White Letter Hairstreak needing a Helping Hand

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Devon Dave
Posts: 113
Joined: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:49 pm

White Letter Hairstreak needing a Helping Hand

Post by Devon Dave »

A small group of us had a unique experience yesterday (28/06/20) whilst searching a local park for White letter Hairstreaks that are regular visitors there each year. It was a rather cool and windy day and all hopes seemed dashed by the weather. Suddenly one flew straight down from high up in a nearby elm onto the grass in front of us and at first appeared to be dead. It lay there for about 15 minutes without hardly moving giving us all some amazing close up photo chances. But then it moved a bit and we realised it was probably too cold to fly back into the tree. So I offered it my finger and it crawled onto my hand ! It must have needed warmth to regain its strength and sat on my warm hand for a couple of minutes before flying off back up into the tree. So one could say we must have given it a helping hand ,bless its little heart !
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David M
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Re: White Letter Hairstreak needing a Helping Hand

Post by David M »

What a rare and uplifting treat for you, Dave. The only time I get to see this species is through my zoom lens in the treetops! :(
Devon Dave
Posts: 113
Joined: Sat Oct 01, 2016 4:49 pm

Re: White Letter Hairstreak needing a Helping Hand

Post by Devon Dave »

Hi Dave,
yes I usually see them high up in the tree tops but once in a blue moon one will come down to nectar and last year I got a great shot of one at eye level on an Elm leave as shown. But to come down on the grass and then climb on my hand was probably a chance in a life time. I Last year my will never forget in for the rest of my life.
Last year I thought I had a one in a million sighting of a long tailed Blue, but hopefully they might return again in my life time. In 1958 when I was a boy I saw a Camberwell beauty whilst walking in Kent, and I have also got 2 very unique aberrations in recent years. I've even had a pair of Heath Fritillaries breeding on my hand ! So maybe now I have used up all my unique butterfly experiences !
Good Luck yourself
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