Chris Jackson in Marseilles

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Wurzel wrote:Brilliant shots Chris :D :mrgreen: Thank you for letting me use Pete's book properly for the first time - those defensive glands are called its osmeterium 8) Good luck with your charge, I'm looking forward to following their progress :D
Have a goodun
Thanks for the research, Wurzel - "osmeterium" hey?, that starts to ring a bell now.
I haven't seen Pete's book yet so its good to hear there is a lot of useful and pertinent information in it.
I'll put it on my Xmas list. :D
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

16th September

Swallowtail cat on fennel. I hope pupation is not too far away. I find the cat in the same place morning and evening but I'm not always at home to check on it during the day. 30 / 32 mm long today.
machaon33 caterpillar 30 mm long on fennel Marseille 16Sep19.JPG
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David M
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by David M »

Great that you've got such a creature in your garden, Chris. I hope you will be able to observe it to pupation. I don't see how it can go anywhere else in all honesty so good luck!
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Charles Nicol
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Charles Nicol »

Chris Jackson wrote:16th September

Swallowtail cat on fennel. I hope pupation is not too far away. I find the cat in the same place morning and evening but I'm not always at home to check on it during the day. 30 / 32 mm long today.
machaon33 caterpillar 30 mm long on fennel Marseille 16Sep19.JPG
it is a handsome beast ! have you thought of a name for it ?

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi David and Charles,
Unfortunately the Swallowtail cat crept off and pupated elsewhere other than on the fennel itself. I looked for it but I won't be getting a pupa photo this year. Next year I will plant more fennel in my garden, taken from nearby waste ground.
The cat was coming up to 35 mm long which I think must be the magic figure for pupation (down here).
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Folks,

Down here in the south of France in mid September there was a peak of Painted Lady imagos that lasted 2 weeks.
They could be seen in their tens on each buddleia shrub in my local park near work.
I believe that some parts of the UK had an influx of Painted Ladies at the exact same time.

My workplace park has lawns studded with Mallow plants, and Painted Lady caterpillars can now be found in their second instar.
PL cat 5 mm long - second instar, on Mallow:
cardui25 caterpillar 5 mm long 2nd instar on Mallow Parc du Griffon 07Oct19 (4).JPG
PL cat in its silk web on Mallow:
cardui25 caterpillar 5 mm long 2nd instar on Mallow Parc du Griffon 07Oct19 (1).JPG
Here is the context - the park lawns are studded with Mallow - but the council lawnmowers will soon be here - the same massacre each year:
context - cardui and alceae caterpillars on Mallow Parc du Griffon 08Oct19 (2).JPG
context - cardui and alceae caterpillars on Mallow Parc du Griffon 08Oct19 (1).JPG
The same Mallow is home to Mallow Skipper cats. The Mallow Skipper is prolific and has a long season down here:
alceae28 caterpillar 5 mm long on Mallow Parc du Griffon 08Oct19 (6).JPG
alceae27 caterpillar 8 mm long on Mallow Parc du Griffon 08Oct19 (5).JPG
Mallow Skipper larval shelter (cat tent) on Mallow:
alceae27 caterpillar 8 mm long on Mallow Parc du Griffon 08Oct19 (1).JPG
How can I save all these cats before the lawnmowers arrive?, its just a question of time.

(Thanks to Vince for his help).
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:14 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Charles Nicol
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Charles Nicol »

sorry to hear that your Swallowtail caterpillar did a runner :shock:

do you have any mallow growing in your jardin ? maybe rescue a few of the caterpillars from the park before they are martyrisées by the council.
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David M
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by David M »

Chris Jackson wrote:..Here is the context - the park lawns are studded with Mallow - but the council lawnmowers will soon be here - the same massacre each year..

Same as here eh, Chris? All in the name of tidiness. :(

I despair sometimes (often, in fact). Reining in our obsession with destroying habitat for no tangible benefit is an easy win from every perspective. It saves money and preserves the natural environment. Who wants a 'manicured' earth?
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Charles Nicol wrote: ... do you have any mallow growing in your jardin ? maybe rescue a few of the caterpillars from the park before they are martyrisées by the council.
Good idea, Charles, so that is what I have done.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Charles and David,
Here is the caterpillar rescue mission before the council park lawnmowers arrive.
I attempted to lift the whole of the Mallow plant containing the Painted Lady cat, but finally it didn't fit into my improvised container.
cardui25 7 mm long on Mallow 10Oct19 (6).JPG
Instead I took the leaf with the Painted Lady cat (here on the right) and two Mallow Skipper tents (on the left).
cardui25 7 mm long on Mallow 10Oct19 (8).JPG
Here is the Mallow plant I recovered from waste land near home and which is now in the garden.
cardui25 7 mm long on Mallow 10Oct19 (5).JPG
The cats have been put in their new home and the PL cat set about investigating it. This morning it had settled down on its chosen leaf. It is now 7 mm long.
cardui25 7 mm long on Mallow 10Oct19 (1).JPG
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Fri Oct 11, 2019 5:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Pauline »

