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David M
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Well done, Trevor. Your hunch was correct, and no doubt the cooler conditions encouraged the OTs to pose as they did, i.e. very accommodatingly. :mrgreen:
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks, Wurzel, Goldie and David.
Two of this mornings images were obtained by pure luck. A large White which had been flying
around for sometime suddenly landed and nectared on a Dandelion right where I was standing.
The same happened again when a male Orange Tip which had been patrolling up and down,
stopped for some refreshment on a Bluebell, once again I was very close by.
The OT could possibly be the same one I saw yesterday, identifiable by a tiny white dot in it's
forewing black spots. Speckled Woods were out in force including my first female, her behaviour
singling her out from the males. No photo unfortunately.
Back at home a fresh Green Veined White and a Comma dropped by in the garden this afternoon.

A good day, but more exciting times are only days away!

Good health all,
Garden Comma.
Garden Comma.
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Great 'lucky' shots Trevor :D I reckon that those are two different male OT- when you zoom in on the first the white spot is more like a little line yet this most recent one is a 'dot' :? Or it could be that I've started seeing things :wink:
Looking forward to hearing about the more exciting times :)

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Exciting times, Wurzel ?. It's only a half hour walk to Abbots wood,
or fifteen minutes to the right spot if I drive part way.
On the down side it looks as though I will miss Cotley Hill,
and Tilshead later on in May, unless there is a miracle.

Keep well,
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Re: Trevor

Post by millerd »

It's good when luck plays a part, Trevor. That's a great shot of a tricky butterfly in the spring. :) I watched a Large White today do exactly what you described and plummet down to a dandelion, the only problem being that I was too far away to get there before it had finished.

I am anticipating a considerable amount of :mrgreen: any time now, when you take your first stroll over to Abbots Wood. There will be a few things there it would probably take me all week to walk to from here. :) Can't be long now... :wink:


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers Dave,

Had I been further away from that Large White, I would have missed it.
That's where the luck came in.

My earliest PBF sighting was 18th April 2017, when two were seen.

Still no accommodating Holly Blues for me so far!

Stay well,
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Ah exciting times indeed Trevor :D I'm scheduled to work the end of next week (currently on Easter Holidays although you wouldn't know it :shock: ) so I will have to take the long way home via Bentley Wood so that I can do my exercise :wink: They're talking about a phased end to Lock Down possibly starting as early as 7th May :shock: although this is form the Daily Mail so the veracity needs to be considered, but maybe we still might get the summer specialities and fewer people will suffer - we can but hope :?

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I hope you're right, Wurzel. We all have to travel for certain species.
The likes of Adonis Blue, Small Blue, Dukes, Wood Whites and of course ' His Majesty ',
all require a car journey, as none of them are found locally around here.

Good luck for your return to work,
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

For a change this morning I had a wander over to Abbots Wood,
and arrived about the same time as the cloud. The whole place
was very quiet, except for a whole host of ' small black flies '.
Then I remembered that I was standing in an area where Green
Longhorn moths regularly gather each Spring.
Sure enough that's what the ' black flies ' were. Once a few had
settled I remembered marvelling at the gold coloured iridescence
and the ultra long antennae from previous year's visits.

Although these little moths don't stay still for very long I did manage
to grab a few shots before they suddenly disappeared into the high
canopy of a tall Birch.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

They're great Moths Trevor :D Are they the same species that share their name with one of my favourite bands (Metallica)? 8)

Have a goodun and stay safe

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David M
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

You know you're halfway through spring when those Longhorn moths emerge, Trevor. :)

Well done with the Large White. I can't get within 20 feet of the blighters this year. :(
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

My post for today was wiped when I pressed submit, so I will only post today's images.

P1400947 - Copy.JPG
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Unlike yesterday a huge number of ' Whites ' were present today along the old railway.
All were very fresh indeed suggesting there been a mass emergence since Saturday.
Whether they were Large, Small or Green Veined, obtaining images was not difficult.

Female Orange Tips outnumbered males today, and each one sent aspiring suitors
packing in no uncertain terms. One female spent some time inspecting one of the few
clumps of Garlic Mustard growing along the line, but no eggs were deposited.
One male OT had a deformed right hand forewing affecting his flight, but that
didn't stop him from trying his luck, but again she raised her abdomen, and he flew off.

A very rewarding hour!,
Stay well everyone!.

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Re: Trevor

Post by Pauline »

Nice shot of the GVW Trevor :)
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Cracking shot of the Large White Trevor :mrgreen: - still not seen one this year although like yourself I noticed the Whites were out in force today :D

Have a goodun and stay safe

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David M
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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

trevor wrote: Sun Apr 19, 2020 2:42 pm...Whether they were Large, Small or Green Veined, obtaining images was not difficult
You must share your secret, trevor, as these species have been highly frustrating for me so far this year. :mrgreen:

You've done justice to them all, I have to say.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Many thanks, Pauline, Wurzel & David. More ' Whites ' today.

I had an interesting hour at the old railway this morning, arriving just after 10.00.
At this time of year the sun is just clearing the tree tops at that time, with most of
the path still in shade. There is one spot where the sun has had a chance to warm
things up, so I made for there first, a good move as I was rewarded with a male
Holly Blue, a male Orange Tip and a Large White.
All three Whites were seen, as well as four Red Admirals. but no Commas or Peacocks
have been seen now for several visits.

Keep safe and well,
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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Some lovely shots of the Butterflies Trevor and such a Variety your seeing, lets hope this weather keeps going :D Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Still not seen a Large White Trevor :mrgreen: Mind you got Dingy, Grizzlie and Greenstreaks so can't complain too much :wink:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers, Goldie & Wurzel.

Well done, Wurzel on your Green Hairsreak and Grizzled/ Dingy Skippers.
I have yet to find any of those, but I did find something else today !.

Stay safe and well, both,
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