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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

It's still a cracking shot of the Comma Trevor - almost an 'o-ring' :D Great to see the Specklie too - yet to see one yet despite straining my eyes during my daily exercise. :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers Dave & Wurzel. I am hoping that Sunday will produce more Specklies,
and maybe a couple of other new species for the year so far.

We are overdue some warmer weather.

Keep safe and well all,
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Just two Peacocks today. The one in my image played awkward.
It was quite lively and constantly flew to different branches within a Blackthorn bush.
But not once did it land anywhere useful for an image. It eventually left the Blackthorn
and in doing so sent up another Peacock, both of them then spiralled skyward and out of sight.

Stay healthy,
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Neil Freeman
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Re: Trevor

Post by Neil Freeman »

Nice Specklie Trevor :mrgreen: :D

They have still not woken up by me yet...maybe this weekend.


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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Peacocks can be a bit awkward at times - they do seem to be the most haughty of the 'Aristocrats' possibly because they're named after an overdressed Chicken? :wink: :lol: You did well to get that shot in the circumstances- hope you get some more Specklies this weekend.

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Might have been 'awkward', Trevor, but it still looks mightily impressive on that blackthorn blossom which appears to be at its peak by you right now.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Thanks all. Yes Speckled Woods are on the menu this weekend.
Unfortunately the weathermen are now forecasting a strong breeze
to accompany the warm weather on Sunday. Let's hope for the best.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

A very productive mornings exercise.
I am pleased to say that the few people I see do keep a good distance when passing each other,
and very often a friendly ' good morning ' is exchanged.

Today I found five, male Speckled Woods, Five Peacocks, two Small Whites, one Large White and one Comma.
Glimpses of other species included a non stop Red Admiral, and a Holly blue.
A courting pair of Peacocks raised my hopes of a mating pair, but it was not to be. I have included a poor shot
of their antics, which took place deep in a Blackthorn.

Keep safe and well,
A poor shot of the courting Peacocks.
A poor shot of the courting Peacocks.
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Re: Trevor

Post by essexbuzzard »

Congratulations on the Large White, Trevor! I suspect the first Orange Tips will be appearing down your way next week, given the forecast.

Keep well.
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers Mark; I had a species rich day yesterday, but no OT yet.
They are now being seen, and my local exercising site is in fine fettle to receive them.

Keep well,
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Great stuff Trevor - that Large White shot is a perfect one for comparative identification 8) And Specklies - still to see one though round this way we're between a week and a week and a half behind you :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I too have experienced plenty of 'Hello's' whilst out exercising though one bloke called out "Social Distancing? More like Anti-social Distancing!" :roll: :lol:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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Re: Trevor

Post by David M »

Lots to like in that last post, Trevor. The Large White alongside the Small White, the early season Speckled Woods....but the most striking for me is that 'snowstorm' of blackthorn blossom. It will be at its glorious peak throughout this coming week and I hope plenty of us get to see it.

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Today was one of those days that had to made the most of.
So obeying government guide lines I set off for my ' local patch ' 0.75 of a mile from home.
This was of course the old railway.
A Comma was found within seconds of arrival, as were several Specklies. There are now
enough Speckled Woods out for two long lasting Specklie duels to be seen today.

As I walked along the path I noticed a Holly Blue, a male, taking minerals from the path,
it then flew onto a Celandine leaf, right next to a basking female Holly Blue.
Unfortunately the female was not in a good position for a decent image,
any movement on my part would have sent her up.
Quite a few Peacocks were seen, and for once one posed almost perfectly on Blackthorn for me.

A great hour was spent, and another new species for this year.

Stay well all,
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

Great stuff Trevor :D Yet to see all three of the new species that you've caught up with on your last couple of exercise trips :D :mrgreen: That first Holly Blue shot is a cracker - it looks almost silver like 8)

Have a goodun

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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Cheers Wurzel, There has been something new on every visit recently.
For that site, there's the Orange Tip, and GV White still to appear then that's it.
Later in the month it'll be Abbots Wood for Pearls and Green Hairstreak.
After that I'll have to travel, so that could be it until restrictions are lifted.
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Goldie M
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Re: Trevor

Post by Goldie M »

Great to see your Butterfly shots Trevor, i'm hoping some will come into the Garden, I need my car to travel to the nearest spot and the police have been stopping people, I'd be okay but for my hip ( old age ) but if the weather get's warmer I'll try for a walk,
( It's still unsettled here weather wise) mean time keep the photo's coming. :D Goldie :D
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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

I am lucky, Goldie, I can get to a good butterfly site without breaking any rules.
The problem will come when I would normally have to travel for species I won't see locally.
Hopefully restrictions will ease by high summer.

Glad you enjoy the pictures, stay well,
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Neil Freeman
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Re: Trevor

Post by Neil Freeman »

A nice selection recently Trevor :mrgreen: :D

Looks like you did better than me with the weather, the weekend turned out rather cloudy here and today was cooler again with some showers of rain. Still, the next couple of days are looking better...but so did the weekend until it got here :roll:


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Re: Trevor

Post by trevor »

Thanks Neil, We were promised rain last night, but missed it completely.
Believe it or not the garden could do with some.
Today was the best so far for butterflies!.

For a change I took my (completely legal) stroll in the afternoon.
An early sighting was of my first Orange Tip of the year, but it was in constant
patrolling mode, so I carried on, noting many Peacocks on the way.

A large number of Speckled Woods has now built up, and on two occasions a butterfly
I was trying to photograph was sent up by a Specklie. Something I will have to get used to.
One of the butterflies was a male Brimstone I had seen go down in the distance, with which
I later had some success. The other Specklie victim was a nicely settled Holly Blue, this was
sent up just as I had the camera focused.

On leaving the site I once again encountered the Orange Tip, I was able to keep up with it
as it flew along side at waist level. Then utopia!, it landed, wings wide open!, and stayed
put for a good couple of minutes. I left for home fully satisfied with the bounty on offer today.

Keep safe and well,
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Re: Trevor

Post by Wurzel »

It's great when OT's finally land and stay put for a bit - great results :D :mrgreen: Photographing OT's, or trying to keep up with them at least, definitely counts as exercise :lol:

Have a goodun and stay safe

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