Provençal Orange Tip (POT) pupation

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Chris Jackson
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Provençal Orange Tip (POT) pupation

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Folks,
My local park on the outskirts of Marseilles has a short section of path along which Buckler's mustard grows and which supports a very small and fragile population of Anthocharis euphenoides (Provençal / Moroccan Orange Tip). This year I located 1 caterpillar, and knowing that the strimmers will soon be there, I decided to make sure that the cat is allowed to pupate. I recovered two Buckler's mustard plants from a few km away where it grows in relative abundance, and which should be sufficient to feed the rescued cat.

Here is the cat in the park on Buckler's mustard before it was rescued. It is just about 25 mm long.
May 13th
1 euphenoides24 caterpillar 25 mm long Parc des Bruyères 13May20 (19).JPG
The recovered host plant, Buckler's mustard, in my garden, ready to receive the rescued cat
2 euphenoides24 nymphose preparation 14May20.jpg
The photo studio
3 euphenoides24 nymphose preparation 18May20 (1).jpg
Five days later - May 18th - 10.30 am
4 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 18May20 10h30 (2).JPG
10.53 am
5 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 18May20 10h53.JPG
11.05 am
6 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 18May20 11h05.JPG
6.35 pm
8 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 18May20 18h35 (3).JPG
May 19th - 8.09 am
9 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 19May20 08h09.JPG
10.00 am
10 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 19May20 10h00.JPG
10.43 am
11 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 19May20 10h43 (1).JPG
10.47 am
12 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 19May20 10h47 (1).JPG
10.51 am
13 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 19May20 10h51.JPG
11.15 am
14 euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 19May20 11h15.JPG
The pupa should turn a beige colour in the coming days.
I am now wondering whether to return the pupa immediately to the park or whether to keep it and photograph the BF emergence next spring before releasing it back into the park.
For the uninitiated, this is what the POT adults looks like:
euphenoides17 courtship Font de mai 15Apr18 (10a).JPG
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Wed May 20, 2020 7:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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David M
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Re: Provençal Orange Tip pupation

Post by David M »

Chris Jackson wrote: Tue May 19, 2020 5:50 pm..My local park on the outskirts of Marseilles has a short section of path along which Buckler's mustard grows and which supports a very small and fragile population of Anthocharis euphenoides (Provençal / Moroccan Orange Tip). This year I located 1 caterpillar, and knowing that the strimmers will soon be there, I decided to make sure that the cat is allowed to pupate. I recovered two Buckler's mustard plants from a few km away where it grows in relative abundance, and which should be sufficient to feed the rescued cat.
Good work, Chris. Much as I love France I'm afraid they are all too ready to decimate things with their fauchage, and at probably the worst time of year too.

That euphenoides cat has won the local lottery, though it shouldn't have to be that way; a little common sense and restraint is all that's needed.
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Re: Provençal Orange Tip pupation

Post by essexbuzzard »

Yes, I’ve had that experience in France. Mind you, we’re not much better over here, are we?

Lovely sequence, Chris. Thanks for sharing.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Provençal Orange Tip pupation

Post by Chris Jackson »

Thanks David and essex.
We can see that I missed a crucial 43-minute pupation slot between 10.00 and 10.43 am which just goes to show how applied and focused you have to be when photographing these stages. My lighting technique needs to be improved. It has helped me appreciate the effort that goes into some of the incredible photographic work carried out by other enthusiasts on this forum.
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David M
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Re: Provençal Orange Tip (POT) pupation

Post by David M »

Point taken regarding the timing, Chris, but that is still a highly impressive sequence of the pupation process in this species.

Perhaps even more delightful is your image of the two sexes together with wings open. Right now, they're flying in southern France and I'm stuck here 1,000 miles further north. :( :mrgreen:

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Provençal Orange Tip (POT) pupation

Post by Chris Jackson »

David M wrote: Thu May 21, 2020 7:12 pm ... Right now, they're flying in southern France and I'm stuck here 1,000 miles further north .... Heartbreaking.
They may still be flying at altitude, David, but at sea level, its over for this year.

Here is the POT pupa 3 days following pupation. A change of colour.
euphenoides24 pupation Marseille 22May20 (1).JPG
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