Buchan Boy

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Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

A dreary wet July day,opportunity to catch up on some of my wanderings this year.I was going to go down to Littlehampton to have a look for White Letter Hairstreaks but the rain changed my mind.So on with where I was.

24th May 2019 Cheyne Weare Portland

Whenever I'm down here I always check in on the colonies of Wall Lizards in the quarries of Portland and of course these places are always good spots for anything whacky coming in from the continent,I recall Large Tortoisehell and the odd Monarch turning up,so you never know.
Cheyne Weare is an old working on the coast just past Easton on the Bill road,been coming here for years.
Cheyne Weare
Cheyne Weare
Butterfly wise still some Dingy's around and the odd Common Blue,also noted one Small Copper that I failed to photograph and there always been a Small Blue colony here but failed to locate any this time.
Cheyne Weare Dingy Skipper
Cheyne Weare Dingy Skipper
Cheyne Weare Female Common Blue
Cheyne Weare Female Common Blue
Also some rather brilliant Rose Chafers buzzing on the sea pinks,these chunks are quite remarkable.
Cheyne Weare Rose Chafer
Cheyne Weare Rose Chafer
But the Wall Lizard colony was in fine fettle and clearly self-sustaining judging by the amount of immatures around,good fun to chase around and using my 180 macro on an SLR which is rare these days.
I can see you Cheyne Weare Wall Lizard
I can see you Cheyne Weare Wall Lizard
The males were strutting their weares(see what I did there :D ) and quite approachable-ish,I suspect they had other things on their minds.
Cheyne Weare Wall Lizard
Cheyne Weare Wall Lizard
These are of unknown provenance but a suspected unauthorized release at some point in the 90's seems to the accepted introduction date.Mostly the Brown form,but some are the lighter,more colourful form as well.About the same size as Sand Lizards but not such a massive head and if you've travelled in Europe,they are an everyday site.
Good numbers here today, 50 plus adults within the confines of the quarry,not sure if they're spreading up and down the coast from herebut they seem to feel at home.
Cheyne Weare Wall Lizard 2
Cheyne Weare Wall Lizard 2
Lovely day.
Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Wurzel »

Great set of shots Buchan :D :mrgreen: I've seen this species at Corfe Castle so if they are spreading from here then they've got a fair old way already :D

Have a goodun

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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by David M »

Love the lizard shots, Dave. The habitat looks good too and, as you say, is a choice little area to search for immigrants.
Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

25th May 2019 Broadcroft Quarry Portland

I do love these quarries on Portland,todays little jolly was to Broadcroft,some outside hope of Silver Studded Blues but nope tooooo early.But,the Small Blues were all in fine fettle,they keep calling me back and I keep answering,spent a few glorious hours wandering around this place,a bit windy but in the sheltered spots,butterflies congregated.
Typical Small Blue habitat.
Broadcroft Quarry
Broadcroft Quarry
Loads of small colonies dotted across this site,but during the windy days they get down in the hollows.
Broadcroft Quarry Small Blue
Broadcroft Quarry Small Blue
Broadcroft Quarry Small Blue 2
Broadcroft Quarry Small Blue 2
Up on the exposed plateau between the two working quarries the Bee Orchids were just arriving,a few around here but most hadn't got to flower yet.
Broadcroft Quarry Bee Orchid
Broadcroft Quarry Bee Orchid
Then chased a Holly Blue and got lucky with the shots I've always wanted,also some Wall Browns here but much to lively to track.
Broadcroft Quarry Holly Blue
Broadcroft Quarry Holly Blue
Plenty of Broomrape here,funny looking plant,not sure which species this one is?
Broadcroft Quarry Broomrape
Broadcroft Quarry Broomrape
The top open area at the Quarry,bit breezy but lovely.
Broadcroft Quarry
Broadcroft Quarry

Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by jenks »

Excellent photos, Dave. It`s always difficult to identify correctly from a photo as you cant judge size but I would say the Broomrape is Ivy Broomrape. I`ve seen this species near Broadcroft quarry and on waste ground near the Verne. As I`m sure you know Broomrapes are parasites on the roots of other plants so if you can recall seeing Ivy in the location then that`s what you`ve captured. Martin Down in Dorset has a fine colony of Knapweed Broomrape.

