

I was so sorry to read your report Trevor (taken me a while to comment :roll: ). I am at a loss to understand just how so many mistakes can be made in such a short period in the management of that site. I'm sure it will eventually recover but that's not much good to you now :(
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Can't believe that this could happen Trevor :roll: :( Hopefully you can find some consolation at Shipton Bellinger :wink:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Steyning will grow back, and hopefully the extra young growth in future
years will be productive, if the cattle can be kept away!.

A friend was recently given three Large Copper pupae, two of which
have emerged, both females. This morning I was invited to see them.
As it was early they were in the process of warming up, and thus placid.

The Large Copper is a new species for me, although the similar Scarce Copper
was seen and photographed in the French Pyrenees in 2017.

Stay well,
1st female Large Copper.
1st female Large Copper.
1st female.
1st female.
2nd female.
2nd female.
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Re: Trevor

Post by ernie f »

Trevor - never seen a Large Copper myself. Very pretty.
Did it wing-roll for you??? :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

If I had returned home with just two of my finds this morning, I would have considered
the visit to Rowland Wood/Park Corner Heath to have been worthwhile.
First in Rowland Wood I found the freshest, Small Tortoiseshell with very vibrant colouring.
This was only the fourth Small Tort I have seen in East Sussex so far this year.

Wandering around the adjacent Park Corner Heath my eye was distracted by a very fast
flying butterfly, some distance away. Fortunately I saw exactly where it landed and was
very surprised to discover a female Wall Brown, a species not often seen in that area.

These two made my day on their own, so I considered a fresh Small Skipper, and a ' blue '
female Common Blue as something of a bonus!.

Stay well all,
What a beauty!.
What a beauty!.
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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

I offer a :mrgreen: for the Wall in particular, Trevor! I really struggle with this species wherever I find it, but you always get great shots of the. A very nice female! :) Another round of Small Tortoiseshells - I wonder if they'll try and fit in another brood or head for the garden sheds and spare room cupboards!


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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

That is a lovely looking Lady Wall Trevor :D :mrgreen: But the fresh Small Tort :shock: that deserves :mrgreen: even though they're relatively common over this way 8)

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Thanks Dave & Wurzel, It's always a thrill to get a reasonable image of a female Wall,
and this one just turned up. probably my most unexpected butterfly of the year!.

This week I renewed my membership of the blue badge club.
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Re: Trevor

Post by bugboy »

That is a lovely female Wall and Small Tort combo. I'm guessing second brood SPBF will start appearing down there soon :)
Some addictions are good for the soul!
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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Lovely Wall Butterfly Trevor and Small Copper's :D :mrgreen:

When I visited Temple Ewell looking for SSS, I saw cattle on the slopes there, young cattle at that, it's the first time I've seen them there and in the field where the Skippers were just about to come out, makes you wonder what's going on there!!! :roll: Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Great Blue Badge-r Trevor :D 8) I'l send you the details later for the weekend - hopefully they'll play ball in the hot weather :D

Have a goodun and stay safe

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David M
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Lovely, fresh Small Tortoiseshell from your earlier post, Trevor. It's great when they pose like that with wings angled back to absorb heat.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Yesterday I spent a wonderful day at Shipton Bellinger.
My sincere thanks to Wurzel for concise directions to the exact spot for parking
and for his expert guidance to the best and most productive parts of this large site.

The morning started off with my first ever second brood Dingy Skipper,
followed quickly by a lone, very fresh second brood Adonis Blue. Many Brimstones,
both male and female were seen busily nectaring, and interestingly the males were
taking no notice of the females. But of course this generation of Brimstones are going
to hibernate, so mating will take place next Spring.
Other species seen were Brown Argus, Common and Holly Blues, all three Whites,
Commas, Small Tort., and later, at the classic start time, the species we had come to see!.

More later!
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