I applaud your rescue efforts Chris and am enjoying seeing the immature stages of species I shall probably never see - hope they're not all parasitised as many of mine were.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Pauline,
The weather is still holding up in the south of France with a lo of around 12°C rising to 25°C+ in the afternoon mostly with blue skies.
This is a Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) on the outskirts of Marseille today.
context jasius35 egg on Arbutus unedo Parc Bruyères 11Oct19.JPG
And here is a Two-tailed Pasha egg seen today on this same tree - its only host plant around here
jasius35 egg on Arbutus unedo Parc Bruyères 11Oct19.JPG
The egg must be more than 2 days old because of the dark crown around it. Also, we must be very near (if not beyond) the end of the TTP flight period, despite the continued good weather.
When the egg hatches, the cat will over-winter on the top of a leaf and then pupate in the Spring.

Last edited by Chris Jackson on Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by essexbuzzard »

Blue skies and 25C? Thanks for that, Chris (I think). Are you going to try to follow that TTP through the caterpillar stages, if it is accessible? Good luck with your Skipper and Painted Lady mission, good work!
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Wurzel »

Great set of shots Chris - congrats on the rescue mission :D 8) Those weather conditions sound fantastic and as I sit in the drear in the UK they male summer seem sooooooo far away :? :(

Have a goodun

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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

essexbuzzard wrote:Blue skies and 25C? Thanks for that, Chris (I think). Are you going to try to follow that TTP through the caterpillar stages, if it is accessible? Good luck with your Skipper and Painted Lady mission, good work!
Hi Essex,
Yep ! That's the indian summer down here, although how long it will last I can't tell.
I have indeed taken charge of the TTP egg on its leaf and when (and if) it hatches, I will transfer the larva to the Strawberry Tree in my garden (which was planted a year ago exactly in anticipation of this kind of opportunity). I have loads of cat photos of this species, but I need pupa photos, which would be for around May 2020.
More PL and Mallow Skipper cat news coming soon.
Last edited by Chris Jackson on Sun Oct 13, 2019 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Wurzel wrote:Great set of shots Chris - congrats on the rescue mission :D 8) Those weather conditions sound fantastic and as I sit in the drear in the UK they male summer seem sooooooo far away :? :(
Have a goodun
Thanks Wurzel.
Yes, its still pleasant down here, and I can still count up to about 7 or 8 species of worn butterflies on the wing.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi Folks,
At the end of the season, Mallow is becoming bit of an obsession. It is one of the places where we can easily find butterfly early-stages.
Today I found further Painted Lady caterpillars, one 7 mm long, and these, 12 mm long:
cardui27 caterpillar 12 mm long on Mallow 13Oct19 (24).JPG
cardui27 caterpillar 12 mm long on Mallow 13Oct19 (6).JPG
And more advanced Mallow Skipper cats, ranging from 5 mm to 19 mm - here 19 mm long:
alceae29 caterpillar 19 mm long on Mallow 13Oct19 (23).JPG
alceae29 caterpillar 19 mm long on Mallow 13Oct19 (9).JPG
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Charles Nicol
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Charles Nicol »

Glad to hear you are rescuing the caterpillars from the council. i look forward to hearing about their progress.

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David M
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by David M »

No such thing as an obsession, Chris. :D

I wish you luck with all your adopted early stages, and I'll be particularly interested to see how the TTPs get on.
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Chris Jackson
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Re: Chris Jackson in Marseilles

Post by Chris Jackson »

Hi David and Charles,
Two-tailed Pasha news is arriving quicker than planned.

The Two-tailed Pasha egg that I recovered a couple of days ago hatched between the 14th and 15th October.
It has consumed its chorion (its egg shell).
jasius37 caterpillar 5 mm long on Arbutus unedo 15Oct19 (2).JPG
The TTP cat is already 5 mm long after 24 hours.
jasius37 caterpillar 5 mm long on Arbutus unedo 15Oct19 (3).JPG
I have transferred the cat to the Strawberry Tree in my garden.
Notice the uneaten base of the chorion remaining on the leaf
jasius37 caterpillar 5 mm long on Arbutus unedo 15Oct19 (8).JPG
I have stapled the leaf to the host plant.
Here is the Strawberry Tree in my garden.
jasius37 caterpillar 5 mm long on Arbutus unedo 15Oct19 (9).JPG
Reminder of the egg 4 days ago
jasius35 egg on Arbutus unedo Parc Bruyères 11Oct19.JPG
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