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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Wurzel »

Brilliant report Dave with lush shots :mrgreen: :D I've never made it back to Portland for butterflies, seen plenty of good birds there though (Woodchat Shrike, Pomarine Skua, Balearic Shearwater etc) - looks like I'll have to try and get there next year :D :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

Thanks Jenks,interesting stuff on those Broomrape's,think I'll be keeping a special eye out for them in future and as luck would have it I photographed one here on this day with some suspiciously looking ivy in the background(see below).....Ivy Broomrape is in my species log! :D
And Wurzel,these quarries and Portland are so cool,but I think the Silver Studded Blues here maybe on the wane,havent seen much in the way of records lately. :(
26th May 2019 Broadcroft Quarry, Portland
Back up here again today for another quick scoot around,the weather got dank and windy quickly,just enough time for some more record shots.
Broadcroft Quarry Common Blue
Broadcroft Quarry Common Blue
Still some fine Dingy's around as well.
Broadcroft Quarry Dingy Skipper
Broadcroft Quarry Dingy Skipper
More Small Blues
Broadcroft Quarry Small Blue
Broadcroft Quarry Small Blue
And........Ivy Broomrape methinks,cheers Jenks :D
Broadcroft Quarry Ivy Broomrape
Broadcroft Quarry Ivy Broomrape
Good stuff.
Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

27th May 2019 Broadcroft and Kings Barrow Quarries,Portland,Dorset

The weather deteriorated quickly today,didn't have much time but did manage a quick wizz round the quarries again.First back to Broadcroft to see if I could catch up with the Wall Brown's I'd seen yesterday....not sure how I missed this rather tired Small Copper
Broadcroft Quarry Small Copper
Broadcroft Quarry Small Copper
Good numbers of Dingy's now showing
Broadcroft Quarry Dingy Skipper
Broadcroft Quarry Dingy Skipper
Two Wall Browns here on a sheltered path here,luckily they had'nt warmed up too much,in the limited sunlight,and were reasonably approachable.
Broadcroft Quarry Wall Brown
Broadcroft Quarry Wall Brown
Then round to Kings Barrow to see if Adonis's were on the wing,not many at all but enough to get some shots.
Kings Barrow Adonis Blue
Kings Barrow Adonis Blue
Kings Barrow Adonis Blue 2
Kings Barrow Adonis Blue 2
More Dingy's
Kings Barrow Dingy Skipper
Kings Barrow Dingy Skipper
The weather was now closing in and I had to call it a day,back here soon...
Kings Barrow Quarry
Kings Barrow Quarry
Also managed to spend sometime watching the Little Terns rising over Chesil Beach from their nesting grounds on the lagoon.
Chesil Little tern
Chesil Little tern

Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Wurzel »

More cracking shots Dave - that Dingy from Broadcroft is really smart looking :D :mrgreen: Love the Little Tern shot - good to see they're still there :D 8)

Have a goodun

Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

Cheers Wurzel...those Little Terns are just brilliant and Portland :D

2nd June 2019 Gatwick Meadow,Crawley,Sussex

Back home for a weekend and quickly noted the Large Skippers emerging at a meadow close to the airport.
Gatwick Meadow Large Skipper
Gatwick Meadow Large Skipper
Also the Beautiful Demoiselle's are here on the River Mole,female.
River Mole Beautiful Demoiselle
River Mole Beautiful Demoiselle
Short entry that one :D
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by David M »

Those Dingies are so bright I’m prone to wonder whether they’re a different race, Dave. I’ve never seen any like that either here or on the continent.

Love the Little Tern by the way. Such agile and attractive birds.
Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

8th June 2019 Taynish NNR Argyll and Bute.

Quick resume on the rest of my year.
My fascination for the butterfly populations on the West coast of Scotland was still inspiring me to get up there.Marsh Fritillaries was my intended goal for this trip,Mountain Ringlet and Large Heath were also on the radar.

Drove up over night to arrive in Knapdale sometime around midday to glorious conditions.We stayed in Tayvallich, just a brisk stroll from the entrance to Taynish NNR.Taynish is a place I have always wanted to go,I knew there were Marsh Fritillaries here but that was about it,just some record of good numbers somewhere on the reserve,which I'd completely underestimated the size of....nethertheless after pitching the tent and making sure wifey was comfortable I was off.

Followed the track straight into the reserve,past the car park and started looking,plenty of suitable habitat for Marshies,kept following this track for about a mile, scouring the rough heath/bog either side but not much flying.Near perfect conditions, if anything was here I would see it.It wasnt until I hit a bit of higher ground with oaks and birch's around me that I found my first butterflies of the trip and joy Small Pearl-bordered's, a few just gliding up and down a short cleared ride in the oaks.Occasionally scooting down the bog and the end of the ride to nectar on the Ragged Robin that was growing there.That was fun,and booties :D
Taynish NNR
Taynish NNR
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered
Taynish NNR Woodland ride.
Taynish NNR Woodland ride.
Taynish NNR Bog at end of ride
Taynish NNR Bog at end of ride
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered 2
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered 2
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered 3
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered 3
Also the odd Small Heath and one of those cool click beetles
Taynish NNR Small Heath
Taynish NNR Small Heath
Taynish NNR Click Beetle
Taynish NNR Click Beetle
No Marsh Fritillaries here but those SPB's done me just fine.
The weather close in the next day,so was unable to resume my hunt.


Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

10th June 2019 Taynish NNR Argyll and Bute

Missed a day when it rained most of it......but the next day all was bright and lovely again, if a bit blustery.

We walked up over the hill-top on the reserve today which afforded fabulous views of the surrounding area from it.A clear top just with banks of Bracken, but too windy to see if there were any butterflies around.
A top Taynish
A top Taynish
Back down to the lower,sheltered,parts of the reserve and checked in on the SPB's again where this time a barely flowering Knapweed was centre of attention,just a case of waiting for them to arrive.
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary 2
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary 2
Carried on down the track which ends at a big Estate House I think,never got that far!,A small meadow appeared out of the trees and this went all the way down to loch, Marsh Fritillaries?,after a good look round in lovely conditions I could only locate one Small Copper.
Taynish NNR Small Copper
Taynish NNR Small Copper
Then followed a cattle track out to the coastal strip of pasture here,about 30yards wide and 100 yds long, quite unique I would think.Boredered between the Oak forest and the Loch.Then my first Marsh Fritillary took to the wing in front of me,I followed it along the strip until it settles in a more sheltered location.
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary habitat.
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary habitat.
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary.
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary.
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary habitat.
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary habitat.
Counted about 8 in all,not many but good.They were just over their prime but lovely all the same,the habitat though, immense.
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary.2
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary.2
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary.3
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary.3
Also Green veined White here
Taynish NNR Green Veined White
Taynish NNR Green Veined White
Some of those Rhagium Longhorns around.
Taynish Rhagium
Taynish Rhagium
But the Marshies stole the show for today
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary.4
Taynish NNR Marsh fritillary.4
An angry Whitethroat saw me off,too close to the nest methinks.
Taynish NNR Whitethroat
Taynish NNR Whitethroat
Dave Browne
Buchan Boy
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Buchan Boy »

11th June 2019 Taynish NNR Argyll and Bute

Today, in limited light I had a good scour around the rest of the reserve,deeply wooded cliffs, open areas of heath and rough pasture and coastal salt marsh/meadows but was unable to locate anymore Marsh Fritillaries in any other area,my time was limited.However I did go back to colony I knew just to see if I could see any newer individuals,a couple more to add to the diary.Beautifully marked up here.
Taynish NNR Marsh Fritillary
Taynish NNR Marsh Fritillary
Taynish NNR Marsh Fritillary 2
Taynish NNR Marsh Fritillary 2
Another Small Copper
Taynish NNR Small Copper
Taynish NNR Small Copper
I said my thanks and headed back into the heart of the reserve and the Small Pearl-bordered's were beginning to show up in other areas,and in the sun/shower pattern of the weather,roost/fly,roost fly,just keeping an eye on them when the clouds obscured the sun,they do dissapear quick.Got the shots.These are also amazingly marked.
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary2
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary2
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary3
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary3
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary4
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary4
Any lingering doubts over ID were cleared up with the underside shots.
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary5
Taynish NNR Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary5
Also it was nature art time here with some rather strange artworks around the site,this one nearly made me jump as I stumbled my way around,good stuff.
Taynish art.
Taynish art.
Dave Browne
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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by Wurzel »

A cracking set of images Dave - those Marshies have a noticeably darker ground colour, they look almost black with the chequered markings and those Small Pearls are lush - there's one in there with reduced spotting that I reckon could be good for an aberrant :D :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Aren't the Scottish Small Pearls a separate race and is that not the case for the Marshies as well (or am I getting confused witht eh Irish Marshies?)? Either way they're great to see in the cold dark of winter :D 8) :mrgreen:

Have a goodun

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Re: Buchan Boy

Post by David M »

It's a beautiful part of Britain when the sun is shining, that's for sure, Dave. Even better when it contains Small Pearl Bordered and Marsh Fritillaries like those.

Wonderful sequence. The scenery is quite stunning.
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